STEMCHURCH-Do not forget about her ...

in #steemchurch7 years ago (edited)

The word of God says that if we honor it, our days will be long. We can not forget our mother, we can not ignore her call.


Exodus 20:12

"Honor your father and your mother, that your days may lengthen in the land that the LORD your God is giving you."

God commanded the people of Israel to HONOR their father and mother. What does it mean "honor your father and your mother? Here is what a commentator defines:

"That was a simple command from God, written with his own hand, and delivered by Moses to them; it was of a moral nature, and an eternal obligation: and in order to be understood better, it does not refer only to that high esteem in which children carry their parents in their hearts, and to respectful language, appropriate gestures used towards them, as well as the joyful obedience that will be given to them; but it also refers to honoring them with their substance, feeding them, dressing them and supplying them with what is necessary for life, when they are in need; which is for all the service, for all the care, expense and problems that have been presented to them, as well as having raised them in this world "

Today we can see many old mothers away from their family, alone, unprotected and the question that many ask themselves. Why did you forget your mother's son? Why did she give you life? Why did he give you everything he could so you could subsist?

Do you value your mother?

She gave you life, charged you for the first time and held you in her arms to protect you. Do not wait for something to make her happy, always do it.
God will be accountable to all those bad children who left their mothers to their fate, those children who have only caused sadness in the mother. One of the commandments is to honor your parents and honoring them means making them happy.

This image shows us the reality of the world in many homes, mothers who go through a deep sadness, missing their children who have not seen for a long time, who do not remember and do not even give a call. Remember that your mom gave everything for you, do not be ingrat@.

Thank God I have an excellent Mother who always taught me the Value of Loving the Family and what Unity is. Her name is Alicia, she is about to turn 71. and I see her and I feel that God the Father is going to give her length of years. I see her wrinkles and gray hair, and that her Life I dedicate her to our upbringing and now to the Service of God, I want to have her and Honor her always while I can have her with me.


To value a mother is to take care of her when they can no longer do it for themselves. Remember when she sacrificed every day to give the best to you and your brothers. A mom who worked hard with dad so they do not miss anything. Today those weak wrinkled hands, should not make more effort, take care of her because she took care of you.

While there is life reconcíliate with your mom

Maybe there could have been arguments, fights, of course this has not been good, although all that has happened, ask forgiveness to God and your mother for all those fights they may have had. Give her a hug and tell her how much you love her, do it today, tomorrow may be too late.

Give life in life!

Many just remember their mother the day they see her in a drawer, they regret not having given her everything she deserved, they regret not telling her how much they love her, they regret having been so ungrateful. Do not wait for this to happen, it is time to reflect on how you are treating your mother, as is your attitude with someone who loves you unconditionally.

For those who have even their mother value them, take care of them and make them very happy, if they ever had a confrontation, today is the moment of reconciliation. A mother is unique and only when they leave this life will we regret not having done what is necessary for them to be happy. Give her a hug today and tell her how much you love her.

God bless all the Mothers .....


God bless our MOTHERS indeed NINO. Thanks for this reminder to always show love and care for our parents, PEACE!



Amen is like that, we must Honor them a lot.

Indeed mothers have great love and affections for us, and in that God also always guided them in a special way. Thanks for sharing.

Thank you for having read my Post and share my opinion.

No love like a parent love for their children, and moreover, the first commandments states honour your father and mother so your days shall be long.

Amen it is good to tell the World of this Commandment with Promise. Many who do not know him damage the emotional life of their parents.

What a post, God favor our moms, God favor my mom for all that she has improved the situation me, moms bolster, moms cares, moms additionally adore genuinely, God favor our moms indeed

Amen, that is how we are more than blessed with our Mothers.

A mother is naturally the first person to love a child right from when the child enters this world.
This love is something we must value because it so strong that it can last through a lifetime.

Amen, I love my Mother and since I knew God and his Commandment I learned to value and honor her more.

I value my mom so much and after I make it in life I'll come back to appreciate her. Mothers are superwoman and are meant to be pampered forever.

What a post, God bless our mothers, God bless my mother for everything she has done for me, mothers support, mothers cares, mothers also love unconditionally, God bless our mothers once again

Amen, that is how we are more than blessed with our Mothers.

And do you know it is


Honour your parents so your days will be long.

God bless my mama in heaven Amen

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