Divine Encounter Part 18 Worship

Joh 20:16 Jesus saith unto her, Mary. She turned herself, and saith unto him, Rabboni; which is to say, Master. Jesus saith unto her, Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended to my Father: but go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend unto my Father, and your Father; and to my God, and your God. Mary Magdalene came and told the disciples that she had seen the Lord, and that he had spoken these things unto her.

Jesus was in the middle of doing one of the most important tasks. This task was critical to the salvation of mankind. This task was critical to completing what He had sent out to do. This moment, He has already been crucified, died and was buried. This is the third day that He rose from the dead. His next task was to present Himself to the Heavenly Father and sprinkle His Own Blood on the Mercy Seat in Heaven.

I took this photo yesterday with my Huawei Nova 2i

This Encounter Mary had with the Ressurected Jesus teaches us a few things.
  • Mary used to be demon possessed and Jesus cast 7 demons out of her.

It does not matter who you were before you met Christ. He makes you into a new creation, cleans up your past and takes away all guilt.

  • Mary was the one who broke the alabaster box of special oils and spices. She wasted all on Jesus. Nothing is wasted, no matter the cost, if it is done from true worship and love.

Jesus is attracted to true worship! It does no matter who we were, but it does matter who we are now in Christ. A True Worshipper is not motivated by what we can get from Jesus, but our motivation is about what we can give to Him.

  • Mary also attended to the body of Jesus. Wrapping His Body in the grave cloths.

  • When Jesus resurrected. His first ole factory sense picked up the worship of Mary Magdalene.

  • While most others are hiding, Mary was checking on the tomb where they buried Jesus.

Selfless, Grateful, Love, Worship, Fearless, Determination, Resolve, Humble.

Jesus, God Incarnate. In His Own Words, He models His life after what He sees the Heavenly Father do. Emmanuel, God with Us. At this moment in time, going to present Himself to the Father. Such a holy time, He tells Mary not to touch Him. Look at our text! Something very Holy and critical about this space of time beteeen His Resurrection amd presenting Himself to the Father. Yet He stops! He hits the pause button. He turned aside from this important Work.

As God, Jesus could have revealed Himself to no one. Or to anyone He chose to for this Divine Encounter.

He chose Mary, because Mary chose Him.

Mary is a type for all who long for an encounter with the Divine.

If we long for an Emcounter with Jesus, we can learn from Mary Magdalene.

She left her old life. She began to walk in the new life. She let the love of Jesus transform her and, without a doubt she was a different person from her first encounter with Jesus. Then it seems, Mary became a person that desired another and another and another encounter. Even just a glimpse of the Master will change your life.

This is the end of this installment of a Divine Encounter with Jesus

Daddy William

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