The place of the HOLY SPIRIT in the spiritual struggle.

in #steemchurch5 years ago


Christian community, in a battle, you always need a plan of action. The development of the combat strategy determines the victory of both sides. In the context of the world war, the cold war or the trench war, the strategies adopted are not the same.

In the same way in your spiritual struggle, the attacks of the enemy will not be the same. You will need adequate strategies to hope to emerge victorious.

He who helps us to develop these strategies is the HOLY SPIRIT.

  1. The HOLY SPIRIT knows the best combat strategy.

When the Comforter comes, the Spirit of truth, He will guide you into all truth. (John 16:13)

JESUS ​​said that you will know the truth and that the truth will set you free. Yes but that Of the slave of sin and the greed of the flesh, of the things of the world and its attractions, of the domination of the forces of the enemy.

. It is the HOLY SPIRIT who knows the best strategy to fight against meat:

· "The law of the Spirit of life in JESUS ​​CHRIST set me free from the law of sin and death" (Romans 8: 2). It is the Spirit within you that allows you to be free. lying, stealing, jealousy, fornication and everything you did before and that you felt you could not get rid of him.

· "If by the Spirit you kill the works of the body, then you will live" (Romans 8:13).

Again it is the Spirit who shows you how to stop having bad thoughts, get angry, envy others, go overboard and things like that.

· "Do not conform to the present age, but be transformed by the renewing of the mind" (Romans 12: 2). The renewal of your intelligence is done by the sword of the SPIRIT, which is the Word of God. That is why the Spirit is here to teach you what is in the Bible and to remember you.

. It is the HOLY SPIRIT who knows the best strategy against oppression: "Behold, I gave you the power to walk on serpents and scorpions, and above all the power of the enemy, and nothing will harm you." Luke 10:19. This is a power and an authority that Jesus gives us about the powers of the devil. However, you have probably heard people recite this verse without anything happening. The Spirit must have this revelation in your heart so that it can manifest.

This non-exhaustive list of fights you can lead aims to make you understand that the HOLY SPIRIT has the answers to ALL your fights and knows the best strategy.

  1. The HOLY SPIRIT knows the best strategy for YOUR struggle.

"Stay in communion with the Spirit with persevering prayer, since the effectiveness of these weapons depends on an intercession that does not relax." (Ephesians 6:18)

That is the key to your victory. It is good to know the biblical principles, to know that you must have the belt of truth, to put on the breastplate of justice, to put the zeal of the gospel at your feet ... but these principles, which are the divine laws, good and that we must apply , they find their meaning only in the Spirit. That is why Paul could say that it is the letter that kills, but the Spirit gives life. The Spirit gives life to these divine laws in your life in a special and personal way. Just as JESUS ​​came to fulfill the laws of Moses, the Spirit comes to fulfill the divine laws. It is not about trusting in these divine laws, but in the Spirit.

The reason why you have "small victories" against the devil, but you retire after a while, is because you do not trust in the Spirit but in the principles, the divine laws. You do it well wanting to know everything the Bible says about spiritual warfare, you do it right by reading the manners to know the means by which you can get rid of this or that sin, but these are only there for the spirit can have a base on which you lead to become victorious and this in a continuous way. What is your priority? The letter or the spirit? As you read these words, I beg you to learn to commune constantly with the HOLY SPIRIT, to speak to him, to honor him and not to sadden him, to have intimacy with him.

That is when the enemy comes and adversity, the Spirit may tell you to pray with authority, perhaps to declare the Word, perhaps simply to praise, perhaps to announce. The gospel, maybe just to believe, maybe even to do nothing. The Spirit will surely give you the best strategy for your struggle.


Good message Naty, It is illogical a spiritual life without the presence of God in the heart of the Christian. Today we say, welcome Holy Spirit to our lives.


Even when our strength is failing and our trying does not seem enough to overcome, submitting to the holy spirit for direction and strength can be the best strategy.
Thanks for sharing...

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