It is NOT the Great Suggestion

Mar 16:15 And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.

As Christians our focus should be the Great Commission. All of us! It is the last hour! 11:59 and midnight will soon come and the end of the age will arrive.

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It seems we are distracted and fighting with one another over silly things. The enemy's strategy is divide and conquer. Why are we not smart enough to see through his wiles and schemes?
According to the parable of the 10 virgins, there will be a slumber that will try to come on all believers. This is not sleep, but a slumber while we are wide awake.

We are told the love of many will grow cold.

We are told many will gather teachers around them to tickle their itching ears.

We are told many will think He delays His coming and life is continuing as usual, like the days of Noah.

Many are like the man who had a barn, tore the barn down and built a bigger barn. We are going from one omeeting to the next looking for the next goose bump, the next feeling of the presence of God. Looking for one more tingle or tear, but we hoard these blessing for ourselves. Still lacking the heart of God Who sent His Son to rescue the perishing.

One thing the enemy knows is that together we are unstoppable. Together we are unmovable. So his plan is to divide husband and wife. Put pastors in competition with one another. To get everyone bickering over the least difference in peripheral doctrines. He knows his time is short, so he makes war with the saints.

Our first ministry is to the Father! Our prayer should be about His Kingdom! His Righteousness in our lives. If we are going to claim we are born from above, being filled with the Holy Spirit, walking in the light and love....the proof will be we deny ourself, our plans and dreams and take the yoke of Jesus.

Our one purpose will be to please Abba! The proof will be we fulfill the call to every believer to carry out the Great Commission, build God's Kingdom. Take all of our resources and use them for He lifting up of Jesus. Taking as many to heaven with us as the end of time is near.

It is not tool late to get in line with God's Word. Time to ask God for more of the character of Jesus, for more fire and love in our hearts, for a heart that loves His Word, loves the lost, focus on things above and fulfilling the command. "GO"

God bless!
Daddy William


We are already in the end time. Therefore, let's all go out to preach Christ to our neighbors. God bless you, happy Sunday from Nigeria

Amen! Happy Sunday!

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