in #steemchurch6 years ago

New Doc 2018-07-15_1.jpg

The bible says that God looks at our availability not our abilities and he trains us according to the plans he has for us though some times the devil lies to us and he tells us "what God is saying is meaningless"he really lies to us so we leave God's path and then we are destroyed in the wilderness.

That we are born again doesn't mean that we wont face tribulations. the challenges we face is part of life journey that will make us strong when we are on the Lord's side.

The best thing to do is to depend on God totally with full faith that he will never allow us to be test more than our ability, and that He is capable of helping us through any form of challenges, Sometimes we go through things not so much for us but for the sake of someone else. Your yesterday may be someone else's today. God may be preparing you to feed their today out of your experience of yesterday. That doesn't mean you won't wonder why such things are happening to you at the time.

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Hindsight is an invaluable way to learn how things fit into God's plan. There is no such thing as "waste" in God's economy. He knows exactly what He is doing. God led Moses the prince of Egypt and murderer into the desert to teach him how to be a shepherd and deliverer. It was in the "desert relinquishment " that Moses learned many of the things he needed to lead israel through the Sinai. Moses wasn't thrilled about going back to Egypt and all of its memories. He wanted to have a pity party but no one showed up but the devil (that usually what happens at pity party)

David was also familiar with the process relinquishment. though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.

Each one of us will experience our own valleys and feel the cold shadow of death on our shoulders at times. David, the same who lived in a cave as an exile and outlaw, and later ran for his life when his own son plotted to kill him, has some words of wisdom for us

The psalmist who endured decades of "relinquishment" while running from Saul's armies said, if you are in the valley of the shadow, just keep walking. What you need is an uninterrupted walk with God, even if He takes you through the dark valley. Just don't wallow in it. Don't linger there. Don't pitch your tent under that shadow. Above a, don't throw a pity party in that valley.

The lords says to each of us, "Turn it loose if you wan to be what I want you to be "it is in those moments that we discover the power of relinquishment. Only when everything and everyone but God is gone do we realize that God is enoughLife is full of ups and downs, our faith and rest in God is what will help us to stay strong while passing through the storm of life.
The best thing to do is to depend on God totally with full faith that he will never allow us to be test more than our ability, and that He is capable of helping us through any form of challenges.


Thanks for contributing to the first church on the blockchain. Hope to see you around

Upvoted & Resteemed

Very true one it is by our believe that turns us to what we want to be. Good for sharing with us such a strong insight.

The fact that we are child of God does not make us trial free, lets remember that Jesus christ was tried too by the devil.... i know with faith, we shall always come out victorious... God bless you

I like this paragraph.

That we are born again doesn't mean that we wont face tribulations. the challenges we face is part of life journey that will make us strong when we are on the Lord's side.

In fact it is like that, and many times we want to win souls for Christ, disengaging them that if they repent they are believers their problems will end.

The way of Jesus Christ is a different and narrow way, however, we live the best moments of our lives. Although there is tribulation, there will always be victory

You are right....
That you are a child of God doesn't makes you trial free.....but He promise us that the trial that will comes our way...will not be more than us to bear.....in all He will provide an escape route

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