in #steemchurch6 years ago (edited)


Few days ago , my priest told a story of a young lady who was desperately in search of a job,she submitted her CV to a company, expecting her call up for interview. Unknown to hee, someone in the company recommended him, so she was preferred.

The company called her one morning without hinting, the lady was so rude on phone; she spoke to the person in an impolite manner , and that was how she lost the job. She felt remorseful and bittered later when she got to know that it was the company that called, but it was too late.

She went to the pray to pray for her, that she has found another opening..

He prayed for her, but he told her that no matter how we pray, attitude has it’s place.
The truth is bitter but speak it. This is the strong truth a lot of Christians fail to understand. Prayer is good. Yes. , but prayer isn’t the answer to
Very surprising
The Bible in Isaiah 65:24

"And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear"

You know why?
Because we’ve exhibited attitudes that will attract miracles..


A person’s character is who they really are. 

We all think about a lot of things that are not godly, and things we would be ashamed of if they were available for all to know. Abraham Lincoln once said, “Character is like a tree and reputation like its shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing.”

My reputation is what others think of me, which may or may not be true, but my character is who I really am. Your character is the real you in the sense that you cannot separate what you do from who you are

Attimes You Need CHARACTER, Not Prayer.
No matter how we pray, attitude has its place.

People, sometimes pray for miracles to happen,
what you need is character, not prayer, not
speaking in tongues.
God is a spirit, and for him to bless you, he
needs to pass through a man.

An example is the story of the Shunammite woman.
The Shunammite woman must have been praying for a child all through her life.
She is prominent woman, money could not buy her a child neither could her prayers do

You know what made her have a child? She took care of Elisha, a man of God. She respected him, she was hospitable, she was kind, and she had character.

Elisha being of God spoke to her womb,and she had a child in a year.

Assuming she wasn’ polite, and kind?
She would’ve still been praying, fasting, binding and casting demons.

If you lack good relationships with men, you'll
hardly be blessed.
God works with relationship.
You must learn to treat people with courtesy..

It has been said that the fruit of the spirit mentioned in Galatians 5:22 and 23 represent the character of Christ.

Galatians 5:22 and 23a
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,
......gentleness and self-control…

God is always attempting to get us to change our character. We must do what we can today to conform to His image, the image of Jesus Christ. Our character is important because it is a demonstration of our heart, and just like my garden, I will reap a bountiful harvest of righteousness on The Day if I tend to my character. It is always a matter of the heart!

Some of us are still suffering, not because we
lack talent but because you lack character.


Talent is attractive.
Anyone can be talented, but character is a
proof of discipline. A proof of responsibility.
Character sustains the attraction talent gives

Character is virtue, and sometimes what we call FAVOUR is triggered by virtue.

Mary the mother of Jesus was a Virgin. Yeah!
She had virtue! Very true
Thus are character attracted the favour of being the mother
of the Saviour of the world!!

Your Angel won't always come like an Angel..
Look down on nobody, anyone can change
your life.

Was it not Namaam'maid, that told him where
to get healing.

Naaman was a great man but
had leprosy. He must have visited the greatest
hospital in the world as of that time. Who
would've ever thought that the solution to his
problem was in the mouth of his maid?

Sometimes the solutions of our problems are
trapped in the mouths of mere people, but
many of us are not humble enough to see it

Don't be deceived
Leave a life worthy of emulation
Let people see Christ in you.

Prayer is not all. Build relationships
Respect people. Get character.

A great arthor once said
"Live your life in such a way that when you die they can give your pet parrot to the town gossip.” Will Rogers, humorist.

“Fame is a vapor, popularity an accident, riches take wing, and only character endures.

Thanks to Sirknight for such an opportunity to share the gospel.


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Upvoted & Resteemed

Nice take on the subject matter

We all need to conform conform to.the image of Christ

Warm regards


It's really a good topic that promotes discussion. It is important to have a beautiful character, but that does not supercedes prayer. Prayer is the only means of communication, so if we do not pray we cannot reach God. Thanks for sharing.

PRAYER governs conduct and conduct makes character. Conduct, is what we do; character, is what we are. Conduct is the outward life. Character is the life unseen, hidden within, yet evidenced by that which is seen. Conduct is external, seen from without; character is internal -- operating within. In the economy of grace conduct is the offspring of character. Character is the state of the heart, conduct its outward expression. Character is the root of the tree, conduct, the fruit it bears.

Prayer is related to all the gifts of grace. To character and conduct its relation is that of a helper. Prayer helps to establish character and fashion conduct, and both for their successful continuance depend on prayer. There may be a certain degree of moral character and conduct independent of prayer, but there cannot be anything like distinctive religious character and Christian conduct without it. Prayer helps, where all other aids fail. The more we pray, the better we are, the purer and better our lives.

The very end and purpose of the atoning work of Christ is to create religious character and to make Christian conduct.

"Who gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto Himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works."

In Christ's teaching, it is not simply works of charity and deeds of mercy upon which He insists, but inward spiritual character. This much is demanded, and nothing short of it, will suffice.

like the way that you expounded on character and place it in high esteem. And furthermore you raised a considerable measure of legitimate focuses on why character is imperative. Be that as it may, at that point, how might you cooperative with the maker on the off chance that you don't implore Him. Petition is the connection amongst His and men.

Prayer is my favorite subject because God is willing to change circumstances and uses the prayer of his children to pour out his power.

So far you have asked nothing in my name; Ask, and you will receive, so that your joy may be fulfilled.
John 16:24

God bless you @omefeonyinye

Wow! This is an amazing post on character, carefully written with great insights.

What a powerful quote from Billy Graham:

"Once Character is lost, all is lost."

I believe a good character is something that should be at the top of the endless list of the prayer points of many individuals, who pray for other things but certainly not wisdom. Good character is an product of Wisdom in action.

Like you rightly said, character is a proof of Discipline and responsibility -- and basically, who we truly are.

Thanks for sharing @omefeonyinye.
Kind regards.

Wow, what an educative write up about character. Indeed is not every thing that require prayers. If your attitude in life is not suitable, you will be faced with different kind of problems. How are our manners and characters towards our neigbour living withing us? Is it pleaaant? Many people have failed to understand that most of their problems are results from their characters towards people and to God.
Let us check our lifes.


Most times when people pray for good jobs, better positions and financial uplift, it seems that God doesn't answer, does that mean God is deaf?

Sometimes we just need to work on ourselves, we might be the problem. Some people's character is so putrid that even their loved ones wished they never knew them.

Your attitude towards life can be influenced by the background you grew up, but with the current exposure and technology advancement, it'll be difficult to blame character on background. Alot of people already had the privilege of tasting formal education and that shapes character.

It shocks me to still see some educated people with a very demented character. This can only be blamed on personality.

This is a wonderful and great message. We all think about a lot of things that are not godly, and things we would be ashamed of if they were available for all to know. Abraham Lincoln once said, “Character is like a tree and reputation like its shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing.” My reputation is what others think of me, which may or may not be true, but my character is who I really am. Your character is the real you in the sense that you cannot separate what you do from who you areAt times You Need Character, Not Prayer. No matter how we pray, attitude has its place. Anyone can be talented, but character is a
proof of discipline. A proof of responsibility.
Character sustains the attraction talent gives
you. Character is virtue, and sometimes what we call Favour is triggered by virtue. God is always attempting to get us to change our character. We must do what we can today to conform to His image, the image of Jesus Christ. Our character is important because it is a demonstration of our heart, and just like my garden, I will reap a bountiful harvest of righteousness on The Day if I tend to my character. It is always a matter of the heart. Thanks for sharing

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