SteemChurch: Results of a productive Christian

in #steemchurch6 years ago

Productivity is an important theme in the teachings of Jesus, who said: "In this my Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit, and so be my disciples" (John 15: 8), "Every branch that does not lead in me fruit, he will take it away "(John 15: 2). The purpose of giving these teachings is clear: God wants to see results. He wants his followers to be productive, although the context does not necessarily respond to the multiplication of capital, it is clear that productivity is a principle of God's government.


Several parables in the teachings of Jesus allude to the principle of productivity, that is, God is pleased that capital is used efficiently and multiplies. The parable of the sower (Matthew 13: 3-23; Mark 4: 2-20; Luke 8: 4-15), that of the mustard seed (Matthew 13: 31,32), of the unjust steward (Luke 16: 1- 1) 13), of the talents (Matthew 25: 14-30), the talents or the mines (Luke 19: 11-27), all of these instruct that the stewards must make correct use of the funds, talents or resources that they They are confident. Moreover, the servants who multiply capital are exalted above those who do not.

The effect of productivity: The Lord expects to take advantage of your talents and make them produce a hundredfold!

Being productive is a call, an obligation, it is not an option. We must take advantage of our life to the fullest, because it is now when there is work, science and wisdom; When you die, all that ends. So, do everything you can and do it well! You have to do the work out of conviction, dedication and attention. In everything we do we must give our best effort, especially if it is for the work of the Lord. Let's take advantage of all the opportunities that God gives us to be productive.

Regarding this, Jesus taught with a very revealing parable about a man who goes on a trip, but before leaving, he distributes goods to his servants. To one he gave five talents, to another he gave two and the third servant gave him a talent. Let us give thanks to the Lord for the goods he has given us to administer, and for the skills and qualities he gave us to develop in life. But that gratitude should not only be in words but in actions, since we will have to give an account of what we produced with what he gave us, just as it happened with these three servants. Two of the servants were called faithful because they multiplied twice what they received, which means they went to work and made a profit. So being faithful to the Lord also means taking advantage of everything he has given us. God sees your faithfulness through the good you do.


Although this parable talks about money, the problem is not money, but productivity. I believe that life is not measured in years, but in achievements. Sometimes it is not the money we earn that gives us satisfaction, but what we have produced. Have the conscience and behavior of a productive person.

To produce we must have something, and to achieve it we must see what we have instead of looking at what we do not have. We all have the obligation to produce. Someday, God will ask us to account for what we do with what he has given us.

Sometimes, it is thought that to speak about producing, managing and generating value is to be materialistic, but God really created us as a subject and surrounded us with an infinity of resources that we must manage and take advantage of for the benefit of all, because then he will ask us for accounts of the good thing we did with His blessings. At the end of our life, we will have to explain what we did with our land, with our talents and relationships. How do we take care of everything and everyone, in what way did we produce and give blessings to others? We must be of the servants who duplicated what they received, not like the foolish servant who buried his talent and did nothing productive.

Let us strive to fulfill our mission as administrators and workers of the Lord's kingdom! The Spirit of God can fill us with joy for the success and triumph achieved. Achieving prowess in the name of the Lord is good and right, because our Father gave us life in abundance so we can make the most of it. Then, He will tell us how the master said to the strong servants: "You were faithful over a little, I will set you much." Let us show him that we are worthy of his trust because with faith we strive to produce abundantly and give him correct accounts of what we have done with our family, with our company and through our service to others. It does not matter if you think you have received little or much, do not excuse yourself in your circumstances or fears as the negligent servant did, be faithful in producing what you have and I guarantee that the Lord will give you more.

Producers understand that when their gifts and skills are developed and used in the work they do in life, their confidence and success will increase.

What happens if you have low productivity so work.


The fact that you have low productivity does not mean that you are a bad worker or that you do not have the skills for 'xo y' position, rather it is a significant alert to which you have to pay attention if you want to get a better compensation , a better position or fulfill the objectives proposed since the beginning of the year.

However, the key to being more productive is not the same for everyone, since each person must find the appropriate way to achieve it, that is, he must know himself, know if he is more willing to work at certain times of the year. day, if you need music, if you must make reminders or if you must put notifications so that the tasks are not forgotten.
If you really want to be productive, you have to work on the following habits and values: discipline, control, planning and organization, for this is the perfect union to achieve it.

Characteristics of producers


  1. They understand its value in life.

  2. They discover what they can do and are not afraid to take a step forward in life to do it.

  3. They sacrifice in invest time in the development of their abilities.

  4. They allow sacrifice to teach them to develop the qualities necessary to succeed.

  5. They build wealth for their future.

  6. They are the ones who discover and use the laws that govern success.

  7. They never stay in the safety of the place they have reached, when there are other places to reach in life.

We must always know what to do, what we do it for, how we do it and when we do it. Jesus said on the cross of Calvary that everything was over, because it was what God had sent him to do. The Bible talks about a man who knew Jesus before he died. He had the objective: to know the Messiah. He managed to do what he had to do before he died. Ask God for years of life to finish what you should do. You must be productive.

From the formation of the world human beings were taught to be productive, God commanded them to multiply and fructify (Genesis 1:29; 9: 7).

We continue reflecting on the biblical text of Ecclesiastes 10:10 which says that if your ax does not have an edge you will have to hit much harder and if you want to prosper in life you have to know what to do and do it well. We can not be like the duck that runs, swims and flies, but none of the three stands out.

If we have already been able to identify some of our talents thanks to the help of God, to the concepts that our neighbors have poured on us and to the observation we have made of ourselves, the time has come to develop these talents to make them productive.

God gives us the ability, and with it gives us an opportunity. In some cases, we have the capacity to do many things, but what we lack in order to develop that capacity is an opportunity. We must be attentive to the opportunities that are presented to us.
Many people are not productive and are justified in saying that they have not heard the voice of God to do something or that they do not have the necessary skills or "talents". It is enough to take a look at the bible to realize that it is precisely the people who believed they had no abilities to whom God used more, but when they left the excuses.

None of us have the right not to produce, most people have a problem: they are always seeing what others produce, and not what they produce (or can produce) themselves. There are some people who expect to receive a lot from God, but they do not give the Lord anything they have.

All of us must be productive before God. To achieve this, it is important that we understand and be aware that everything we have, God has not given and that belongs to Him.

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