Steemchurch: The security in yourself

in #steemchurch6 years ago

Blessings for the family @steemchurch.

No person who follows Jesus has ever developed true spiritual maturity without having faced a variety of valleys, I call valleys a series of ups and downs, since the valleys are formed by a series of ups and downs. Such spiritual ups and downs or experiences are necessary to activate the maturation process. The security itself to face each of the tests and opportunities is a consequence of all this.

Self-confidence is defined as a feeling of certainty and confidence. For the Christian, this security manifests itself in the proportion of his trust in God. Certainty indicates trust in a person or thing, focuses on faith. Faith is fundamental for every Christian since "without faith it is impossible to please God" (Hebrews 11: 6). The lack of faith makes it impossible to reach the potential that is held in God and in personal relationships.

Hebrews 11: 6
But without faith it is impossible to please God; for it is necessary that he who comes to God believes that he is, and that he is a rewarder of those who seek him.



Hebrews 11: 1
Faith is the certainty of what is expected the conviction of what is not seen

"Faith is therefore the substance of things that are expected, the demonstration of things that are not seen." Substance means a real or essential part of a thing, which is solid or real, substance speaks of reality, the essence or main part of a concept Demonstration means proof of a thing, data or information on which a judgment or conclusion can be based to establish the proof of a thing Faith is not, then, an abstract idea, but a concrete reality, trust in God and therefore in oneself, is not based on feelings, but on tangible proof, and the proof is our faith. "Now, faith is security (confirmation, title to property) of the things we expect, the proof of things we do not see and the conviction of their reality. "Faith is a real fact that is not revealed to the senses.


Our faith is, therefore, security, intellectual security and absence of doubt. Then we have: Security: quality of insurance. Confirmation: action to authenticate a thing or corroborate its reality. Title of ownership: it is the authentic proof that something belongs to you legally. Faith is the proof of the validity of a thing. The word test means evidence that establishes the validity of something. Faith is always defined as something abstract and invisible, therefore, intangible. However, the test has to do with something real, something that exists. Faith is a conviction, conviction means conviction or action to convince oneself. Faith, then, is an absolute conviction.

Thieves of faith.

Our faith is fundamental to our maturity, that is why the enemy constantly sends a large number of its people to prevent us from developing the faith and therefore preventing us from being safe. That is why David said: "The anguish of my heart has increased; Get me out of my anguish. Look at my enemies, how they have multiplied, And with violent hatred they hate me " (Psalm 25: 17-19). Depression With the depression comes the thief of despair, despair means "losing all hope, being overcome by uselessness and defeat".

On one occasion Moses said: "And if you do so with me, I beg you to kill me, if I have found grace in your eyes; and that I do not see my evil "(Numbers 11:15). David wrote: "Fear and trembling came upon me, And terror covered me. And I said: Who would give me wings like a dove! I would fly, and I would rest "(Psalm 55: 5). Even Jesus faced this thief: "Then Jesus said to them: My soul is very sad, until death; stay here, and watch with me "(Matthew 26:38). And we can mention many more. Psychology says that bad and negative thoughts are the root of most depressions.


These immoderate thoughts not only cause depression, but in turn feed those thoughts, as a drug that creates an addiction and that is almost necessary, since according to a gland exists that stimulates secrete certain substances. That is why proverbs says: "But by the pain of the heart the spirit is broken" (Proverbs 15:13). He also says: "But the sad spirit dries up the bones" (Proverbs 17:22).

Depression is a state of sadness that weakens our strengths. Being sad says the Bible that dries the bones, in a definition they say that the bones support and protect the soft organs of the body, although in appearance they are solid, the bones are formed by living tissues endowed with nerves, and blood and lymphatic vessels the muscles and tendons adhere to its outer covering, the globules are formed in the medulla. That is to say, the bones are a fundamental part in sustaining our most sensitive and important muscles and also intervene in the production of blood, which leads us to say that if our bones age as well as our muscles and our blood production does not It will be good, that is, the depression caused by sadness ages our entire body. David says: "There is nothing healthy in my flesh, because of your anger; Nor is there peace in my bones, because of my sin ... I am stooped, I am humbled greatly, I go mourning all day. For my loins are full of ardor, and there is nothing healthy in my flesh. I am greatly weakened and crushed; I groan because of the shock of my heart "(Psalm 38: 3-8). Since depression is a state of sadness that weakens our strength, the remedy for this is laughter or joy. "The happy heart makes the face beautiful" (Proverbs 15:13). "A cheerful heart is a good remedy" (Proverbs 17:22). Psychologists say that laughter has a healing power.


