¡Good news, Jesus Christ has defeated the world!

in #steemchurch6 years ago

John 16.25-33:

"... in that day you will ask in my name, and I do not say to you that I will pray to the father for you, because the Father himself loves you, because you have loved me, and you have believed that I came from God.
I left the Father, and I have come into the world; again I leave the world, and I go to the father ... these things I have spoken to you so that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have affliction; but trust, I have overcome the world. "

Jesus always used metaphors, in order to make his disciples understand a straight and figurative sense of things, but He warns you in this passage, that there will come a time, where he will no longer use allegories to address them but rather he will do it clearly.


Inevitable is to have no stumbling and afflictions in this world, Jesus was aware of this situation, and always prepared his people with wisdom so that they came to understand this great truth, and not only warned about this, but gave us the tools necessary for us to emerge victorious from all of them.

Jesus tells us that in that day you will ask in my name; and I tell you that I will pray to the father for you. That "that day" refers to the moment when you and I have afflictions, to deserts, to trials, to anguish, sadness, disappointment ... but Jesus himself tells us: "on that day", I I will cry out to the father, I will intercede for you, so that your prayers will be heard, and your afflictions will come before the father, I will take them and I assure you that they will have answers;
Jesus never promised us all rose-colored, he warned us that we would have many afflictions, but before he consoled us with these words: "But trust, I have overcome the world"


Jesus promised us "peace in the midst of affection", even in the midst of tribulation, pressure, oppression, tension, anguish, grief, pain ... there is a joyful peace in the certainty of Christ's victory.

we run to his presence, and we believe his word with faith, we pour out all our afflictions at his feet.
¡Remember that Jesus defeated the world!
When he finished the work of the cross he said. "consummate is"


If they remain in Jesus they would have peace because Jesus has overcome the world.
This world is characterized by evil and sin, is dominated by Satan, "the prince of this world" Jesus has conquered the world means that Jesus overcame sin, defeated Satan, the prince of this world, and has already been judged . (Jn 16:11)
Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, Love Jesus, pray to the Father in the Name of Jesus, Confess your faith in Jesus Christ, Trust in God and God will give you peace that surpasses all understanding (Phi 4: 7), will give you peace with God (Romans 5: 1) and let him enter his kingdom.

No matter what the world has taken from us, we must know that there is one who overcame all affliction, his name is Jesus.

Very good reflection sister @mildreduh, certainly Jesus overcame the world, and that is the faith, which allows us to be hopeful in the midst of afflictions

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