STEEMCHURCH: deceit, lies and what the bible tells us.....the truth in the lies....

in #steemchurch6 years ago (edited)

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A friend of mine once told me about a game that he played and made some money from. he convinced me to play also and reluctantly, I did. i lost a lot of money and later found out that he never played. he just used me to test the probability and chances of the game favoring him. He deceived me.

proverbs 6:16-19 records seven things that are a cursed thing to God, and two of them include lying: "a lying tongue," and "a false witness that tells lies." God abhors a lying tongue!


1 John 2:21 - No lie is true.

By its extreme nature, a lie is false. It is a misrepresentation.

"Lie" - "...a false articulation made with intentional expectation to deceive..."

"deceit" - "act or practice ... expected to ... misdirect by a false appearance or articulation"

The distinction is that a lie is a generally an act done by speech; however deceit incorporates anything, regardless of whether words or deeds, that are planned to persuade what isn't valid.

Note that not everything that is false is fundamentally a lie or duplicity.

Lying for the most part includes intentional deception, told with the plan of deceiving or making somebody trust error.

Note Isaiah 59:13 - Conceiving and expressing from the heart expressions of lie.

Acts 5:1-9 - Ananias and Sapphira sold property and gave some portion of the cost to the congregation, however they told others that they gave the entire cost. Dwindle asked, "How is it you have considered this thing in your heart." They had misled God.

We will see a few verses later that demonstrate that falsehoods originate from the heart. [Acts 5:1-9]

On the off chance that somebody solicits me the ages from my grandchildren, on the off chance that I tell what I accept is reality, however it ends up being a mix-up, I have not lied. In any case, on the off chance that I know reality and intentionally tell what isn't right, I have lied.

In this lesson, we need to contemplate the twin issues of lying and duplicity.

What are some ways individuals might be liable of lying and double dealing? For what reason do individuals hone them? What are the results? As we think about we have to each ask ourselves whether we have been liable.

Think about the Bible educating about lying and double dealing:

I. Particular Kinds of Lies and Deceit

A. By and large Falsehoods

These are "shameless deceptions" - the person who lets them know is very much aware that he has told a by and large lie. He may think of it as a "major dark lie" (one with genuine outcomes) or a "harmless untruth" (one he supposes won't have genuine results), however he knows it he has told a lie.

Numerous entries reprimand the general idea of lying.

proverbs 6:16-19 - God detests a lying tongue and a false witness who talks lies.

exodus 20:16 - You might not tolerate false observer against your neighbor.

Ephesians 4:25 - Putting ceaselessly lying, let every last one of you talk truth with his neighbor.

1 Timothy 1:10 - Liars are recorded among different sins that are in opposition to sound tenet.

These are immediate forbiddings against lying. The vast majority realize that lying is ethically off-base. Strikingly, individuals who regularly advise deceives others (like legislators) will frequently turn out to be extremely disturbed when other individuals mislead them and are frequently the snappiest to blame others for lying!

Different sorts of untruths and trickery might be more subtle: individuals may not view these goes about as falsehoods or double dealings when they do it. However they frequently perceive such acts to lie when other individuals do it to them!

[Other verses note particularly Matthew 15:19; Leviticus 19:11,12; Colossians 3:9; see additionally Psalms 7:14; 32:2; 58:3; 59:12; Proverbs 4:24; 24:28; Isaiah 59:3,13; Hosea 4:2; Micah 6:12; Nahum 3:1; Romans 13:9; 1 Peter 2:1; 3:10; John 1:47]

B. False Promises

A few people make guarantees they have no aim of keeping or know they can't keep. This is a type of purposely deceptive individuals.

genesis 29:18,25 - Many stories about Jacob include double dealing. He dealt with his uncle Laban to serve seven years for Rachel. Laban concurred, yet at the wedding he gave Jacob Leah. Jacob said Laban flabbergasted or tricked him.

exodus 8:28,29 - Pharaoh misled Moses by promising to release Israel if the diseases were evacuated. At the point when that was done, he didn't stay faithful to his commitment.

Numbers 23:19 - God isn't a man, that He should lie ... Has He stated, and will He not do? Or on the other hand has He talked, and will He not make it great? The suggestion is that, if God did not stay faithful to His obligations, He would be liable of lying.

