in #steemchurch6 years ago

Everyone's eyes rest on you, and at the same time you give them their food. You open your hand and satiate with your favors every living being. The Lord is righteous in all his ways and kind in all his works. The Lord is close to those who invoke him, to those who invoke him in truth. Psalm 145: 15-18.


When we recognize the power of God, we feel immensely amazed. By meditating and reflecting on his creative work, and how the heavens, the earth and the entire universe were made with the sole expression of his mouth, a feeling of profound reverence, respect and recognition seizes us. We exclaim like the psalmist: "The earth is the Lord's and everything in it, the world and all who live in it" (Psalm 24: 1).

You and I are part of that extraordinary work, praise the Lord! However, we do not exist anything else because of the power of his mouth, it is also because we are a product of his great kindness. The Lord is kind in all his works.

When we think of those people we consider wise, we usually remind those who have demonstrated a unique ability to explain difficult concepts with great clarity or to correctly discern the best that can be done in a problematic situation. Their understanding and prudence help us to follow the correct path when we feel lost or disoriented, and have a curious ability to understand the dilemmas of everyday life and see the world with a new perspective. We say that someone is wise when they can overcome an obstacle by devising new solutions or acting in a way that nobody had thought of before, or when they are able to find novel answers to solve problems that seemed impossible to solve. The wisdom of God in creation.


"See, then, the goodness and severity of God ..." Who said that both can not be traits of the character of the same person? Who said that both are mutually exclusive? Humans believe that a severe treatment towards someone can never be an act of love, but we must see how wrong we are. A classic example in which we see these two qualities of God in action and simultaneously is the moment in which God literally cast (expelled, cast) Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3: 22-24) with the sole purpose to prevent them from eating the tree of life and living forever without being redeemed, forgiven, rescued.

I also observe that there are times when his goodness acts alone and with its maximum power. In the same way, his severity is usually observed acting in full in his dealings with us when he considers it convenient.

Our God is powerful, but also he also overflows with kindness towards all his creatures, among them you and me. This leads us not only to see him on his throne crowned with power, but also to see him approach us full of tenderness and incalculable compassion. We have a God who has been a man, and who therefore can understand and accompany us in all our situations.

The goodness of God is as great and infinite as his power. He is always willing to be kind to human beings and does not spare blessings for his children. In Psalm 145: 9 the goodness of God is reaffirmed when the psalmist says: "The Lord is good to all; he has compassion on all his creation ».

However, even though man receives benefits from the goodness of GOD every day, he never gives thanks and continues to give in to the internal perversions that because of sin live in man (dirty thoughts, feelings full of resentment) and of hatred, accumulated disbelief that seeks to substitute the truth for the lie, total rejection of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, lies, deceits, envy, pride, etc.) and that will only be destroyed when man understands (for the infinite goodness of GOD ) that the only possible door through which we can enter the Kingdom of Heaven is through the work of the CROSS and the death and resurrection of CHRIST, our Lord; because there is no man just enough to enter by his own merits into the kingdom of heaven.


Wisdom and kindness Sacred Scripture and our own experience tell us that the beauty of created nature reveals the wisdom of God (Romans 1:20) because by contemplating the perfect order, the beauty and power of the created world, the heart and mind rise to think of the invisible Creator. And with that great longing we have in our hearts and minds, to know and admire our Creator, we approach his side with love and humility and we ask him to take us to the glory of his presence forever.

God shows his kindness even to the wicked.

You have heard that it was said: 'YOU WILL LOVE YOUR PROJIMO and you will hate your enemy.'
But I tell you: love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be children of your Father who is in heaven; for He causes His sun to rise on the bad and the good, and to rain upon the just and the unjust.
(Matthew 5: 43-45)

It is because of his great kindness that we open our eyes every morning. His love manifests itself in each heartbeat. He is the one who energizes our muscles so that we can move and walk to fulfill our daily duties. He is the one who makes every drop of blood flow through our veins and arteries so that life is possible.
Friend, secure in the power of God and sheltered in his kindness, approach your presence every day, confident that while your power preserves your life, your kindness will satisfy all your needs. The Lord is good and will be even more so if you are willing to make him your everyday provider.



Since God is kind and good, and has shown us His kindness and goodness through the sacrificial death of Jesus to atone for the guilt of our sin, we are urged to be kind and good to others as well.

I think about the goodness of God in my life and how kind it has been with my family. Every day we recognize that he gave everything for love. Greetings sister!

But when the kindness of God our Savior and His love for mankind appeared, He saved us, not on the basis of deeds which we have done in righteousness, but according to His mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewing by the Holy Spirit, whom He poured out upon us richly through Jesus Christ our Savior.
Titus 3:4-6

God is kindness and mercy, He does all good things and wants us to do it also.

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