Forgiveness is a vital quality for spiritual maturity and contributes to the growth of Trust in God, so the enemy will try to cause us problems with anger, which leads to a spirit of hatred. With regard to this the Bible says: "You shall not abhor your brother in your heart; you will reason with your neighbor, so that you do not participate in his sin. You shall not avenge yourself, nor bear a grudge against the children of your people, but you shall love your neighbor as yourself. I am the Lord. "(Leviticus 19: 17-18). The word resentment means "to harbor resentment or ill will." As it is always discovered that it is easy to keep a grudge, it becomes easy to save another one. Soon the subconscious mind of the person is a deposit of grudges. Such a person finds the ultimate recourse to trust in God or in other people. His trust in other people has been destroyed, and he has lost all confidence in himself. And normally he acts with anger, it is the manifestation of resentment, his expression will always tend to anger. The remedy for hatred is benignity.


The first step to overcome hatred is the practice of forgiveness, which comes from a benign spirit. As Paul said: "But be kind to one another, merciful, forgiving one another, as God also forgave you in Christ." (Ephesians 4:32). Hate always takes away, but kindness gives. Gentleness not only defeats the spirit of hatred, it also leads to many personal blessings. For example: "The merciful man does good to his soul;
But the cruel one torments himself "(Proverbs 11:17).


The enemy has another thief called presumption. Presumption has to do with an excessively high self-concept that is filled with the spirit of pride. We are not referring to personal confidence but to the attitude of arrogance.

Before pride is pride, And before the fall the loftiness of spirit (Proverbs 16:18).

The pride arises fundamentally, to direct attention to ourselves. The more we take our eyes away from the needs and concerns of others, the more we feed on pride. The remedy for pride is humility.

Humility should never be taken as self-condemnation. Humility does not consist in lowering oneself, feeling unworthy. Humility is more a way of life than a series of individual acts. Frankly, the person who tries to humiliate himself to give an example of humility, is directing the gaze towards himself, which is in itself a form of arrogance. Therefore, humility has to fix its attention on others. The more we exalt others the less we think of ourselves, the more we defeat the thief of presumption.


Fear attracts the thief of anxiety, it is another enemy sent to destroy our faith. Of course, some forms of fear are essential. Undoubtedly there is nothing wrong with normal fear, such as stepping on a poisonous insect. But the "fear" to which we refer is that which is always waiting for dangers and their possible results that are greatly exaggerated. Such fear excludes God's ability to intervene on our behalf. Specifically, we refer to unnecessary anxiety. The Bible continually tells us to avoid fear, it is said that the expressions "fear not" appear about 350 times in the Bible. One passage says, "Be anxious for nothing, but let your requests be made known to God in all prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving" (Philippians 4: 6). Proverbs says: "You will not be afraid of sudden fear" (Proverbs 3:25).

To believe that a calamity or adverse circumstance is greater than the capacity of God (that is fear) is to express more faith to calamity than to God. Therefore, to cultivate fear is to reduce our faith or twist it. The remedy for fear is courage, something that is cultivated by learning the thoughts of God. It is not only cultivated by reading the Word of God but it is increased by living in the presence of God. Trust is related to the approach to God, something that is developed through devotional habit, which includes prayer and reading.



This is the deadliest in the enemy's arsenal, guilt gives rise to the thief of condemnation. Guilt is defined as "conscience, full of remorse for having done something wrong". Essentially, the feeling of guilt is caused by believing the lies of the enemy. So we overcome that feeling by sowing the spiritual seeds of security in our hearts. Security is simply "the state or quality of being sure or convinced that a certain thing is true." Security is synonymous with certainty, which obviously is vital for the proper development of faith in God.

The Bible commands us to approach God with certainty and security: "Let us draw near with a sincere heart, in full assurance of faith, having our hearts purified with an evil conscience, and having our bodies washed with pure water. Let us hold firm, without fluctuating, the profession of our hope, because faithful is the one who promised. " (Hebrews 10: 22-23). We can increase our security by fixing our eyes on God. With respect to guilt and condemnation it is very important that we remember that the focus of these attitudes is the self. Christ is the focus of forgiveness.



The inferiority complex, gives free rein to the thief of doubt in oneself, is the last thief that the enemy sends to deprive us of our security in ourselves. Although every believer can meet with several of the thieves mentioned, none seems to affect more believers in longer periods than the thief of doubt in oneself. Generally speaking, most of the inferiority conditions are produced by the persistent confessions of failure. Whether these confessions are made in public or only in the mind, the fact is that nothing hinders our dignity more than the thoughts and conversations that have a negative character.

