The Healing of the Soul.

in #steemchurch6 years ago

Community Cristina de @steemit!


Talking about healing the soul, makes us analyze between reality and its evils, it is like thinking about the process of psychoanalysis about inner healing, that is why from the bible we find many passages of the Scriptures that can be read carefully and meditate to fill your Heart and its thoughts and achieve the healing of the soul:

The apostle Paul distinguishes the outer man and the inner man, thus including two elements of the human being (2 Corinthians 4:16 a 5: 5):
  • our body, the store, the visible part of our being, which degrades as we get older

  • our soul, the invisible, inner part, which must be renewed day by day.

This inner man referred to by the apostle Paul is the one who relates to the soul, so if we talk about the soul we should know that a wounded soul can suffer several wounds: "the evils of the soul" that affect our feelings and our balance.

The good Christian must be alert to the evils of the soul to maintain stable his relationship with God and with his neighbor. In general, the sensitivity of our inner being is subordinated to the quality of our personality, the "I", our "ego".

The term Ego is a noun derived from the personal pronoun in Latin "ego" which means me. It usually refers to the representation and awareness that one has of oneself.

We understand that this self-awareness can be over-sized, exclusive, overvalued, excessive or out of feelings of pride or, on the contrary, devalued, restricted, complex, abnormally sensitive.
There is today in Christian circles a form of "therapy" similar to psychoanalysis, whose danger is to value the "personality" of wounded souls, looking in the past for conscious or unconscious events of frustration, trauma or circumstances of a difficult life, often causing others to take responsibility for our misery. Painful memories come to the surface and then try to create a kind of liberation of the soul.

We must be clear that the divine healing that encompasses the spiritual restoration of our whole being, is related to be away from our lives the evils of the soul. In the passages of the Bible information is expressed about some of the evils of the soul where men and women express their suffering:

The bitterness: "And, with bitterness in her soul, Ana prayed to the Lord and wept." (1 Samuel 1:10)

Sadness: "David said: I am bowed down, downcast, I walk all day in sadness." (Psalm 38: 6)

Problems: "My soul is troubled, and you, LORD, even when?" (Psalm 6: 3)

Anxiety: "They said to each other:" Yes, we have been guilty of our brother because we have seen the anguish of his soul. "(Genesis 42:21)

Languor: "They suffered from hunger and thirst, their souls were languid." (Psalm 107: 5) "When he saw the crowd, he was moved by her, because she was languid and dejected like a sheep without a shepherd." (Matthew 9:36)

Concerns, pains: "How long will I have problems in my soul and every day sorrows in my heart? How long will my enemy rise against me?" (Psalm 13: 2)

Sin: "But he that sinneth against me shall smite his soul: all they that hate me love death." (Proverbs 8:36) "This is what I will do to you: I will send you terror, consumption and fever, which will make your eyes languid and your soul suffer." (Leviticus 26:16)

Some anguish, uncertainty: "They suffered from hunger and thirst, their souls were languid." (Psalm 107: 5)

You can observe according to these biblical passages the different causes of our internal evils, analyzing them we can identify the path towards inner healing:

God restores, restores, our inner being through the action of the Holy Spirit. He heals those who have a broken heart, and bind their wounds. (Psalm 147: 3)

I encourage you to stand before God, in all sincerity to determine the causes of our moral suffering, in order to provide the proper remedy and obtain the healing of the soul.


Excellent advice sister Nashilda17

The good Christian must be alert to the evils of the soul to maintain stable his relationship with God and with his neighbor. In general, the sensitivity of our inner being is subordinated to the quality of our personality, the "I", our "ego".

Resteem by: EC

We all dream of a beautiful place, our @sc-telos village can make it happen.


Coming unto Jesus is the sure foundation where we obtain healing of the soul.

I feel blessed!

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