in #steemchurch6 years ago

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Jesus, the King of Kings in His discourse about the signs that will point to His second advent made a remark about this subject but did not give details.

"For then shall be tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened" (Matthew 24:21-22).

A look at various scriptural references concerning this Tribulation reveal the actual happenings that will characterize this period. The Tribulation will occur at a period between the time of Christ's coming to rapture His church from the earth in the air and His physical coming to set foot on the earth at the Mount of Olives.

It will be a period of torment, distress and indignation; a time of pouring out of God's wrath upon the unrepentant humanity. (Isaiah 24: 17-21; Jeremiah 30:7; Revelation 3:10; Revelation 6:18; Rev. 15&16).

Antichrist-When-Is-The-Antichrist-Revealed-e1364126505852.jpg*Anit-christ coming | image source

The characteristic events that will feature in the Tribulation are to mention a few.

a) Restoration of the Daily sacrifice in the rebuilt Temple through a covenant with the Antichrist. (Daniel 9:27),

b) Outpouring of judgments from the opening of the seven seals. (Revelation 6: 1-17; 8:1).

c) Outpouring of judgments from the sounding of the seven trumpets (Revelation 8:6-13; 11:15).

d) The taking away of the Daily sacrifice by the Anti-Christ and the setting up of the Abomination of Desolation (Daniel 12: 10-11; Matthew 24:15). This could happen in the middle of the seven years, peace treaty Antichrist will make with Israel (Daniel 9:27).

e) The Beast (Anti-Christ) and the false prophet will have total control and shall introduce the

mark and number of the Beast. I need to explain some of this features a little bit as well as the dramatis personae in the Great Tribulation.

The Word "Anti-Christ comes two Greek words "Christos" and "anti": Christos meaning God's anointed one. Anti means against or one against. He is the one against Christ, God's anointed one (IJoh11 2: 18-22; 4:3).

Anti — Christ will emerge in the end time and his spirit will be embodied in the "Beast" described in Revelation 13:1 The first reference of him was made in Genesis 3:15. Christ is the seed of the woman while Anti-Christ is the seed of the Devil. As part of his rise to the world power, the Anti-Christ will negotiate as mentioned earlier, a seven-year treaty with Israel, guaranteeing security. Israel will rely upon this "covenant with death " (Isaiah 28:18).

This peace treaty with a newly revived Roman Empire, will guarantee Israel secure borders. Israel's leaders will rely on this "piece of paper " rather than on their eternal covenant with Jehovah, believing that true peace has arrived at last. In the euphoria of this so-called peace treaty with her neighbors, Israel will bask in her new found freedom and will

revive Temple worship in Jerusalem. Priests will offer daily sacrifices in the rebuilt Temple and all will seem well. However, the Bible reveals that when Satan is cast out of heaven he will motivate "the prince who is to come " (Daniel 9:26) to break his treaty with the Jews. First he will cut off her daily sacrifice in the Temple court yard.

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He will be seriously wounded by someone and presumed to have died. (Revelation 13:3, 12, 14). However, Satan will "miraculously' revive he Anti-Christ and he will claim to be God. He will ter the Holy of Holies of the rebuilt Temple and "bring an end to sacrifices and offerings (Daniel 9:27).

The Apostle Paul prophesied that the Anti-Christ will sit "as God in the Temple of God, showing himself that he is God " (2Thessalonians 2: 3-4). Satan wilt counterfeit the Trinity of God the Father, The Son of God and the Holy Spirit during this period.


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