in #steemchurch6 years ago

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Wake up from your sleep! Wake up from your slumber! The alarm shrieks just as it did in the era of Adam and Eve when the enemy entered the Garden to take what the Father had given them— their domain and sphere of influence.

Be alert, for your adver sary, the devil, is going about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. He is aware that a praying woman will not succumb easily to his lies, so he roams to and fro seeking one who is vulnerable and out of rank, one who has made prayer a five-minute affair.

Just what is this evil that seeks to control your life? It is described in Ephesians 6: 12: "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

Principalities are princes of the underworld who manipulate certain sections of the universe. Based on Daniel chapter 10, they are ruling spirits assigned over nations and cities. These spirits function by exerting their influence over heads of nations and kings.

They seek to control the political lives of these nations, using the human heads as their main device of operation. Principalities are the highest of the rankings in the enemy's domain.
Powers are the second level of authority in the devil's domain.

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They exercise their authority over the decision-making bodies of a nation, influencing the structures of the governing authorities encouraging wickedness by promoting injustice, and controlling lawmakers and policy-makers in place of authority.

In Daniel 6-8. the counselors and governors conspired against Daniel and King Darius to issue decrees banning all religious activities. same spirit is ruling today, banning prayer in schools and much more. It may be beneficial to take time to study the book of Daniel
Powers also can sway the thoughts and feelings of average people.

They can influence people to kill, to steal, and to indulge in all kinds of destructive behavior. These powers seek to control the mind and trap you in a web of deception. They have the power and ability to draw Christians away from praying as much as they should, to minimize their compassion and concern for lost souls, and so on. These powers also operate through the media. Their assign. is to make you believe a lie.

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Rulers of darkness, as stated in Ephesians 6: 1 2, is derived from the Greek, which also means world rulers. These powers are mandated by the devil to promote false religion and occult practices, thereby enslaving the souls of men again in deception. These rulers of darkness aim to control. They will control anything they can lay their vile hands on. They deceive by false teachings, visions, and dreams. They promote horoscope, hypnotism, witchcraft, black and white magic, and much more.

The assignment of this wickedness is to promote lawlessness and wickedness in the land, ensnaring souls of men into all sorts of abominable sins, such as homosexuality, rape, lust, lasciviousness, suicide, and drug addiction. They are a well-organized cartel of evil, and you cannot afford to put on party gear. You are in a war so do not take anything for granted.

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The god of this world is working overtime, and you need to rise up and be in rank. You are wrestling with unseen beings without bodies. You are warring against powers of this world and against spiritual wickedness. Wicked spirits are foul and malicious and operate without mercy.

They destroy anything good, and if they can, they will destroy you and what is dear to your heart in no time, The devil will strike anything, anytime, and anywhere that will hurt you the most.


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Upvoted & Resteemed

this is very nices posts and i absoultly like this posts
Have a great day ahead!

good hear from you a debt of gratitude is in order for sharing

Good hear from you a
Debt of gratitude is in
Order for sharing

                 - cryptospecio

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

True to the Word of God! This enemy is invisible but he is detectable by his wiles. Any other enemy that would try to come in our homes and harm our families and we would be using every force and weapon necessary to stop them from harming our families. But this one is subtle, mixing lies with the truth and many still sleep as he robs us of our possessions. He divides our families and we still slumber.
This is a great piece!
Daddy William

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