in #steemchurch6 years ago

A warm greeting Dear friends and brothers
Welcome to my blog
God bless you!

Jesus also told them a parable about the need to pray always, and not to faint.
Luke 18: 1

Persevere in prayer, watching over it with thanksgiving.
Colossians 4: 2

But you, when you pray, enter your room, and close the door, pray to your Father.
Matthew 6: 6

To pray is preferable to be in a quiet place, but we can pray at all times and in all places. We turn to God! He is there, at our side, like a Father who listens to us. Let us talk loudly or inwardly, in our own way, in a simple way. Let us pray from the depths of our interior, with sincerity, since it is necessary that prayer come from the heart.

Almost nobody knows what it is really to pray. For some the prayer is to pray prayers mentally and mechanically and, for others, ask for things without any knowledge. For those who believe themselves to be more advanced and profound, prayer is a cry towards God, an emotional and mental overflow, which is produced by that "union" and that "contact" with Him, and which often brings with it what is usually call in doctrinal means as "the mystery of tears". But it is necessary to overcome this limited form of "prayer". All these variants are stations in which a human being can remain, paths that can be traversed. But they are not the only paths and, without a doubt, they are not the beginning of the spiritual journey.


The goal of prayer is for many to try to get something from an entity that believes superior and able to grant what is believed to be needed. But this entity, which is generally understood as God, has nothing to do with the pettiness of our lives. However, it happens that, by the very attitude of the person who "prays" and for what he desires, a state of peace, quiet and receptivity is born, which, to a certain extent, vanishes mental confusion. It happens that it is the subconscious itself that responds.

The inner voice is often the answer that the person wants to give himself, to achieve a certain calm and mental serenity. This state benefits, without this signifying any connection with a positive superior reality that transcends it. There is also a deep concentration when, in the anguish, external help is requested in an attitude of humility and expectation. That concentration is almost always called prayer. But it is not such, because concentration is pure exclusion, is the rejection of thoughts and ideas hinder and deviate from achieving the objective pursued. And that is nothing more than a combative attitude.


Prayer is understanding, understanding without excluding or supplicating. Understand and, in understanding, find peace and liberation of the understood. Only then is true value given to things. The first step of prayer is knowledge itself. This means the full awareness of daily activity, in acting, in feeling and in thinking. Prayer lacks meaning without the knowledge that leads to true thinking and prayer to true action, an action that is always preceded by calmness and the absence of confusion and mental wandering. In this state, the human being is attentive, perceptive and free of the need to ask for external solutions without true value.

But true communication can be established when, in the silence of the mind, one is aware of the movement of thought and feeling. Then reveal the different strata that make up the human being, the superficial and the deep unconscious. Then, without confusion or problems, something, which is outside of time, illuminates us.

Our work is to elevate our consciousness so that the Father, the truth, the reality, or whatever we want to call him, can enter into it and work properly in our lives. Prayer is to open consciousness to God and consciously relate to Him. It could also be called transcendental meditation, because it means living in meditation and at the same time transcending what is perceived through the doors of the senses. Only if conscience is opened to God, if it is prayed, will it work properly in life. Prayer must be conscious, full of sensitivity and knowledge, which leaves no space for pathological and diseased states that feed this ignorant "prayer" promoted by doctrinal groups. Those who are influenced by these associations and their doctrines normally seek in prayer altered states in which to enjoy exquisite pleasure or use it to ask, almost always, crazy absurdities


Prayer does not consist of listing a list of spiritual or material needs. It is more about a dialogue in a relationship of trust with my God, my Father. The prayer can have different characters, according to what I express to God. We can:

  • to adore to recognize the greatness of God in nature, and even more in the work of Jesus Christ;

  • recognize our sins and confess them without hiding anything;

  • to thank him for everything the Lord gives us, even what seems natural;

  • ask expressing with simplicity our needs, our concerns;

  • intercede for others;

  • listen to the answers of our God. It is not that he speaks to us in an audible way, but that the Holy Spirit "speaks" to the mind of the Christian, in the tranquility of those moments of exchange with him. God also speaks to us, and above all through verses from the Bible that can come to our memory or, of course, when we read it.




God promises us what money can not buy. In one of my favorite scriptures, God gives us a wonderful perspective of what He can do: "To Him who is able to do all things much more abundantly than we ask or understand, according to the power that acts in us, to Him be glory in the Church in Christ Jesus for all ages, for ever and ever, amen "(Ephesians 3: 20-21). This is a divine wisdom, that our hope is in God, to pray with knowledge.

Every Christian must come to terms with prayer as a communication module. My young trainee asked me yesterday when I told them that I do consciously pray for my machines against malfunctioning, "how will God answer when we do not believe?" My answer was simple. "We shouldn't even try praying if we do not believe.

When we pray and believe, God will perfect His promises. Great post @Mosdad

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