in #steemchurch6 years ago


Psalm 5: 3 O Lord, in the morning you will hear my voice;
In the morning I'll present myself in front of you and I'll wait.

How beautiful it is to be in your presence oh my king
How beautiful it is when I praise you
How beautiful it is when I recognize that without you I am nothing,
that without you I can do nothing.

Thank you my king, my lord, my beloved Jesus, my eternal savior
Who will I go to but you, you who listen to me without asking, without interrupting me for a moment, you who gave everything for me, you who loved me without condition even though I did not know anything about you.

You are my great I AM, you are my ADONAI, you are my SHADAY, my JEHOVA NISSI, my ETERNAL SAVIOR, MY JEHOVAH JIREH.
There is no one like your Lord, Only you are worthy, to take the book and to open its seals; because you were slain, and with your blood you have redeemed us for God, of every lineage and language and people and nation;

My God, my king and eternal savior my soul thirsts for you, hunger for your presence, that's why today I adore you from the deepest part of my being, that's why I praise you, that's why today I cry ABBA FATHER, and sing hymns of praises .

Peoples all, church is the time to worship your God, your Lord, it is time to leave the division aside and unite as a single church to worship him in the same spirit and in the same spirit, do not look at the failures of your brothers, look what Jesus has done in each one of us from where the Lord brought us, when the world gave you back he was there to tell you Stand up, count on me, you are not alone, you can.

Beloved church, set your sights on the things above, not on the things of the earth, Stand up church with psalms, with hymns of praise, the nations need of people with a willing heart, with a sincere heart, with a heart according to the heart of God , people who give a good testimony of being called children of God. It is church time to worship your Lord, the best is yet to come. GOD IS GOOD!!!!


The Bible urges us to seek God in advance @mariela:

Seek Jehovah while he may be found, call him while he is near. Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts, and let him return to the Lord, who will have mercy on him, and to our God, who will be gracious to forgive.
Isaiah 55: 6-7

Resteem by: EC


Amen brother @emilio, the word of God is alive and effective

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