As people, there might be conditions outside our ability to control when we basically can't keep a guarantee we extremely expected to keep. In any case, when we purposely make a guarantee we never mean to keep, or when we could keep it however we intentionally pick not to, that is double dealing. What number of us are liable?

[Jeremiah 5:2; Exodus 21:8; Psalms 24:4; Malachi 1:14; Matthew 21:30; Acts 24:25; Genesis 3:4,5]

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C. Sweet talk

Regularly individuals need to establish a great connection on others, so they say decent things that they don't generally mean or don't generally accept to be valid. This may appear to be thoughtful, however it is a type of purposely beguiling others.

psalms 62:4 - They thoroughly enjoy lies; they favor with their mouth, however they revile internally. When we don't mean the decent things we say, we are lying.

psalms 78:36,37 - Nevertheless they complimented Him with their mouth, and they misled Him with their tongue. Here the general population complimented God by declaring that they would serve Him however did not by any means mean it in their souls. This is both a type of honeyed words and inability to keep guarantees. The entry says they lied.

Jude 16 - False educators frequently stroll as per their desires, talking smooth words, complimenting individuals to pick up advantage. This is double dealing since they say pleasant things in regards to others, maintaining to think about them, all things considered they simply look for their own favorable position (cash, a following, and so on.).

This may help us to remember government officials attempting to get votes. They claim to appreciate you, yet they truly need something from you.

Once in a while we truly hold an ominous perspective of somebody, yet we would prefer not to affront them, so it is anything but difficult to state what we don't mean. Maybe it isn't much appropriate for us to ponder others. Be that as it may, if our considerations are substantial, at that point we have to either talk reality or discover something we can genuinely say or simply change the subject. Yet, lying ought not be a choice.

Is it true that we are liable?

[Romans 16:17,18; Proverbs 26:24,25,28; 27:6; Jeremiah 9:8; Psalms 12:2]

D. False Doctrine

At the point when religious educating is displayed as truth despite the fact that it can't be demonstrated by the Bible, misleading is constantly included.

genesis 3:4 - Satan revealed to Eve she would not bite the dust in the event that she ate of the taboo natural product. However God had said she would pass on (2:17). After Eve trespassed, she said the serpent had overwhelmed her (3:13). [1 Timothy 2:14; 2 Corinthians 11:3]

Jeremiah 14:14 - Prophets forecasted lies in God's name. He had not sent them, charged them, nor addressed them, however they forecasted a false vision and the double dealing of their heart.

2 Corinthians 11:13-15 - "False witnesses" are called "tricky laborers," since they put on a show to be hirelings of Christ, holy messengers of light, and clergymen of nobility. Numerous educators introduce themselves as godly men showing His assertion, yet they show things they can't discover in the Bible.

Acts 13:6,10 - Elymas the magician endeavored to keep Sergius Paulus from tolerating the gospel. Paul blamed him for being loaded with misleading and extortion.

Note that false instructing is evil for various reasons. In any case, one reason is that it generally includes duplicity. Numerous religious pioneers are tricky in light of the fact that they guarantee an instructing is from God when they know they don't have the confirmation. In any case, now and again an educator is truly in mistake - he truly trusts he is showing truth; all things considered, he has been cheated by another person. All false educating is at last a lie in that everything starts with Satan, who knows it is a lie.

So false instructing isn't right for some reasons. In any case, one reason is that it generally includes trickery. Give us a chance to ensure we are not blameworthy!

[Note particularly Ezekiel 13:6-9,19,22; 1 Thessalonians 2:3,4; 1 Timothy 4:2; Revelation 12:9. See likewise 2 Corinthians 4:2; Revelation 2:2; 3:14; 20:3,10; Isaiah 30:10; 9:15; Romans 16:18; Jeremiah 48:10; 5:31; 6:13; 20:6; 23:14,25,26,32; 27:10,14-16; 29:8,21-31; 1 John 4:1; Titus 1:10; Ezekiel 21:29; 22:28; Daniel 2:9; Zech. 10:2; 13:3; Matthew 24:24; Romans 1:25; 2 Thessalonians 2:9-11; 1 Kings 22:22,23; 2 John 7; Deuteronomy 11:16; Ephesians 4:14; Colossians 2:4,8]

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E. hypocracy

A wolf in sheep's clothing is a backstabber in light of the fact that he puts on a show to be something he knows he isn't. He tries to give other individuals the impression he is more honest than he truly is.

