WHO IS A KINGDOM GIANT steemCreated with Sketch.

Who A kingdom Giant
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Giants are people who stands out among their others. They are people who are noticed because of what they have or their characteristics.

• They are people who stands in gap.

• They are people who are capable

Now who is a kingdom Giant..

A kingdom Giant is someone who at any point in time is always ready for the things of the kingdom. A kingdom Giant is someone who at all time is Gallant when it comes to doing The things of Christ. Not someone that gives excuses at every point in time..

You can't say you are a Giant in the kingdom and still find yourself looking back.. In this end time..God is still in search of men That can stand in Gap.. He's still in search of Giants that can say if I die I die...

• Where is the Esther of this Generation...

• Where is the Paul of this time..

Can God actually trust this nation into our hands.. What kind of Christians are we? Are we still normal like others..

Our brothers are derailing from the way...wat are we doing about it... We have no spirit of intersession still we call ourselves giant.

We keep complaining about things that are not pleasing around us...yet we do nothing to make them good. Exodus 2:23_24

When the children of Egypt groand because of their task..Their cry Got to God..and he remembered his covenant...

Can we have people that will cry genuinely to God...on behalf of this Church of God that is afflicted with evil...

Gen18 :17: God said shall he hide from Abraham his servant The things he intend to do...

Which also means God is still in the business of telling us his intentions... It pains me more because men are not ready to pay the price of Alignment...

Apostle selman said Blessed is the man who pays the price of Alignment..Because he allows the work/Glory of christ to be made manifested through him. Let us all bear the burden of one another..

We are Giants

We are not mediocres...

Can the Glory be made manifested through us??

Can we be the man God is actually searching for??

Can we all wake from our slumbers and make the burden of Christianity ours??

Can we all be the Giants we claim to be??

Let us not forget when we pray we have a compassionate God to Answer. Can we cry out loud on behalf of each other..

2 Timothy 3:13: Those who desires to live in Christ Jesus will be persecuted...

13 says evil men and imposters shall advance worse and worse.

We must continue in what we have learnt.. What we have learnt from Christ should be what we are still following and acting on...

I pray God makes us Giants indeed

I pray God help us to stand..

And prepare us for the task Ahead

Let us leave the Era of asking for Gift at all time

Let us start using the ones that have been deposited then see if he will not multiply it


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