in #steemchurch6 years ago

What benefits a man, if he wins the whole world, and destroys himself or loses himself?
Luke 9:25


While the jackpot of a lottery has not been reached, the value increases, and more and more players try their luck. Then the probability of winning decreases for each of them, but everyone dreams of earning that money.

But the Bible asks a question: What benefits a man if he wins the whole world, all the riches of the earth? At the end of our lives, rich or poor, we can not take anything with us, except the great weight of our sins: an immense debt before the holy God, to whom each one will have to give an account.

Thank God it is possible to get rid of that debt, that burden! The Bible shows us who we should go to find the price of that ransom. The price is the precious blood of Christ poured out on the cross. It was his life given in ransom for all who want to be forgiven of their sins. We do not have to pay anything, we can all enjoy that free salvation; there is no uncertainty, for Jesus Christ himself assures him: "To him who comes to me, I do not cast him out" (John 6:37).


We have to receive the gift of his life as a perfect gift, with no counterpart. "You were rescued ... not with corruptible things, like gold or silver, but with the precious blood of Christ" (1 Peter 1: 18-19). We only have to fulfill one condition: recognize our debt, our total inability to pay, and accept that Christ paid everything for us. But you have to do it now. Tomorrow it may be too late!

"Make yourselves bags that do not grow old, treasure in the heavens that does not run out, where a thief does not come, nor a moth destroys" (Luke 12:33).

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This writeup made us wonder, can any gift be greater than life? Definitely not. He that have life should be happy, no gift is as great as life. Nice one from you Mosdad.

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and best of all that eternal life is free, and our Lord Jesus Christ paid on the cross of Calvary.

The gift of Divine Love is the greatest gift that a human being can receive.

Apostle Paul in the Bible describes life as a race, while the participants (those trying to serve God) as athletes. In a race only he that runs to the end that will win, and the prize is life.

It is quite sad if one wins everything on earth and loses his life. I always enjoy reading from you Mosdad, are you friends with Darlenys01?

this is my brother @jaff8 this is a race of resistance and not speed.

I follow Darlenys01 on his blog and I really like to read his posts are very edifying

While the jackpot of a lottery has not been reached, the value increases, and more and more players try their luck. Then the probability of winning decreases for each of them, but everyone dreams of earning that money.

it is indeed a good philosophy based on mathematical calculation on probality.... indeed what shall it profit a man to gain the whole world... we should all learn to pursue or rather run a heavenly race than worldly race... Good 1 🖒

that's right my brother @engr.martins I prefer the blessing of God that everything that this world can give me.

As a Christian our focus should be more of Christ instead of acquiring worldly things without knowing Christ just like the richman that ended up in hell because his cares for wordly things

that should always be our focus, in everything of heaven

Jesus Paid The Ultimate Sacrifice So We Could Win The Ultimate Price.
We shouldn't squander this opportunity give to us to attain salvation.


God loves us so much, that he gave his son, so that we would have life and life in abundance, and it is sad that sometimes there are people who waste and despise what God did.

Romans 5 vs 15-17

But the free gift is not like the transgression. For if by the transgression of the one the many died, much more did the grace of God and the gift by the grace of the one Man, Jesus Christ, abound to the many.

Christ sacrificed himself so that we may get eternal life and never perish.

that is so that we have life in abundance

This is one of the most captivating and informing post that has bridged my mind and insight here on this lovely community. Winning the biggest prize is the best award to be crowded with in this sinful world

and we must not disapprove the grand prize that was already paid, and that is completely free for us

Knowing God is the greatest treasure we can have, in him all things are sustained, in the name of Jesus, Jesus Christ is the kiss par excellence of God to man. The kiss that rescues us from the claws, its love is better than wine, and its perfume, better than spilled ointment.He is the essence of our life.

hello my sister @darlenys01 God has to be our alpha and omega, our beginning and end. To treasure earthly coasters and lose eternal life, it is preferable to make treasure in heaven. God bless you! regards

Salvation is personal as jesus took all our sins to the cross. Nice writeup

thank you good that you like it, God bless you!

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