in #steemchurch6 years ago

Man was created for only one reason: to glory God!

For man to do that, he must continuously seek God's glory, not his own glory; nor praises. But the glory and praises of the Most High! What then is glory? Glory means "fame, praise or honour that is given to somebody because of what they have achieved(usually, something significant or important). It also includes: adoration, praise or thanksgiving.

To seek means: to try to use every opportunity to exalt, praise, adore and honour Him in our lives. In fact, to simply it: seeking God's glory is man's duty!


King Hero's tried to steal God's glory in Acts 12:22:

It is the voice of a god and not a man.

Herod failed to give the glory to God. And, an angel of the Lord struck him down and he was eaten by worms and he died. In brief, " taking God's glory can take one's life." Why? Because: His glory He will not share!

No wonder Jesus said in John 7:18:

He that speaketh of himself seeketh his own glory: but he that seeketh His glory that sent him, the same is true, and no unrighteousness is in him.

So, dear Steemians, seek God's glory. For His glory you were created!

What must you do to glorify God?

There are many things one is expected to do in glorifying God. Here are a few of them:

1. Personal Relationship with God:
You must know God personally. And not just to know Him personally, you must love Him personally, too. When a cordial relationship is established between you and God, you must continually study the word. And stay in love with His word. And guess what? God's word is His opinion!

2. You must be Prayerful:
As they say: "a prayer less Christian is a powerless Christian." To be powerful, be prayerful!

3. Be Holy:
Holiness is a must for every believer. And what is even more interesting is: "Without holiness, no man shall see God." So, as much as possible, be holy! It's a ticket to heaven; while unholiness is a passport to hell. (There aren't to Steemit in hell; so go to heaven)😂

The right attitude in seeking God:

1. Open Heart: you must come to God with an open heart. No secrets! Do not even try to hind secrets from God because, you won't succeed. You can't hind anything from Him, so don't even try. He wants you to be open to Him, so be open. "GOD **LOVES OPEN-MINDEDNESS" He knows your flaws already; so, no secrets! Tell Him all!

2. Commitment: we must be committed to spiritual matters: studying the Bible; praying; fasting, etc. Nothing works without commitment!

3. Determination: you must be determined. Nothing works without determination. Be determined to continue to love and worship God no matter what comes your way. Because: NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS, GOD MATTERS THE MOST!

Thanks for reading!


The glorification of God's name in our lives should be first. We should avoid doing any other thing that is contrary to that. Thanks for sharing.

Upvoted & Resteemed

Very true!

Let God be true, and every man be a liar.

You cannot try to take is glory. Why? Well, because He is a jealous God!

We should put that ahead every other thing we do. We should do the things we do for God's glory. Let HIS name be glorified. Thanks for sharing this, it is well appreciated.

Am very glad you appreciate it...
You know, when God created man; He put everything under him; but He, alone, is above man. And therefore, must be praised/glorified!
Glorifying God shows humility while taking his glory shows pride!

God's glory has a very high profit for everyone who seeks for it. Let us always look for it because that is our chance of overcoming
Brethren this post has alot to learn from. Thank you a lot

Yes, glorifying God is paramount!

In all we do, we should seek the Glory of Jehovah first, Use your time, skills and talent in glorifying His Holy Name.

True talk.
Use all He gave you for Him!

Glorification of God should always be the first,always come first and every other thing follow


Seek ye "first"....

Glorify Him; and He will lift you up!


We have to constantly give God glory in all things if he created us all just to glorify him i see no reason why we wont give Him that glory becuase he deserve it.thanks for that.

When it comes to glorifying God, we must know these 3 things:

  1. God "demands" it.
  2. God "deserves" it.
  3. God "desires" it.

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