1 Timothy 4:2 - Those who withdraw from reality talk lies in false reverence. Note that their bad faith is related with lying.

1 Peter 2:1 - Lay aside cleverness (double dealing), false reverence, and abhorrence talking. Once more, false reverence is related with trickery. Bad faith is double dealing on the grounds that the wolf in sheep's clothing puts on a false front. He puts on a show to be superior to anything he is.

Malachi 1:14 - When one puts on a show to offer a forfeit to God however declines to give what He knows God needs, he is a liar abhorrent of God.

Numerous individuals, even in the congregation, affirm to serve God reliably. Be that as it may, would we say we are truly doing what we know we should, or would we say we are simply misdirecting others and perhaps ourselves? Is it accurate to say that we are giving what we know God needs, or is it only a falsification?

[Psalms 78:35-37; Galatians 2:14; Acts 5:1-9; Jeremiah 7:4-11; 3:10; Acts 5:5]

F. Misleading statements

Some think they are pure as long as it's been said what is in fact obvious, despite the fact that they mean to delude others to accept what isn't valid. It is conceivable to tell things that are in fact evident, yet we forget correlated certainties or generally so talk that we persuade misrepresentations.

Book of scriptures illustrations

genesis 37:28,31-33 - Joseph's siblings sold him to the Midianites, plunged his jacket in blood, conveyed it to Jacob and stated, "We discovered this coat. Does it resemble your child's or not?" This was actually valid, but rather they precluded correlated realities so they could persuade a wild creature had executed Joseph.

exodus 32:4,24 - When stood up to by Moses with respect to the brilliant calf, Aaron said he tossed in the gold and out came the calf. However, he fail to state that he had designed the calf with an etching instrument!

Matthew 26:60,61; 27:40 - One of the allegations made against Jesus at His trials was that he asserted He would pulverize the sanctuary and fabricated it again in three days. However, the individuals who said this were "false witnesses." It was in fact obvious that Jesus had said He would manufacture the sanctuary in three days. However, He was alluding to His body, implying that He would become alive once again three days after they killed Him (John 2:19-21).

Present day illustrations

Numerous sales representatives are specialists at misleading statements. This is the strategy the picture taker at the Cubs amusement was utilizing.

Present day stimulation is frequently loaded with this. Indeed, even Disney motion pictures, "I Love Lucy," "Andy Griffith," and other as far as anyone knows great projects regularly legitimize trickery.

A well known melody entitled "Pitiful Movies Always Make Me Cry" recounts a young lady who goes home crying since she saw her beau at a motion picture with another young lady. At the point when her mom asks her what's wrong, she says "to keep from disclosing to her a lie, I just stated, 'Miserable motion pictures dependably influence me to cry.'" It was in fact evident, yet tricky.

Most false instructing includes misleading statements. What the instructor says might be actually valid, however he forgets fundamental certainties or turns reality to persuade something else from what God proposed.

I underscore: we are not required to tell individuals all that we know. A few things are private or there might be no justifiable reason motivation behind why some specific individual ought to be told what we know. Keeping an issue mystery or classified isn't really off-base. However, in the event that you are hushing up about an issue, don't lead others to think things that are false or that you have disclosed to them the entire issue when you have not.

I speculate that each responsible individual has damaged these standards, the majority of us ordinarily. Be that as it may, have we apologized of it, or do we keep on justifying such practices?
[Proverbs 30:8; Acts 23:27; Genesis 3:4,5; Ezra 4:1,2,11-16]

G. Self-Deception

One of the saddest types of duplicity is self-misdirection. Individuals who would prefer not to confront reality can now and again persuade themselves to trust things that they truly know are not valid.

Book of scriptures instructing

Numerous entries caution about self-trickery.

1 Corinthians 3:18 - Let nobody hoodwink himself. In the event that anybody among you is by all accounts savvy in this age, let him turn into a trick that he may wind up insightful. Individuals frequently think they are smart to the point that they trick themselves into trusting mistake.

