STEEMCHURCH: Do not tell your neighbor: Go and come back tomorrow, and I'll give you when you have today to give

in #steemchurch6 years ago (edited)

Datos del hambre en África


Blessings for all my brothers in Christ @steemchurch, @sc-v, today I want to share an etem with you. Why does it sometimes cost us so much to help our brothers? We must give to our neighbor. Sometimes we have enough to give, but it is difficult to get rid of things. Why?.


We have become a society intolerant to poverty, we do not want to see with good eyes the task and the work of helping someone who needs, and it is not that we do not have to share, it is that we have forgotten to see the sides and notice that there is brothers, children, grandparents, who are dying of hunger today, while you open the door of your house having your table full of food and your shelves and you say: Go and tomorrow.

Proverbs 3:28

28 Do not say your neighbor: Go, and return, and tomorrow I will give you, When you have with you what to give.



Let's be an example. that's what life is about, that love is necessary for our brothers and sisters, that's what life in Christ is, we must help, and help those in need.

Maybe you are not rich in money, but you can have predispositions to give, if you want, and with a little food that you have at home and you want and can share, you will bring smiles and tears of happiness. God will continue to do the work in you and yours so that nothing will be lacking, he will supply your needs and give you the opportunity to continue helping those who are hungry and thirsty.


May God bless the giver of the heart and fill them with life and health. Brothers happy day.

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To assist the needy is one of the ways to manifest that we want to follow and serve the Lord, both men and women and children can do that great work, since through service the work of the Savior is carried out. Opportunities to serve others are endless and range from preaching the Restored Gospel, giving consolation, love, helping people with special needs and providing shelter to the needy are some of the many forms that can be served.

Amen sister. Everything is made from the heart. To help is to LOVE and to demonstrate that this is life in CHRIST. When you love and serve God and your neighbor, your life becomes radiant and wonderful, full of light. Your spirit comes from joy. @sc-v

A simple but very powerful message, one of the things I have learned from God is to give to the neighbor, not with hypocrisy but from your heart, the Lord throughout all these years has taught me to be aggressive with the issue of money , attachment to material things, has processed me a lot in that area, I do not skimp on the time to give. When I was a child they always told me we are going to pick up what you do not use or something that does not help you to give it away. When I met God, then I prepared myself to give the best that I have, it is easy to deliver what does not affect you, it is difficult to give what you like. Most of the time many people have told me that they believe that I have many material things, it is because of the way God has taught me to give, if God being God, he did not spare his own son out of love for us, How can we treasure material things and deny them to our brothers?

It is possible to give without loving, but it is impossible to love without giving, love is what makes us give ourselves.

Beautiful message dear apostol @darlenys01 I think we agree with the purpose of our lives, what a pleasure to serve a living God. One that wakes me up every day and tells me that we have a lot to do and help others. Life fills us with trials and challenges, but when we go with God we are safe. Loving is that decision we make every day to demonstrate without hypocrisy that our brothers are part of this world created by God. A big hug. Blessings


The obligation of the believer, more than anything, is towards those around him. I John 3:17 says, "But whoever has this world's goods and sees his brother in need, and closes his heart against him, how does the love of God dwell in him?" Galatians 6:10 says "So, As we have a chance, let's do good to everyone, and especially to the family of faith. " We read that the churches in Asia raised an offering to relieve the poor believers in Jerusalem. Romans 15:26 says "For Macedonia and Achaia saw fit to make an offering for the poor among the saints who are in Jerusalem." This was for the believers, no more. In God's plan, it also served to effect more love and a reconciliation between Jewish and Gentile believers.

Beautiful, thank you for reading my post and taking the time to share this message with me @xiore God keep using you, you are a wonderful human being.

The Queen was walking through the streets when she was suddenly approached by a beggar who was very hungry and hoped to find in the generosity of the queen, the good of her day.

The beggar approached the Queen and said "an alms my Queen" However, he stumbled upon the reply that the Queen asked him something saying "Give me something to me, am I not your Queen?"

Of surprise the limosnero took 3 grains of rice and yielded them to the Queen when she said, do you see how you had? So the Queen gave her one gold coin per grain of rice.

Seeing this, the man said to the Queen, "Oh, but I do have more things" so that the Queen could give her more gold coins. However, she replied: "No, only what you give from the heart, you can receive"

Moral: We do not always have to receive something in return to give, it is much better to always give from the heart


We call God's attention with a giving heart and give to the poor and needy, his word says that the one who gives the poor to God lends him, it is amazing everything that God rewards you when we think of our brothers in need and act according to what little that we have, because God looks at our offering according to the heart's intention, there are brothers who only act with words or to be seen while others do it with actions and God rewards according to the degree of love with which it is given. God bless you and thank you very much for your teaching.

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Blessings fall for you. Let's continue adding to the team of God and always help the neighbor, it costs us nothing, our hearts are filled with joy and God if he pleads for his children to help their brothers. I wish we could all put a grain of sand to make smiles and brighten the soul of our friend. God bless you and cover you with his blood. Thanks for reading me. =)

Beautiful blessing that you have given me, thank you very much, really when we love God is a satistaccion and pleasure to help others, our hearts should not feel obligated or do so because it is a law, but help from the heart with true love, God loves the giver cheerful. Greetings sister.

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Greetings my sister. Blessings to you. A hug that the distance can not break =)

A big hug for you too, God bless you powerfully

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Nice post
Good luck

Blessings for a. Thank you =) God bless you and enlighten your life.

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