in #steemchurch6 years ago (edited)

Introducing the Lesson

Questlon “What are some common reasons Christians become divided or poerience confllct?"

This question could have a number of potential answers. Yet at she heart of most responses there lies one common element: a lack of love. With love comes humility, understanding and deference. ln Romans, Paul described for us the value and impact of love among God’s people.


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The Debt of Love

(A) A Counting obligation (Romans 13:8-10)

Question: “What do you think Paul meant by the phrase, 'Owe no man any thing' (Romans 13:8, KJV)?”

Some might take this to mean that Paul was prohibiting Christians from having any debt. This interpretation is contrary to other scriptures, however (see Exodus 22:25; Luke 6:35). Rather, Paul was saying that Christians should make sure to pay their debts. lt is also wise to avoid any unnecessary debt.

The instruction for the Christian can be Summarized in the words, “Let no debt remain outstanding”(verse 8, NIV). Then Paul gave one exception, regarding debt. We are to maintain "the continuing debt to love one another" (verse 8, NIV).

Question: “In What ways might love compare to debt?”

Debt could be defined simply as something we owe to a person or perhaps a financial institution. Payment of that debt is an obligation. In the same way, love is the Christian's obligation. The difference is, this obligation cannot be paid Off. Instead, Christians live under the continuing duty to show love.

Paul went on to declare that love fulfills the Law (verse 10). This is affirmed in Galatians 5:14. We
can see this as well in the words of Christ, in Luke 10:27. Such love has always been God's intent reflecting in the original giving of the Law. (Leviticus 19:18).

Paul reinforced this important teaching with a reference to the Ten Commandments in Romans 13:9, As a follower of Christ ponders these commands, their correlation with love becomes obvious. The first four relate directly to God, while the other six relate to human relationships. Love for God Is reflected in regard for the first four.

Love for others is reflected in regard for the final six. At the heart of the Law, then, we find love. It is indeed the fultillment of the Law (verse 10).

(B) A Call for Love (Romans13:11-14)

Question: “Why do you think Paul followed his exhortation to love with a reminder of Christ's imminent return?”

Paul pointed to the imminence of Christ's return in order to urge Christians to live holy lives (Romans 13:11). In light of the nearness of the Lord's return, we, as Christians, are wise to live in a way that reflects His values and teachings. The command to love, fundamental to the faith, is a critical part of our character and actions as members of the Church.

Paul reminded us that we are to demonstrate godly character and actions, putting on the “armor of light” (verse 12). While we are to reflect godly love, Paul likened his holy call to all manner of behavror. We are to relinquish everything associated with the darkness of sin, instead clothing ourselves in holy character

Question: “What do you think it means to clothe yourself with Christ (verse 14)?”

This means fully accepting the lordship of Christ. It fIrst occurs at our salvation, yet we must also make a regular, conscious decision to lay aside the sinful desires of our hearts in order to submit our motives, desires, and deeds to the sovereign control of ChrIst (see Hebrews12:1).

Lesson continues.. Me, You and Jesus!



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Love and charity is a strong and beautiful virtue of a Christian, when we find it in our heart to show love, the world will be free from harm and prejudice. Love is the greatest of all.

Love is indeed one of the greatest commandments

When we show love to others especially even those that don't deserve it, there is a kind of joy that fills your 💓

Thanks for sharing


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