A man in the motion picture "Princess Bride" figured he could out-shrewd anybody. He endeavored to trick another man to motivate him to drink harm, however then wound up drinking it himself. That is how individuals are who think they are so savvy yet wind up tricking themselves.

Galatians 6:3 - If anybody supposes himself to be something when he is nothing, he tricks himself. Now and then individuals would prefer not to concede what they are extremely similar to, so they betray themselves into supposing they are superior to anything they are.

This particularly occurs in religion.

James 1:22,26 - But be practitioners of the word, and not listeners just, misleading yourselves. In the event that anybody among you supposes he is religious, and does not harness his tongue but rather bamboozles his own particular heart, this present one's religion is futile.

Individuals betray themselves, since they are from numerous points of view religious. So they think they are worthy, however God is as yet not satisfied on account of sins in different aspects of their lives.

1 John 1:8 - If we say that we have no wrongdoing, we beguile ourselves, and the fact of the matter isn't in us.

2 Timothy 4:3,4 - Some won't persevere through sound regulation, yet as indicated by their own wants, since they have tingling ears, they will load up for themselves educators; and they will dismiss their ears from reality, and be swung aside to tales.

Note that these individuals wind up trusting mistake, since they don't care for reality. They lean toward educators who "stimulate their ears" - reveal to them what they need to hear. So they may wind up trusting they are adequate to God, yet they hoodwinked themselves.

Present day cases

Individuals who put stock in advancement, agnosticism, and numerous other false tenets, frequently have inspirations for not having faith in God. They guarantee they have been persuaded by logical confirmation, yet that isn't generally why they accept as they do. They simply would prefer not to confront reality, so they protect development or other mistake till they persuade themselves it is valid.

The same frequently occurs with individuals who have relatives or friends and family who go into blunder - maybe an unscriptural separate or false religious practice. They can't force themselves to trust their friends and family are lost, so they look for a legitimization till they at long last persuade themselves.

One of only a handful couple of things I recollect from my school brain research course was a trial in which individuals were requested to complete an exhausting activity (turn pegs on a board), and they said it was exhausting. At that point they were paid to persuade other individuals it was a great job. At the point when asked again later, they said it was a great job. For cash they had deluded other individuals so long that they wound up trusting their own particular lie.

I'm persuaded this occurs with numerous false instructors. They may question what they instruct, yet they know they are relied upon to show it and individuals need to hear it, so they show it. Sooner or later they end up persuaded it is valid.

Self-duplicity is tragic in any zone of life, however it is particularly miserable that the zone of life in which a great many people mislead themselves is religion.

God abhors tongues that talk lies. Shouldn't something be said about you and me? Is it true that we are blameworthy of lying? In all actuality we have all been liable at some time. Have we been pardoned? Have we atoned and complied with God's conditions to excuse us?

[Romans 1:19-25; Isaiah 30:9-11; 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12; Jeremiah 5:31; John 8:31-55; 2 Timothy 4:4]

II. Reasons for Lying and Deceit

With a specific end goal to abstain from lying and misdirection, we have to comprehend what makes individuals be liable. Eventually all untruths are considered in the heart affected by Satan.

John 8:44 - Jesus said with respect to Satan: "there is no reality in him. When he talks a lie, he talks from his own particular assets, for he is a liar and its father." Satan impacts men to lie.

Acts 5:1-9 - Ananias and Sapphira lied about their blessing to the congregation. Diminish asked, "Why has Satan filled your heart to mislead the Holy Spirit...?"

Matthew 15:18-20 - Jesus names things that originate from the heart and debase a man, including false witness.

When we tell lies then we have taken after the impact of Satan, yet a definitive issue is in our souls. In the event that we will transform, we need to begin by changing our states of mind.

What particular issues lead us to tell lies?

[Isaiah 59:13; Jeremiah 17:9]

A. Self-centeredness or Personal Gain

A few untruths are told for individual pick up or delight. We try to get some advantage that we figure we can't accomplish by telling truth.

Book of scriptures cases

genesis 31:7 - Jacob said his uncle Laban had misled him and changed his wages ten times. He would consent to pay a specific wage, however the outcome would work out further bolstering Jacob's good fortune, so he would change and endeavor to pay something unique. Jacob said this was misleading.

