Love Amoure Amor 💕

(ASV) But now abideth faith, hope, love, these three; and the greatest of these is love

Cebuano) Apan karon magapabilin ang pagtoo, ang paglaum, ang gugma, kining totolo; ug ang labing daku niini mao ang gugma

Spanish RV) Y ahora permanecen la fe, la esperanza, y la caridad, estas tres: empero la mayor de ellas es la caridad.

Tagalog AB) Datapuwa't ngayo'y nanatili ang tatlong ito: ang pananampalataya, ang pagasa, at ang pagibig; nguni't ang pinakadakila sa mga ito ay ang pagibig.


The true minister (servant) of the Gospel is in a uniquely strange place. We are to love people and the condition of their souls, in many cases, more than the person loves their own soul.

Even to the point that we love their children and family, where even for a stranger would we forfeit sleep, to pray, spend our money to get the gospel out to them, and risk even our lives to "Go into all the world."
Jesus said, "Joh 15:13 Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." Without changing the intended meaning of this verse, we could say, greater love hath no man than to lay down their worldly possessions, their sleep, their time in intercession for his friends. Have you told your friends and family about Jesus?

But what would make a person do this for someone they don't even know, or for someone of another religion that may even hate us? Why would you pray for, spend your hard earned money, even risk your life and that of your family, to go? Mar 16:15 And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.

LOVE! Love for God and love for those that God loves. When a person is born again, we become a temple of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit covers us and fills us with the Love of God. One proof we are His is the fruit of the Spirit in our lives. Love!

God is love! The Apostle Paul said, "Rom 13:8 Owe no man any thing, but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law." We actually have a debt to love others! We are the most like the Heavenly Father when we love! Especially when we love those who will never loves us back! God does this every second! God paid the highest price for us! For the entire world! For every soul that ever lived! How can we do any less?

When someone truly encounters this Amazing Love and welcomes this Love into their life, it will transform you into a person that infrequently or never thinks one's self. Being free of self focus is one of the greatest things that could happen to you or I.

I believe every Christian should do a short term mission's trip.

One thing that visiting a 3rd world country will do, is to help us focus on what is important. The things we worry and fret about seem so silly, when you see how people live and what the definition of "need" really is. The old adage, "I once worried about having no shoes, until I met a man who had no feet.", rings true. My first trip to Bulgaria in 1999 opened my eyes. I cried every night! Seeing 13 or 14 year old girls line the street outside of the city. Every 50 feet another! Waiting to be picked up and their bodies sold for almost nothing. The majority of the people having one good set of clothing and seeing them wear it every day.

To experience seeing the joy on the believer's faces as they worship God without AC, having walked, sometimes a very long distance, to worship and hear from the Lord. Sitting on concrete blocks and 2x6 boards for pews.

Rom 13:8 Owe no man any thing, but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law.

I believe God's Word! I believe I was one of the chiefest of sinners, God sought me out and brought a sure salvation to my heart and soul. God's Love and Mercy compelled Him to do so! I believe Love never fails! Love covers a multitude of sins. I know I am headed for heaven, without a doubt I will be there. What else could I possibly want? I want to see you there!

Imagine if there was even one soul in heaven because of you! Imagine even if this person is someone you prayed for, gave a bible to, even someone you never met! What is worth a soul rescued for eternity?

Many people are deceived or lulled into a false sense of peace and security. Love will tell them the truth! Love will go after, pray for, give until it hurts, to rescue the perishing. Love will get us out of bed and intercede and keep a vigil until we see God's Salvation. Love will help the helpless! Love will pray, give and go, like it is our own flesh and blood. Love will risk even our life for one lost soul! Love for God and love for those He loves, fulfilling all of the laws and the prophets. LOVE NEVER FAILS!

Some thoughts from a missionary!



Very good blog sir ,thanks for share ,I like this post

Thank you friend for your beautiful work.God bless you.

Thank you so much!

Almost about to cry reading your blog brother specially about those ladies in Bulgaria.

God sees your ministry and will surely bless you. Thank you for your work.

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Thanks for the post, mhm-philippines.

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