in #steemchurch6 years ago


Be imitators of me, in so far as I in turn am an imitator of Christ.Paul a bond servant of the Lord and an apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ wrote this to the church at Corinth.

Paul knew he had a right standing with the Lord and had truthful imitated Jesus therefore edging all soul to imitate him.

Paul was bold to say imitate me..... because He followed Jesus.I don't know about you , but the idea of telling someone to be a imitator of me is scary.What a responsibility! You mean people are suppose to follow me? That right!That is the way it's works,but it becomes easier for people to follow you if you are following the lord.


The scripture continue to say in Matthew 5 :16 "Just so let your light shine before all men, in order that they may see your holy lives and may give glory to your Father who is in Heaven"

This means as an imitator, people should the worth of imitating you.Your life should not cause a tough living for others but they should be thankful.

As an author ,wrote of a prostitute ,sick and without food ,who asked an Christian worker for help.When He suggested that she should go to church ,she replied ,"Church!"why would like go there?They make me feel worse than I ready am!.

The life of most believers are making people withdraw from following Jesus due to the way we act towards them.

Does your life make people to grow a tough skin (tough living ) against my best friend Jesus Christ?
Our life negatively or positively influences others,the scriptures repeatedly addresses this vital responsibility.Our life should be a models for others to imitate.

In truth ,every believers life is to become a source of motivation and direction for others .We are to be a picture of reality ,a proof that Jesus Christ saves and changes lives so that we can become a powerful magnet that draw others to Christ.

Check your life and ask the Holy Spirit to remove any hidden roots that will not make you a model of Jesus.

Be a person that people can imitate.

This is @odsam2 from steemchurch


Be a Christian that the world can imitate from,because we are the light of the world ... Thanks @odsam2

Upvoted and resteemed


Thanks for educating us, we Christians needs to follow the steps of Jesus Christ. Thanks for sharing @Odsam2.

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