1 Kings 21:1-16 - Ahab, King of Israel, needed to purchase a vineyard, yet the proprietor Naboth would not offer. Ahab's better half Jezebel declared a devour in Naboth's respect (vv 9,10), at that point had two men affirm he had cursed, so he was stoned to death.

proverbs 11:1; Micah 6:11 - A false adjust and tricky weights are a cursed thing to God. These are approaches to cheat individuals in business dealings by lying and misdirection.

Current illustrations

Frequently organizations advise deceives persuade individuals to purchase their items. A few organizations expect representatives to lie.

Quite a while back a representative revealed to me that, at her store, assistants were required to cheat clients enough to pay their own particular compensation.

I get a kick out of the chance to shop at OfficeMax, however I don't care for some of their advertisements. They have a prizes program that offers things, similar to an instance of paper for $40 with $30 rewards. Advertisements say, "It resembles getting it for $10." But it isn't! To utilize the $30 compensate, you need to purchase something different for $30 or more. So it isn't care for getting something worth $40 for $10. It's getting things worth $70 for $40! That is beguiling.

Government officials make false guarantees or lie about their past with a specific end goal to get chose.

Individual pick up is likewise what spurs numerous false educators.

proverbs 19:22 - A poor man is superior to a liar. God says in the event that you can't get rich truly, change your activity or remain poor.

How legitimate would we say we are in our business dealings?

[Lev. 6:2-5; 19:11; Amos 8:5; Proverbs 21:6; 20:23; Exodus 18:21; Romans 1:19-25; Isaiah 32:7; Josh. 7:11; Jer. 5:27; Malachi 1:14]

B. Conceal

At the point when individuals sin or submit different acts they need to escape others, they frequently tell lies.

Book of scriptures illustrations

genesis 37:28,31-33 - This is the thing that drove Jacob's children to cheat him to think a wild creature murdered Joseph. They had sold him as a slave and did not need their dad to discover.

2 Kings 5:25 - When Elisha recuperated Naaman of sickness, he declined to take a blessing from him. Elisha's hireling Gehazi sought after Naaman and requested cash and articles of clothing. At the point when Elisha got some information about it, Gehazi said he had not gone anyplace. He deceived conceal.

Current illustrations

An exemplary case of our chance has been Pres. Clinton and the Lewinsky undertaking. Be that as it may, numerous different government officials and different renowned individuals have misled conceal their transgressions. Lawmakers are frequently known to hone numerous types of insidiousness, yet lying under vow is about the special case that appears to annoy numerous individuals.

Almost every criminal deceives deny blame.

Expatriates regularly lie about their citizenship status to land a position or a driver's permit.

Also, the majority of us have misled cover our wrongdoings.

"The fallen angel has numerous instruments, yet a lie is the handle that fits them all." Almost any transgression you can name will prompt misleading spread it up: infidelity, kill, taking, and so on.

Have you and I been blameworthy? Have we apologized of the wrongdoings of the past?

[2 Samuel 11:6-13; Isaiah 28:15-17; Proverbs 26:24-28; 12:19,20; Genesis 18:15; Josh. 7:11]

C. Pride and Envy

Frequently individuals advise lies since they need individuals to think they are superior to anything they truly are.

Book of scriptures illustrations

psalms 59:12 - For the wrongdoing of their mouth and the expressions of their lips, Let them even be taken in their pride, And for the reviling and lying which they talk. Note that pride has driven these individuals to lie.

Acts 5:1-9 - The lie Ananias and Sapphira told was obviously propelled by pride. Other individuals were giving conciliatory endowments to the congregation, and they needed individuals to think they had made a more prominent forfeit than what they had.

Matthew 6:2,5,16 - The Pharisees were posers since they put on a show to be religiously sincere with a specific end goal to get the support of individuals.

Present day illustrations

Like Ananias and Sapphira, a few people cheat others about their belonging or riches or liberality keeping in mind the end goal to awe others.

Some lie about how much training or what function encounter they have with a specific end goal to land a position.

