in #steemchurch6 years ago

Hebrews 11: Faith is the certainty of what is expected, the convection of what is not seen.

By faith we understand that the universe was constituted by the word of God, so that what is seen was made of what was not seen.

What is a human being without faith? What is a Christian without faith? Is nothing. If we are truly Christians we must have real conviction that we have been created by God, that He is real and reigns with power and glory and that one day He will return.

Jesus said: "If you had faith like a mustard seed you would say to that mountain, disarrange yourself and lie down in the sea, and I would do it" The mustard seed is insignificant in its size, I do not know if you know them. But over time it becomes a huge tree; Thus faith begins as nothing and can become something so great that it will produce even miracles that are thought impossible. The spiritual is superior to the physical (what time), the spiritual is eternal instead the physical is temporary.

When you ask for something in prayer and you do not have faith, it will not be fulfilled, instead if you believe with all your heart that the Lord will help you in everything you ask, your request will be made (as long as it is good and / or God's will ).

For God nothing is impossible; he can perform any miracle, the one you least imagine and believe impossible, God can do it, but if you do not trust him it will not be like this: John 11:38: Jesus, deeply moved again, came to the tomb. It was a cave, and had a stone placed over. Jesus said: remove the stone Martha, the sister of the one who had died (Lazarus), said to him: Lord, it stinks now, because it is four days. Jesus said to him: Did I not tell you that if you believe you will see the glory of God? Then they removed the stone from where the dead man had been placed. And Jesus, looking up, said: Father, thank you I give you for having heard me. I knew you always hear me; But I said it because of the crowd that is around, so that they believe that You have sent me. And having said this, he cried with a loud voice: Lazarus, come out! And he who had died came out, bound his hands and feet with bandages, and his face wrapped in a shroud. Jesus told them: untie him and let him go.


Once again we realize that everything is in believing, Jesus resurrected Lazarus, so why do we doubt when we present our requests to God? Why do we believe that everything is lost, and that ours has no solution? Why, if we confess that God is our created, the King of kings and Lord of lords, the great and powerful, who is and who will be, we have no faith, or at least not the necessary one? But without faith it is impossible to please God; because it is necessary that he who approaches God believes that he has him (which is real), and that he is a rewarder of those who seek him.

So if you want something with all your heart, if you are sick or if a loved one is sick, if you need help in studies, if you need to get out of that sin, if you are going through a difficult situation, if you want to do something for the God's work, if you want to know what your mission is: Have faith!

God does not forget you, everything in time will come, you just have to wait, what you ask he will fulfill. Only with faith will you get what you ask for in your prayers, faith and patience, because the righteous live by faith and for faith.

Actually I have been able to verify that the times I have asked with faith in the power of God, I have received an answer, to the point that I can not stop marveling and testifying of the greatness of God.

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