“When much is given, much more is Required” JESUS

Tit 2:11 For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men, Teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world;

Many think that this time of grace, we can get away with anything. The truth is more is given to us now. More than any other time do we have the more that God has given us, and this means the more is required of us.


*In the old covenant, if you did not commit adultery you fulfilled the requirement. In the new covenant, if you look at a woman and lust after her, you have committed adultery.

  • If you hate someone you have committed murder.

  • In the same way you don't see many scriptures on tithing in the New Testament. Actually only one! It is because God wants all! He wants 100%! It is all His!

*He wants all of our heart, soul, strength and mind! He wants to be the most valuable possession we have! He wants us to be satisfied with Him.

You can tell by where you or I spend money how much our love for God really is.
If we were to give a tithe to God, then spend the rest on riotous living, would the tenth we gave God be acceptable? Absolutely not!

We were not redeemed by God for Him to bless us only, but that He could make us a blessing! So we can be ambassadors of heaven, so we can fulfill the Great Commission! There is a great harvest our focus is us and not Him, not others!

Our focus, our love, our resources are all supposed to be all for His glory, His pleasure, His Kingdom, for the reason He came.

  • To adopt many sons.
  • To rescue the perishing.
  • To give Hope to the hopeless
  • To set the captives free
  • To preach the Good News to the poor, to make disciples of nations.
  • To give all we have to Him! He will accept no less than this.

The time of grace, is a time of more and more is required. We have freely received from God, now we are to freely give.

It is not about you, not about me, but about Jesus, and the lost that need someone to tell them. How can they hear unless someone tell them? God has entrusted this into the hands of the Church!

We can make a difference!
My thoughts from the Philippines.


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