Hi everyone, the issue before us today is a very controversial one, many ugly incident has happen in various family we all emanates from. When you see a young lady who knew nothing about marriage, or has know knowledge about how to cater and take good care of his children, check well back to her family. Two things are involved, either she is from a divorce family or she never stay for training or the parents themselves are not good. Many things are happening in marriage now a days, it is getting most people scare either to get married or not. After devouring many books on marriages, going to marriage seminar, conferences and at the end the marriage still end at dead end. The question now is that:-

Is marriage all about war?

Is marriage to be endure than enjoy

How can I know that I'm prepared for marriage?

Is there any specific age for marriage?

Sex before marriage is it good or bad?

Countless of this questions many are yet to find an answer to and it is really embarrassing that many so called counsellor never heard answer to this problem because their own foundation is faulty. Yesterday I was in a conversation with a Christian marriage counselor, we chat for a very long time, at the end i was able to gain a lot from her, she may never admit it..... Lolz but I do believe some of my own personal contributions also serve as a hint for her too. The comments at the end of this post will eventually make me know if the secret i have learnt from her will be posted here. I saw the talent and gift in her, she is going to be a special guest on one of our program coming up. She will be dishing out how to have a wonderful and heat free marriage. I can't wait to learn more from here.... Let me quickly tell you just a thing I learnt yesterday during our conversation. She practically told me that, marriage goes more beyond than looking good, dressing, making hair and lot more, it is all good, but the can not hold the blocks of marriage together. The mortal that holds marriage has to be rock solid. Below is a story of a 9 years old boy that commit suicide as a gay.

The bereaved mother recount her ordeal, telling the report that on a particular day, his son told him he was a gay, you can imagine that. A boy of just 9 years of age in coredo. The mother reply that "I still love you", I was shocked, I believe this can never happen in Nigeria or any other African countries, but country morals in Nigeria has flew through the window a long time ago.

Back to the story, the young boy killed himself as a result of his classmate who bull him that he should go and kill himself because he was a gay, which he did. I was yet to be relieved of the shock when I stumbled on another news of about 52 gay cult members arrested during initialization, please what is the world turning into. God will save us, the fact still remains that family and the world is losing the fight against marriage which has direct negative influence of the product (child) conceived in that union. Below are hints on how to have a good marriage.


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Marriage could be turned into something beautiful, but it takes commitment and regular care. Unfortunately many people today are trading their marriage in the market of lust and adultery. But it doesn't have to be this way. Our marriage should be awesome throughout our lifetime.

1. Turn on the light 💡 :-Light helps you to see things accurately. The Bible says, "Your word is a light to my feet and a light to my path." (psalm 119:105). You must bring your marriage into the light of the scripture. The question is not how the scripture confirm what you want to do, but how you are confirming to what the scripture days. Can husband declare that they love their wives just as Christ love the church? And can wives too, say they are submitting to their husbands and unto the Lord? These are the first essential commandments that must be obey, for you to enjoy a blessed marriage.

2. Wake up:- Awake from spiritual sluggishness and recognize that you cannot sleepwalk through life and marriage. Wake up to the fact that as believers, you are walking through a spiritual minefield in today's culture, where there are so many explosive snares laid out against your marriage. Our today's culture is no friends of marriage and the family. It's a culture that is hostile to the commitment between a man and woman. Satan hates the family and will do everything to destroy it. Place a firewall around your heart and family. Do everything that you can do to protect yourselves. (1 peter 5:8) , the devil is roaming about looking for whom to devour. Build a wall of fire through prayers.

3. Walk circumspectly :- Ephesians 3:15 says, "see then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise..... Hmm, think about that. The word circumspect implies looking at, examining, or investigating something with great care,accuracy or precision. Walk vigilantly and recognize that good marriage don't just happen because of mere chance or luck, but men and women of prayer word it out. They are results of commitment, work, and attention to detail.

4. Redeem the Time :-Emphasis 5:16 says, "Redeeing the time, because the days are evil." The word reedem means to make the most of your time and opportunity. Perhaps you haven't really been the husband or wife that you should be. How long will you, as a husband or wife, continue to live below the standard of God for marriage? Set your house in order. Make the most of your time. Do it now.

5. Be filled with the spirit :-To do the will of God, you need to be filled of Spirit of God. You can not be what God wants you to be without the help of His Spirit. You are to be continouesly filled with the Holy Spirit.

The Bible is true, and as you follow the commands of God, your marriage will not only survive, but also flourish. Following the ways of the world will only cause more harm than good, it will weaken the foundation of your marriage. Therefore ask God the creator and the inugurator of marriage to fill you with His spirit. Amen. Pray, if you have been blessed, please kindly comment and give proper suggestion on how to use steem blickchain to build up the broken wall of Christian marriage. The best way to start is to start somewhere which is Here.

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