Wisdom simply means the correct application of knowledge. In other words knowledge can be wrongly applied. So wisdom is the correct application of true knowledge because there are false knowledge everywhere now, so the right application of the true knowledge guarantee free flow of success.

We have the basic problems of economic which are:-

What to produce

How to produce

For whom to produce

And efficient distribution of resources

So knowledge is the knoe-what, while wisdom is the know-How. It takes knowing how in all circumstances of life to shine. Jesus Christ at every circumstances of life has an answer for everything he encounter.

They ask him, should we pay tax? Wisdom replies

Whose picture is on the coin

And he said give what belong to Cesar to Cesar. It takes wisdom to fly in ever areas of life. As you grow in grace, you must continue to grow in wisdom,so grace will not lead to disgrace. It's better to slow and sure than fast and fall.

Wisdom is what makes a man a man to fly. Check everyone who are honored in the Bible they are men and women of wisdom. The Bible has this to say that Apostle Paul who was last become first because of wisdom. Daniel ruled and reign because of wisdom. Wisdom is hearing what God says in his word and doing it.

Putting the word of God to work is absolute wisdom. It's foolishness to logically quantity God. Your brain is too limited to understand God your heart is what is needed. Wisdom is trusting God to be true and all men to be liars.

Wisdom takes a man to the top not minding the state of such person. So your background does not matter to your lifting wisdom is the factor to rising in the world. Wisdom is total obedient to God. Wisdom delivers a man from problem.

A white man once said, that Nigeria is not the most religious country but still are dark in knowledge. Wisdom is what keeps a home. Obeying God's word with no doubt guarantee unending success. Nothing work in life until you work it out. Only the true spiritual can operate in divine wisdom. That something is the oldest doesn't mean it's correct. We need to trust in the Holy Spirit for wisdom and inspiration.

A Christian with no wisdom is equivalent to an unbelievers. Jesus Christ is our example he ride on the wings of wisdom. Apostle Paul too stand out because of wisdom. Wisdom is not cheap,you must pay for it by trusting in the Lord with all your heart.

To be continued.

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