STEEMCHURCH: God's plan for each person begins before birth. No to abortion.

in #steemchurch6 years ago
Blessings for all my brothers in Christ @steemchurch and @sc-v, @sirknight I want to share this topic with you: ABORTION, I have read a lot about this in different social networks and that has caused me a negative impact. I do not think it is necessary to kill a child of God. I invite you to read this publication.


I know it's a delicate and complex issue and I do not want to hurt anyone's feelings. But if God allowed us to be in this world, why do we want to kill a baby that God allowed us to conceive? The woman is a precious bond full of blessings to save give birth to that baby for 9 months. It turns out that the topic of abortion is fashionable. Everyone wants and agrees to kill.


I know that as a woman many questions, doubts and fears come to my mind, but I believe that ABORTION is not the solution. First because you would have many emotional scars that are difficult to erase. Although many laws and countries endorse it with the phrase: The woman has the right to decide, it is her body.


This controversial and delicate subject is also written in the Bible, as children of God we must understand it. The Bible offers innumerable examples of God's call to a person's life from before his birth. I will show you some.

"Before I begot you in the womb, I knew you." Jeremiah 1: 5

"Because You formed my entrails in my mother's womb" Sal.139:13:”

"Listen to your father, who gave you life", Prov. 23:22

Life begins at conception. God gives life, before the moment of conception and God knew of your existence. Why are we going to kill a human being that is forming in the womb of his mother?



When the fetus suffers when the mother decides to abort it. Their heart stops, their organs come off, it is simply an act of cruelty and evil in the eyes of God and the world, but no one says anything, on the contrary they support this abhorrent act.


The bishops of Ireland have responded that the referendum held on Friday, May 25 concludes with support for abortion in the country and recalls that life must always be defended, regardless of whether it is inside or outside the mother's womb.

In an intervention on the radio after hearing the result of the referendum, the Bishop of Elphin, Kevin Doran, has indicated that those Catholics who voted "yes" to the repeal of the Eighth Amendment should consider going to confession.


We are all precious in the eyes of God.

Many marriages, couples have years looking for a baby to give love, care, love and make a happy home. While some women when they find out that they are pregnant their lives become negative and solve their problem with abortion. Others knowing that their child comes with a malformation do the same, interrupt the pregnancy by killing the fetus, they do it in different ways, they go to clandestine hospitals, they dismember them, they burn them, they give them prohibited substances to end with the baby's life.


The Church, her believers, the children of God, we must remember the commitment for the poor, the humble, the defenseless and also for the children who are about to be born. Not only with words is it a commitment to the facts that demonstrate the love of God with all his children. Blessings, thank you for reading.

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Excellent theme @maryelis without a doubt God is the one who gives us life, and we believe that none of us are able to decide the destiny of a human being.

Thank you for reading blessings of @sv-v for you and for all your team.

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