The Bible says: "The man rejoices with the answer of his mouth; And the word in its time, how good it is! "(Proverbs 15:23) and:" For what is his mind in his heart, such is he "(Proverbs 23: 7). It was this enemy that almost He defeated Gideon before God had a chance to use him in Israel.Gedeon was told that God wanted to use him to deliver the nation, to which he said: "Oh, my lord, with what will I save Israel? Behold, my family is poor in Manasseh, and I am the youngest in my father's house "(Judges 6:15). God never asked his condition, he told him what he had to do with him and He gave an order, but he set his eyes on himself, and fortunately Gideon overcame this feeling of inferiority and recognized that God was calling him.


Self-confidence is the remedy for inferiority, there is no doubt that it can be cultivated. And although "self-confidence" and "trust" are intimately related, there is a difference.

Trust is basically a conviction that we can succeed in Christ, a factor that deals mostly with growth and maturity. In addition, the focus of trust is on one's position in Jesus Christ, while the focus of self-assurance is on one's "power" in Him. One of the greatest promises of the entire Bible regarding our security in Christ it was written by Paul:

"For which I am sure that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor the present, nor the future, nor the height, nor the deep, nor any other created thing He can separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. "(Romans 8: 38-39).

Principle of self-confidence:

I can only find the fundamental purpose of life by learning the essential aspects of full trust in God for my life. I must accept his will as my will, advancing in his plan as the cloud does with the wind. I must claim, sure that I will get, every heavenly promise as my title of property that I have never seen. Therefore, I resolve to adopt this way of proceeding daily, and with the power of God I declare it already done.

Passage of the Principle of self-assurance:

1 John 5: 14-15
14 This is the confidence we have in him, that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us.
15 And if we know that he hears us in whatever we ask, we know that we have the requests we have made to him.


God says in his word that we should not be proud, not arrogant, but humble. That does not imply that we should not be sure of our talents since every good gift and every perfect gift descends from above, from the father of the lights where there is no change or shadow of variation, thanks mildrdeduh.

There are hurdles to jump over as a Christian.Believe me you as a Christian to hold on to your faith is not gonna be a smooth ride I tell you there will be some valleys to pass some oceans to be sailed across so many obstacles that takes the security in yourself which has been by profitable investment to pull through.
There are millions of questions we need to ask our selves but what is important is that how is our faith and trust strong in the lord.
He our leader and everything we need he has made everything according to his powers and his glory h has perfected our life with his perfect life as a leader.
You must he ready to loose some earthly things and be ready to carry the cross with him.
Those who have given their lives to him will always be there to stand for him always .

Truly faith is the security of everything, Faith in God is not "blind faith" as some argue. Instead, it is a choice based on the available information. The Bible, the created world, the changed lives of believers, Jesus Christ, and other ways God operates in our world provide sufficient evidence for people to choose faith in God. As Jesus taught in Luke 16:31 , "If they do not hear Moses and the Prophets, neither will they be convinced if someone should rise from the dead."

God says in his oath that we ought not be glad, not egotistical, but rather unassuming. That does not infer that we ought not make certain of our abilities since each great blessing and each flawless blessing drops from above, from the father of the lights where there is no change or shadow of variety, thanks mildrdeduh.

True, there are dependably here and there in everybody's life.

You simply must be patient, devoted and confide in God.

Be modest to him and he will most likely lift you.

Safety or confidence in yourself implies feeling confident about yourself and your talent, not in an arrogant way, but in a realistic way. This security does not mean feeling superior to others. It is about knowing, internally and with serenity, that you are a capable person.

You have said it all my friend, indeed faith is security of the things we expect, the proof of things we do not see and the conviction of their reality. Faith is a real fact that is not revealed to the senses

Just like everyone born grows and matures the same way God wants us to also grow spiritually and mature. The enemy always create impediments to hinder our faith and things that could help us grow spiritually but shouldn't be ignorant of his ways. Thanks for sharing with us how we can spot the thief of faith.

Very true, there are always up and down in everyone's life.
You just have to be patient, faithful and trust in God.
Be humble to him and he will surely lift you.

True, there are dependably all over in everybody's life.
You simply must be patient, devoted and confide in God.
Be unassuming to him and he will most likely lift you.

This is an excellent write up.
The first step to self improvement is to discourage anything that can initiate low self esteem.
Thanks for sharing

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