in #steemchurch6 years ago (edited)


Yesterday I was talking with a new friend, who shared with me a little experience that God has allowed her to experience for the blessing of her life and widening of her ministry. But keep thinking that it is not easy when God has chosen you, many kinds of lessons come to you, because God needs to prepare you for his purpose, although it is very difficult God always glorifies himself before the situation but not before showing you where he wants take you

Every time God wants to take you to a new level of life you will have to go through trials. The tests are not optional; They are mandatory. They are what make up your character, personality and way of being. You can not surrender to a test, You must surrender to the God who gave you that test.

Could it be that the test you are going through is the end of everything? or simply the beginning of a new stage to which God is taking you?

Who prolongs or diminishes the test time is us, that is, if you are sensitive and do not have a hard time learning, you will provoke God to take you to the next level, but if on the contrary, you are hard and inflexible to what God is trying to make you understand. you will extend that time perhaps to months or years.

But he knows my way; It will prove to me, and I will come out like gold. Job 23:10

God was trying to take Job to a much higher level of life than he had lived but for this he had to be tested, and the way God did it was taking everything away from him and leaving him practically without anything.

The most impressive thing is that Job was aware that the test was not stronger than the God who had put it on. Nothing you are going through is more powerful than the Almighty God within you. God today is looking for people who when tested do not look back, do not complain and do not blame others for what they are living.

The faith you have is revealed when you are tested, that is, the size of your faith determines the size of your resistance to the test. Adversities increase your faith, your patience and your dependence on God. Do not surrender to the test, surrender to the God who gave you this test.

Definitely the results we will love, not only because of what God does makes perfect, that his will is pleasant but that by resisting we are also worshiping God, because our Faith increases, because it brings us closer to the presence of the Father.

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