Unfaithfulness Of The Israelites

in #steemchurch7 years ago (edited)

Hosea 2 vs 16-20
“In that day,” declares the LORD, “you will call me ‘my husband’; you will no longer call me ‘my master.' I will remove the names of the Baals from her lips; no longer will their names be invoked. In that day I will make a covenant for them with the beasts of the field, the birds in the sky and the creatures that move along the ground. Bow and sword and battle I will abolish from the land, so that all may lie down in safety. I will betroth you to me forever; 19 I will betroth you in righteousness and justice, in love and compassion. I will betroth you in faithfulness, and you will acknowledge the LORD

Take time and read this whole chapter and reflect on the emotion of a loving God. The people He had chosen as His special nation had betrayed Him and been led astray into idolatry. It was only the occasional remnants of tradition that this God of Salvation was offered.
As far as God was concerned Israel was His wife, He had provided for her and she cared for nothing but her 😔.
She was not even trying to be faithful.😖

Through the heart break of rejection with the ache of emotion God Himself declares, 'I will betroth you to me forever.‘

In five declarations, this sanctity of relationship is pronounced: in righteousness, justice, love, compassion and faithfulness.
In what seems to be a declaration of marriage God himself pours out His inner most care.

He sets aside His divine majesty even though He had created the world and hung out the stars.

His people were His constant thought, their safety and wellbeing his anxiety.

Righteousness, justice, love, compassion and faithfulness were offered as a sparkling diamond to an unworthy people.

This diadem of grace is also offered to all nations through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ who betroths all who love Him to Himself forever. Sometimes the Christian is like the wife of Hosea, taking their care from the crucified Saviour and offering it to all who pass by.

Many will say they have benefitted by the joys of this world, of self will and of self-indulgence. But the death of Jesus cries out 'I will betroth you to me forever.‘ This love does not change nor is it wilted in the trials of life. Here is love beyond all boundaries.
What was said to the nation of Israel, God now proclaims to the nations.
Christian never let your Saviour go; for He said 'I will betroth you to me forever.‘


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We need to learn from the experience of the israelites. They were once faithful, but did not remain so. Thanks for writing on SteemChurch.

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The israalites became unfaithful and started coverting the things of the world and lusting after the flesh.

I guess you mean the entire nation of Israel, because Israel is another name that was given to Jacob. And Jacob did not betray God, rather he was a loyal servant of God. The efforts you put into this writeup is appreciated.

Yeah, i meant the entire nation of Israel not jacob.
Jacob was a loyal servant till the end and never betrayed God which is why his generation was favoured by God.

Jacob is the beginning of Isreal although Israel is a promise to Abraham it started to bear Israel from Jacob because as a nation was born from Jacob.

I don't understand what you said.

I agree with @jaff8 on this one. I actually thought from your title you were talking about jacob but he was a good servant of God. Yes the people of Israel did betray God by going away from him and worshiping carved idols and images.

God continues to offer us love and compassion despite our unfaithfulness, we should strive to draw close to God in an intimate relationship filled with prayers and worship.

Israelites were unfaithful in conducting business both domestically and internationally, unfaithful in managing God's great, green earth, unfaithful in forgetting who their great blessings came from.

"Surely as a wife treacherously departs from her husband, so you have dealt treacherously with me, house of Israel," says the LORD.
A lot to learn from this.

The love of God is indeed unconditional and eternal. Even when Isreal went against the Lord in their ways, He still loved them.
A lot to learn from this passage.
"God's love for his children is always merited " is one of them

Great post, we need to learn from this, we need to be faithful always and never think twice... Great post

This post caught my attention as it sounded like a reminder to all who claim to be God's beloved. We all have our shortcomings but we should never forget that his love reigns forever. Acknowledging his love in our lives all the time will constantly renew this love. Thanks for the reminder

Despite unfaithfulness he still love us because we are is children, we should always be faithful to God despite our circumstances

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