Ministry Update-Master’s Hand Ministries Philippines

I am living the Evangelist’s dream. Thankful! Blessed! Joy! Kalipay!

About 3 months ago we held an evangelistic crusade in a village without a church here in the Philippines. It so happened that a leader of the regional government gave his heart to Christ.

Over that past 30 days I have preached 20 Salvation messages and over 3000 have come to Christ. Hallelujah!

Most of these people did not have a bible in their house and we also gave each new believer a complete Old and New Testament Bible in their local dialect.

We have traveled to remote villages, distant islands, in the mountains and along the seaside, proclaiming the only real good news to mankind. The message of the cross and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Vehicle for the Children's Ministry

Because of the generosity of God’s people, many who are people we met on Steemit, we were able to purchase a very nice extended cab pickup that will be mainly used for the Children’s Ministry that is headed by my wife @ronafe.

Now rain or shine we can minister to these kids, tell them of Jesus, feeding them nutritious food, praying for them, if necessary, providing clothing. What a privilege!

Thank you all who have prayed for us and those who have given to this wonderful cause.

“Let the the little children come unto me, for such is the kingdom of God”. JESUS


I have a relationship with over 120 pastors and they provide the follow up with these converts.

The group of Islands we recently visited in Zamboanga del Sur, has no church or school. We are praying for provision and wisdom in building a place for the Church that has been born there (People) to meet and mature in their walk with Christ. Also a school for kids that have no place to go.

I never pressure or beg for money. I am not going to manipulate people into giving through guilt. You can ask anyone that knows me, that I am not interested in your money. If you want to help and it brings you joy, praise God.

I appreciate anyone who prays for us and those who with joy help with Steem, Bitcoin or through PayPal. We have nonprofit status and can provide tax receipts.

We have not been sent here with a big budget from a large mission’s organization. We are here because we know this is where God wants us. We have already invested all we had into this work.

My one goal is to please the Heavenly Father and to bring Glory and honor to the Name of Jesus Christ Who is Lord of all!

These kids have no school and no place for the church to meet and grow. These islands have no roads and are only accessible by boat.

Just a few thoughts, praises and thanks from a missionary in the Philippines.
God bless and thanks for reading.
Daddy William



Keep going, Daddy william, I love the missions, God willing one day we can share the wonderfulness of these missions.
All for love of our God.

I would love to work the fields with you! Loving what God is doing! Nice to be His! Thanks for stopping by!

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