Jesus In Your Place

in #steemchurch6 years ago (edited)

Hebrews 2:17-18

Therefore, in all things He had to be made like His brethren, that He might be a merciful and faithful High Priest in things pertaining to God, to make propitiation for the sins of the people. For in that He Himself has suffered, being tempted, He is able to aid those who are tempted.

Many people go to church because they feel good there, they receive forgiveness, healing, blessings, love... They receive what no one apart fromJesus Christ can give them. But the fact is that they do not know that the most important thing is to know Jesus personally. It is only when we get to know Jesus, everything will change. We will talk‘with Him. We will love Him with our whole heart. We will glorify Him with everything we do and with all our life. It is important for us to know Jesus, to know the One, who died for us, the One, who was crucified so that we may live.

Our lives should not just be simple, but a life that reflects the life of Jesus.
Jesus, while living on earth, demonstrated to us how to live a righteous life.
Jesus came to this earth to save us. And for this purpose, He was made in the likeness of man and He resembled us.

Therefore, in all things He had to be made like His brethren...

When Jesus was here on this earth, He was the Son of God Jesus left heaven, left His divine nature, and took on the form of a slave, took the form of sinful flesh, although He Himself committed no sin. The flesh which He took on, had the ability to sin, but because of His divine Spirit He remained without sin.

Jesus came to this earth to redeem people, and in order to fulfill His mission He had to fully become a man. When man sinned through Adam and Eve. it became necessary for someone to oppose sin, for someone to overcome the devil, and in so doing restore to man his righteousness and holiness, which were granted to him in the beginning, in the Garden of Eden by God.

No man was able to do this, because everybody inherited the sinful nature after the fall of Adam and naturally sinned. Man could not resist the devil, could not refuse to give in to temptation and therefore lost his authority over the earth, which God had given him. Man gave over this authority to the devil and that is why the devil is ruling over the earth now. In order to redeem us from the curse of sin, somebody from the generation of man had to overcome the devil with his righteousness, and through the shedding of blood. death and resurrection save us.

This is what Jesus Christ has done for us. He came to this earth in the likeness of a man. What does it mean to be “in the likeness"? It mean that jesus was in our place. He became like man in everythin to feel what we feel and to experience everything that m n through on this earth.

Don’t we feel bad when we get sick?
The Blble says that Jesus was wounded for our sickness and He wants to be healed for His stripes. His wounds are our disease.
Jesus knows what you are feeling and what tests you are going through. Never think that God has forgotten about you.

The Bible says that Jesus became like man in all things:

For in that He Himself has suffered, being tempted, He is able to aid those who are tempte

Jesus went through everything you are going through right now. God says that He did all that in order to understand our difficulties. Therefore, when something goes wrong or when no one understands you and there is no one to talk to, seclude yourself from everybody and every distraction and go and tell Jesus about everything, He is always by your side. Remember that sometimes your husband, your wife, your family or your close friends will not understand you, but Jesus will always understand you.

He is Omnipresent and He lives inside you. Just lay your head on His shoulder, tell Him everything and He will understand you and comfort you. This will be the consolation, which comes only from the throne of the Living God.

You have Jesus, who suffered many things that you may rely on Him today and look into His eyes and ask for comfort. Look to Jesus and remember that He is by your side. He cares for you, and for your sake He was tortured. If there were only one person on this earth Jesus would have done the same for him.
Jesus would still put himself in your place to understand you.

Jesus is our best friend; hence we need to know Him. Not just to know His power, or His wonders and signs, or His healing, but to know His Personality.

Jesus lived on this earth and had the same sinful flesh as we do. He could fall into sin. If He could not fall into sin, then the devil would not have tempted Him.

Jesus Has Been In Your Place


Our lives should not just be simple, but a life that reflects the life of Jesus.
Jesus, while living on earth, demonstrated to us how to live a righteous life.

Our Lord Jesus Christ laid the perfect example for us to follow while He was on earth.
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