My God, it will be that you sent a Moses to free the peoples who are suffering

in #steemchurch6 years ago


Esteemed readers of steemchurch, I am proudly Venezuelan, but the suffering is very great, and the desire to enjoy and live in freedom is incalculable, of course not only for me but for all Venezuelans, not only that we live in it but also for those who had to go and look to survive and be able to help their loved ones as well. Every day the situation is unbearable in all angles and areas, but someone appeared, compatriot who is fighting and leading to achieve freedom and justice in our country.

From this, I make my comparison when Moses came to the mountain of Horeb seeking grass for his sheep. Here he saw a bush in fire, but the bush did not burn!


'How strange!' Thought Moses. 'I'll see that better.' As he came closer, from the bush a voice said: 'Do not come any closer. Take off your sandals, for you are on holy ground. 'It was God speaking through an angel, and that is why Moses covered his face.

God then said: 'I have seen my people suffer in Egypt. I am going to deliver them, and I send you to take them out of there. "Jehovah was going to take his people to the beautiful country of Canaan.

But Moses said: 'I am nobody. How can I do this? And if I go they will say to me: "Who sent you?" What do I say then?
'You will tell them,' answered God. '"JEHOVAH the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob has sent me to you."' To that, Jehovah added: 'This is my name forever.'

'But what if they do not believe me when I tell them that you sent me?' Replied Moses.

'What do you have in your hand?' Asked God.

Moses answered: 'A stick.'

'Throw it on the ground,' said God. When Moses did that, the stick he had turned into a snake. Then, Jehovah showed Moses another miracle. He said: 'Put your hand in your suit.' Moses did it, and when he pulled out his hand, it was white as snow! It seemed that he was sick, with leprosy. Then Jehovah gave Moses power to do a third miracle. Finally he said: 'These miracles will make the Israelites believe that I sent you.'

Then Moses went home and said to Jethro: 'Please, let me go back to Egypt to see how my relatives are doing.' So Jethro said goodbye to Moses, who began his journey back to Egypt.

Exodus 3: 1-22; 4: 1-20.

The information was taken from the source

With everything previously described in the previous paragraphs, I want to highlight that faith moves mountains, in addition to the ways and miracles of God our Lord, uses mysterious and surprising episodes at the same time, and because mysterious for the magical, fast and at just moments and appropriate for our creator god, when nobody expected or imagined it.

We only hope with great faith and disproportionately force the total liberation of our people, like Moses in the name and envoy of God, I liberate his people from the mandate and oppression of the Egyptian yoke.

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