STEECHURCH Called by the living God.

in #steemchurch6 years ago

Jeremiah 1:4-5 Queen-Valera 1960 (RVR1960)
4 So the word of the LORD came to me, saying:
5 Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I sanctified you; I gave you as a prophet to the nations.

We have to know that everything is created twice, that first it is created in the mind of someone then in the physical world, nothing that exists can exist if no one sees it first and thinks it in his mind. That is why the enemy attacks the mind first because he knows that our mind can not only be used as the battlefield of spiritual warfare but can also be used as a factory of glorious projects when we give cavity to thoughts that come from heaven guided by the father, we have to know that from our mind can come blessings as well as curses but when God sent His only son to die for our sins we were given the right to choose which way to choose. If we let our mind think evil and continue to be contaminated by the temptations of the world or follow the voice of God and think only of blessing and loving the one who hates and deceives us, we have to know that everything that comes to our mind if it does not fit into God's design we have to throw it out, we don't have to give it space in our lives because the thoughts when they come into our lives are to stay and become feelings and if we let it give birth to something according to that feeling and hurt others and hurt ourselves. God tells us in his word before he formed you in the womb I knew you, I gave you as a prophet to the nations and sanctify you we were simply created saints to take his word to the nations, not to let the Devil hurt our minds with his darts of evil. He only wants men and women empowered in his word to go to the nations to take of his word and preach of his love, everything is beautiful in God, he created us for purposes is our decision to grow without defiling us from this world and that in his time his word be fulfilled in our lives. He knew exactly how he wanted to make us was the first to see our life from beginning to end. It bothers the devil that we were born because when we were born the purposes for which God called us from the womb where He formed us begin to be fulfilled.


He is the only one who knows all the times in which his purpose will be fulfilled God is a God who looks down from heaven and can see the whole picture, for he avoids in eternity and he knew that for this time he would need someone like us to fulfill his word people do not exist because if they exist because God wanted them to and because you are part of his chosen lineage.

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