in #steemchurch7 years ago (edited)


The institution of the Lord SUPPER is clearly shown in the gospels (Matthew 26:17-30;Luke 22:1,7-20).Paul amplified the doctrine in 1 Corinthians 11:20-30.In the gospel according to Saint Luke, we see the link between the feast of Passover or unleavened Bread and the Lord SUPPER.

The Lord SUPPER in the new testament is a type of the feast of the Passover or unleavened Bread in the old testament (Exodus 12:1-28,40-51).This implies that just as the vicarious death of the Lord Jesus Christ replaced the sacrifice of Aaronic or Levitical priesthood for atonement of sin ,for us Christians,the Lord SUPPER has replaced the Feast of Passover, as an ordinance.

Some churches refer to the Lord SUPPER as the "sacrament";latin -sacramentum, meaning Holy Ordinance (1 Corinthians 11:2) .The theologians called it "EUCHRIST" (Greek -giving of thanks),still others name it "THE LORD TABLE " or the "THE HOLY COMMUNION"(1 Corinthians 10:16).Those who participate in eating of the Lord's supper are called "communicants".The universal name is Lord SUPPER as used by our Lord.

In spite of the fact that Lord SUPPER has replaced the Feast of the Passover, if we reply the Law of First mentor as a means of studying the doctrine at hand,vital lesson and inspiration can be drawn from critically looking at the pattern of the celebration of the feast of Passover in Exodus 12: 1-51;Deuteronomy 16:1-8 and 2 chronicles 30:1-27.
This can be accomplished if we ask ourselves and answer the following questions:

  • when and why was the Passover instituted?
  • who was qualified to partake in the ordinance?
  • what were the tokens or emblems empolyed in the services?
  • what was the spiritual impact and how often was it done ?Parallel question answers apply to the Lord SUPPER.

The Passover (Hebrew 'Pesah') means "to passover"i.e."to spare"(Exodus 12:13,27).The Israelites were in bondage in Egypt (Exodus 2:11).They cried unto the lord for deliverance (Exodus 3:7-10) .Pharoah did not set them free until God sent vicious plagues upon Egypt.The Passover ordinance was instituted the night when the destroyer killed Egyptain first born but Passed over or spared the Jews because of the blood on the liberal and side posts of their doors(a type of Calvary's cross).The Feast of Unleavened Bread was co-joined with the passover .The two then became know as "The Passover".Sanctified elders and the priest handled the emblems (the blood of pure lamb and unleavened bread).The lamb was to be roasted and not eaten raw.No bone of the lamb was broken.This typified Christ. The defiled,uncircumcised, strangers, and Gentiles did not participate (Exodus 12:43-49)

To be continue

God word teaches :That Lord's supper was instituted by Christ Jesus so that all believers (all members of the family of God) might partake thereof regularly, to "shew the Lord's death till he come"
The emblems used are "unleavened Bread "and the juice of "fruit of the vine".Anyone who eats and drinks unworthily brings "damnation",punishment and chastisement upon himself.

God bless you for joining #steemchurch because @steemchurch your Godly spiritual growth is our concern

Stay bliss and have a nice day

This is @odsam2 from #teamghana

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