STEEMCHURCH: What is Salvation?

in #steemchurch6 years ago


Salvation is the liberation from danger or suffering. To save is to liberate or protect. The word contains the idea of victory, health, or preservation. Sometimes the Bible uses the words "saved" or "salvation" to refer to something temporary, physical release, such as Paul's deliverance from prison (Philippians 1:19). More often, the word salvation refers to an eternal spiritual liberation. When Paul told the Philippian jailer what he must do to be saved, he was referring to the jailer's eternal destiny (Acts 16: 30-31). Jesus equals being saved by entering the kingdom of God (Matthew 19: 24-25).

How is salvation obtained?

To obtain salvation, we must exercise faith in Jesus and demonstrate it by obeying his commands (Acts 4:10, 12; Romans 10: 9, 10; The Bible says that it is necessary that obedience be translated into works to prove that our faith is alive (James 2:24, 26) However, that does not mean that we win salvation, this is a "gift from God", a gift that he gives us for his "undeserved kindness" or "grace" (Ephesians 2:8-9).

Who accomplishes salvation?

Only God can remove sin and free us from the payment of sin (2 Timothy 1: 9, Titus 3: 5). In the Bible, God is often called "Savior" and it is indicated that salvation is owed primarily to him (1 Samuel 10:19, Isaiah 43:11, Titus 2:10, Jude 25). On the other hand, the Word of God also calls "saviors" to the men that God sometimes used to deliver the old nation of Israel (Nehemiah 9:27, Judges 3: 9, 15, 2 Kings 13: 5). It also refers to Jesus Christ as "Savior", since God saves us from sin through the sacrifice of his Son (Acts 5:31, Titus 1: 4). Salvation, God has rescued us through Christ (John 3:17). Specifically, it was the death of Jesus on the cross and His subsequent resurrection that made our salvation (Romans 5:10, Ephesians 1: 7). The Scripture is clear, in that salvation is the kind and undeserved gift of God (Ephesians 2: 5, 8) that is only available through faith in Jesus Christ (Acts 4:12). The Word of God declares: "ALL have sinned, and come short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23). "All" means all without exception. This includes you and includes me.

For every cause there is an effect and the Bible declares that there is a consequence for sin. But wich ones? Romans declares: "... the wages of sin is DEATH, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus" (6:23). There is. Sin causes death!


In other words, when man sinned he was destitute of the glory of God (Romans 3:23) and therefore he was no longer in communion with God that brought him death. God told Adam: "But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat: for in the day that you eat of it, you shall surely die" Genesis 2:17. But by mercy of the Most High Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ was sent to us to show us salvation, eternal life: "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not be lost, but have eternal life "John 3:16.
We are saved by having accepted the gift of God that is salvation, because we decided one day to tell the world and not Satan! This implies that just as we accept that gift from God, so also the people around us can accept this gift, if we did it as well. It is important to know that the works do not save anyone (read Ephesians 2: 8-9), we do the works not to save ourselves, but because we are saved because when we are saved, we want to please our Heavenly Father without receiving anything in return.
A definition of salvation would be: "The eternal spiritual liberation that God grants to those who accept His conditions of repentance and faith in the Lord Jesus." Salvation is only obtained through Jesus Christ (John 14: 6; Acts 4:12). ), and depends only on God for his provision, guarantee and security. God wants people to be saved, but he does not force anyone to accept the means he has set for salvation. On the "day of judgment," it will also destroy the wicked (2 Peter 3: 7).

How can this problem be resolved?

Jesus is the way!


Jesus, for us, was made sinful (2 Corinthians 5:21). Jesus died in our place (Romans 5: 8), taking the punishment we deserved. Three days later, Jesus rose again, demonstrating His victory over sin and death (Romans 6: 4-5). Why did he do it? God himself answered that question, "No one has greater love than this, that one lay down his life for his friends" (John 15:13). Jesus died so that we might live. If we put our faith in Jesus, trusting in His death as payment for our sins, then all our sins are forgiven and washed away. And so our spiritual hunger will be satisfied. The lights will turn on. We will have access to a full life. We will meet our best friend and good pastor. We will know that we will have life after dying a resurrected life with Jesus in heaven for eternity!

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish, but may have eternal life" (John 3:16).



If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is the Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Because with the heart one believes for justice, but with the mouth one confesses for salvation.
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Salvation is simply a process of confession and faith. A man must confess that Jesus is his Lord

To be saved, or born again is to accept the plan of salvation that Jesus offers us. In order to understand salvation, it’s imperative that you understand the death and resurrection of Christ which points to our salvation. The son of God was made human, and during His earthly life, he lived a perfect life, and died not because He wanted to but because we needed salvation

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