Satan knows the force of fleshly temptations and takes advantage of this weakness of man, but God will not leave him alone and will fight for his children

in #steemchurch6 years ago
The blessing of God, all powerful creator of heaven and earth, is upon all of you: @steemchurch @sc-v @sirknight.

God has always had to fight and fight for each one of us, Satan hates to see us well, so he seeks, however, to plant his seed of hatred, fights, conflict to be happy and achieve his goals: deaths, problems, separations, enmities and the destruction of the world. But we can not allow this, we must continue to help our Father.

To continue explaining better I want you to know what Libertinage is,It is defined by the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) as the debauchery in works or words. By extension, debauchery is associated with moral violations and lack of respect for religion. The concept comes from libertine, who is the person who wastes his fortune in fun and amusement. It is usually a nihilistic and atheist subject, who only cares to look for bodily pleasures.


Those who want to enrich themselves fall into temptation and become slaves of their many desires. These foolish and harmful desires plunge people into ruin and destruction.
1 Timothy 6: 9 | NVI


After explaining this concept we go to the real life. The life of all of us, Many brothers want to live a life like this, and satan takes advantage of this to sink them into this black hole, he changes his maneuvers but his end is always the same; leave the sinner in darkness and destroy the testimony of the believer, which we can not allow him. Help us to help!

Satan is a wicked and evil, knows the strength of the fleshly temptations and takes advantage of this weakness of the brother. That's why he offers his lies, maneuver to manipulate.


In I Peter 1 14-16 it says; "As obedient children, do not be conformed to the desires that you once had being in your ignorance; but, as he who called you is holy, be ye also holy in all your way of life; because it is written: Be holy, for I am holy. "

Always remember these words:

Brother do not fall into debauchery, if you do, you are mocking the laws, ethics, and morality and especially of God who sees everything.

From the social point of view, everything will get worse for those who do it and for those around them, for example: drug addiction, stealing to get what you want (jewelry, money, house, car, real estate, portfolios, etc.) )


From the point of view of the economy, libertinism is shown through what is the uncontrolled waste of money in wanting to spend, and spend without control, buy whims, luxuries and satiate tastes in unnecessary things.


And, of course, this term also appears in religion when we let it control our lives, since we all know that we must keep and keep the Ten Commandments: do not kill, do not commit impure acts, do not lie, do not steal, do not covet the goods others ...etc


"Be imitators of God, then, as beloved children. And walk in love, as Christ also loved us, and gave himself for us, offering and sacrifice to God in fragrant smell. But fornication and all uncleanness, or greed, not even be named among you, as befits saints; neither dishonest words, nor foolishness, nor foolishness, which are not convenient, but rather thanksgiving. For you know this, that no fornicator, or unclean, or covetous man, who is an idolater, has an inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God. Let no one deceive you with vain words, because for these things comes the wrath of God over the children of disobedience. Do not be, therefore, partakers with them. For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord; walk as children of light. "

No one can serve two masters, because he will despise one and love the other, or he will love one very much and despise the other. You can not serve God and riches at the same time. Leave everything in the hands of God, shows what you are made of. God has already won the trust in him.

firma maryelis.jpg


How much wisdom there is in this @maryelis, there are people who for money are capable of everything, it is the spirit of Judas that operates in them, they let themselves be carried away by their carnal desires, even selling to their brothers.

Those who want to enrich themselves fall into temptation and become slaves of their many desires. These foolish and harmful desires plunge people into ruin and destruction.
1 Timothy 6: 9 | NVI

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