A Special Joy Reserved for God’s People engaged in the Great Commission Wine-The Reserved Stock Part 2

1Th 2:19 For what is our hope, or joy, or crown of rejoicing? Are not even ye in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ at his coming? For ye are our glory and joy.

I submit to you today, something about a Special Joy. I wrote about Joy yesterday. A joy that every Christian can and should maintain. Today I am going to talk about a Special Joy. A super Joy! A Joy that only a few will ever experience. Like the other Joy, spoken of previously, this Joy is available to all, but only a few will taste of this Special Heavenly Wine?

When wine makers make wine, every once in a while, infrequently, one batch of wine turns out extra special! When this wine is bottled, the label “Reserved Stock” is applied to the bottle. This wine tastes better than the rest! This wine is more enjoyable! This wine costs more than the ordinary wine. God has such a wine reserved for those who are engaged in the Great Commission. A Special Joy of the Holy Spirit!

The Reserve Stock of the Wine of Heaven!

My wife teaching these kids about Jesus!

This is it! This is the greatest Joy is to tell others about the only Good News there is for mankind.
This Special Holy Spirit Wine is reserved only for God’s People involved in the Great Commission!

1Th 2:20 “For ye are our glory and joy.”

Paul was saying that the converts in Thessalonika were his Joy and His Crown!
There is a soul winners Crown. It is called the Crown of Rejoicing!

The most liberating thing that can happen to a Christian is when we get over ourselves! It is when our focus becomes God and others! This fulfills all of the law and commandments.

Mat 22:37 “Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.”

Mat 22:40 “On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.”

These are the Words of Jesus!

Real Joy comes from serving God and serving others! Not a self centered life, but a Christ centered life!

One day about 8 years ago, I was just waking up to pray! For many years I get up early and spend it with the Lord, giving my best strength to Him. At this time. I heard the voice of the Lord! He said, “if you make what is important to Me, important to you, I will take what is important to you and make it important to Me.” Wow!

This is just a different way of saying, “seek ye first the kingdom of God and all His Righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you.”

So what is important to God?
*That we are conformed to the image of His Son!

  • That those who are lost are found!


Many great this like it was the Great Suggestion!
I guarantee the greatest Joy comes from doing the part He designed for you.
Doing what you were created for!
Without exception, every Christian is supposed to be an Ambassador of Christ!

Mat 5:14 “Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.

“When I was naked”. “You clothed Me!”


We went to a village and there were 12 year old boys and girls without underwear. Just a tee shirt to cover their modesty. What greater Joy can their be than to clothe Jesus?

“Inasmuch as you did it unto the least of these, my brethren, you did it unto me!”

“When I was in prison, you came and visited me”.


This prison is not even similar to the ones in America! The day we were here there were 197 inmates in 7 jailcells. Many of these came to Christ!

I am not bragging here on me! I don’t believe in ever preaching something you don’t already practice in your own life. If you are going to teach on prayer, you should be a person of prayer. I am bragging on Jesus! I know without Him I can do nothing! He is my Everything! Any success will be because of Him!
My intent is to encourage the reader to get engaged with the Great Commission and experience the Joy! The Reserved Stock of the Wine of Heaven!

There are people that won’t make heaven, only because we did not share the gospel with them!
God puts the responsibility of each generation on the Church of that generation!


My wife standing in an open field, declaring Jesus and is saving power! She told me years ago, she could never preach! I myself was very shy growing up! The good news for us and for you, is “His strength is made perfect in weakness!” Where we are weak, He makes us strong. Hallelujah!

Living a life ministering to Jesus! Snatching people from the fires of hell! Advancing the kingdom of the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords!


When someone gives their life to Jesus, because you prayed for them, because you showed them the Love of God, because you shared your testimony or the Word of God. Someone you will see in heaven some day, just because of you!
This is the Reserved Stock of Heaven’s Wine. The best of the Joy of the Lord!

I believe there will be a part Three. Lord willing!
God bless! Any comment is welcome as long as it is done with respect. I will return the same.
God bless!
Daddy William



You guys are doing a great job. The picture of your wife sharing the good news got my attention. I hope you try to assist her as much as possible. The joy you bring to others by means of the scripture and material things will also extend to your household.

Thank you for your great comments! My wife and I are a team! We work together! Her focus is the children. My focus is the pastors and winning a harvest.
God bless!
Daddy William

Fine works brother, really delighted. Send my regards to your family. Much love from Nigeria.

Wao! I love this.
You really proved through this that you have the love of God at the center of your heart and you are committed to spreading the love to those wonderful people around you.
Keep the fire burning. The Lord is your strenght.

Amen brother! I love Jesus! The only way anyone will listen is if our love is genuine and starts out of our love for God!
Thank you for your blessed comments!
God bless!
Daddy William

Thanks for sharing with SteemChurch.

You guys are really following Jesus' commission to preach. It's a duty bestowed on us all. We appreciate you giving back to the community too, and we know that God even appreciates you more.

Upvoted & Resteemed

It is our pleasure! All for Jesus and all for those He loves!

Amazing post my friend, thanks for sharing, it indeed spirit uplifting

Thank you so much for commenting!
God bless you and what God has for you!
Daddy William

God's own people are the ones special joy are reserved for, and that joy is an everlasting one.
It is never going to end, so i urge you all to change your ways, if you haven't, to be among God's own people, so as to enjoy what God has to offer his own people, for everything he will offer his own people will always be the best, the sweetest and the most beautiful thing about everything is that it is everlasting.

The greatest ultimate joy is to be with Jesus eternally and to see Him face to face!
Thank you for commenting!
Daddy William

This is incredibly wonderful. I adore the way your family spread the uplifting news of Jesus to the world.. Without a doubt this can not go unrewarded.

Praise the Name of Jesus!
Thank you for your comments!
God bless!
Daddy William

The great commission clearly states that we should go into the world and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father and the son and of the HolyGhost teaching them to observe all that I have thought you. There is this need for us to adhere to this doctrine because it is the very mandate of Christ which was indoctrinated by Him from the very beginning.

Amen! For some reason this is neglected by many!
God bless!
Daddy William

How beautiful are the feet of those that share the gospel.
You and your wife are both doing a great job, working as a team to win souls to the kingdom.

I especially love the fact that you provided clothing to those children without underwear.

I also do charity work in my community here and GOD has been faithful.

Putting smiles on faces, bring hope to the depressed and sharing the gospel is what we are all called to do.

Amen! Life is so much better focusing on God and others! We were doing the same thing in the states! Imagine giving a coat to a cold Jesus? Wow!
Bless you my dear sister!

I'm so happy to have met you.☺️

Equally for me too! You are a blessing to me!
God bless!

Daddy William you are doing a great job, preaching the gospel to the world at large, The gospel includes everything that is necessary to call, teach, correct, and motivate an individual so that he can be saved and inherit the Kingdom. The true gospel is the complete revelation of God to man . Don't stop the good work sir, God will continue to bless you

It is what I love to do! Out of my love for Jesus! Thank you for your comments!
God bless!
Daddy William

This is amazingly beautiful. I love the way your family spread the good news of Jesus to the world.. Surely this can not go unrewarded.

Thank you so much for your wonderful comments! Ordinary people walking with an extraordinary God!
God bless!
Daddy William

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