Numerous false educators distort their tenet or their own lives. On the off chance that they told individuals reality they couldn't get a following, so they should be wolves in sheep's clothing and bamboozle others. We know about numerous who attempt to shroud their unethical behavior so individuals would have a favorable opinion of them.

Has pride driven you hoodwink or deceive other individuals to inspire them?

[Matthew 23:5; Acts 20:29,30; Matthew 7:15; 26:59 with 27:18; Psalm 119:69; Galatians 6:3; Isaiah 44:20; Hosea 10:13]

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IV. Conquering Lying and Deceit

Think of some as steps we should take to help abstain from being blameworthy of lying or misleading.

A. Love Truth and Hate Lies

psamls 119:104,128 - Through Your statutes I get seeing; Therefore I despise each false way. Every one of Your statutes concerning everything I consider to be correct; I abhor each false way.

psalms 119:163 - I despise and severely dislike lying, But I adore Your law.

1 Corinthians 13:6 - Love does not cheer in wrongdoing, but rather cheers in reality.

You and I should build up a solid responsibility about lying. Don't simply gently loathe lies, yet effectively abhor the training. On the off chance that we ceaselessly help ourselves to remember the awful outcomes of lying, this ought to rouse us to abstain from lying and to restrict it in others.

B. Fill Your Heart with Truth

Matthew 12:34,35 - For out of the plenitude of the heart the mouth talks. A decent man out of the great fortune of his heart delivers great things, and an insidious man out of the malicious fortune delivers detestable things. We talk as indicated by what is in our souls, so we have to harbor just truth in our souls.

Philippians 4:8 - Finally, brethren, whatever things are genuine ... mull over these things.

psalms 15:2 - The person who resides in God's sanctuary is he who talks reality in his heart. So as to talk truth with our mouths, we should talk truth in our souls.

psalms 51:6 - You want truth in the internal parts, And in the concealed part You will make me to know astuteness.

To be speakers of truth, we should fill our hearts with truth, particularly with God's oath.

[Proverbs 12:5; 26:24; John 8:32; John 3:21; 2 Tim. 4:2-4]

C. Avoid Falsehood.

Try not to falter with deceptions. Try not to think about rehashing such things. Decline to have anything to do with them.

exodus 23:7 - Keep yourself a long way from a false issue.

proverbs 4:24 - Put far from you a misleading mouth, And put unreasonable lips a long way from you.

proverbs 30:8 - Remove deception and lies a long way from me. Try not to perceive how near blunder you can get; stay "far" from lying.

We should both fill our hearts with truth and reject untruths and trickery. Try not to harbor deception in your heart and it can't be communicated in your discourse.

D. Maintain a strategic distance from People and Influences Known to Lie or Deceive.

Regularly we wind up telling untruths since we connect with liars, we tune in to their falsehoods, and we figure out how to impersonate their abhorrence.

proverbs 17:4 - A wrongdoer offers notice to false lips; A liar listens excitedly to an angry tongue. When we tune in to other individuals' misrepresentations, we are enticed to talk them ourselves.

psalms 101:7 - He who works double dealing might not stay inside my home; He who tells lies should not proceed in my quality. [Cf. vv 4-7]

In the event that we are to keep truth in our souls and stay away from misrepresentation, we should take mind whose discourse we tune in to. Truly, we should enable liars to atone and be pardoned. Be that as it may, on the off chance that they decline to apologize and keep on speaking untruths, we should constrain our relationship with a specific end goal to keep our own particular hearts unadulterated.


psalms 24:3-5 - Who will remain in God's blessed place? The individuals who have clean hands and an unadulterated heart. The individuals who have not lifted up their souls to deception and have not sworn misleadingly. This is the person will's identity honored by the Lord.

Lying is really an anathema to the Lord. He despises a lying tongue. Shouldn't something be said about you and me? Do we have lying tongues, for example, God detests? Or on the other hand would we say we are, for example, can remain before God heavenly in light of the fact that we have not acknowledged misrepresentation and duplicity into our souls and lives?


The heart is always the bedrock of all human thoughts, expression and actions which has consequences, because what it receives, conceives, is what it gives out, for out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks: if we conceive truth or a lie, it shall sprout and bear truth or lies. Nice one mate. Upvoted

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