in #steemchurch6 years ago

A warm greeting Dear friends and brothers
Welcome to my blog
God bless you!

God made man righteous, but they sought many perversions.
Ecclesiastes 7:29

God resists the proud, and gives grace to the humble.
1 Peter 5: 5


God, the infinite and absolute God, created man in his image and put him in the garden of Eden. He entrusted the administration of the land, but with a prohibition: he should not eat the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Respecting this prohibition, man had to show his trust in the Creator. That good and wise God knew that if Adam came to know good and evil, the result would be his misfortune.

At the same time, God was doing an obedience examination to Adam. By being faithful in little things, Adam would have shown that he would be faithful in great things. And it was a great thing to administer the land to God, its rightful owner. But, Adam and Eve were unfaithful, they let themselves be seduced by the devil, who told them: "You will be like God" (Genesis 3: 5). Sensible to Satan's proposal, man fell into the trap of the tempter: pride.

This fiber of pride and vanity still vibrates many times in us, pushing us to want to prevail and to puff ourselves up. This inner pretension is the cause of many of our sufferings and conflicts. More serious still, it is the cause of our estrangement from God. This pride, so deeply rooted and concealed in our hearts, makes us hypocrites and constitutes a true affront to the infinite love of God.

Even today God offers salvation to all who recognize the gravity of their sin. This is his offer made a long time ago: "I will give you a new heart, and I will put a new spirit within you" (Ezekiel 36:26). He continues to extend his hand towards us.




We must be humble, because the lack of responsibility and disobedience led Adam and Eve to lose what God had given him, we must be wise and know that the only thing that could keep us righteous is to believe in Christ.

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