in #steemchurch6 years ago

Your life will be more radiant than the midday sun, and darkness will be like the dawn. You will live quietly, because there is hope; you will be protected and you will sleep confidently. Job 11: 17-18


Fears and phobias affect many people today. One of the most marked fears is the one that has life itself. The person who experiences it contemplates life as a dead end, as a tunnel too dark, and therefore does not dare to move forward. It is literally paralyzed!

As the Argentine composer Eladia Blázquez put it: "The fear of living is lord and master of many more fears, voracious and small, in a deaf anguish that arises without reason, and often grows drowning the heart".

"And all the afflicted, and all who were in debt, and all who were in bitterness of spirit, joined themselves to him, and were made chief of them; and he had about four hundred men with him. "1 Samuel 22: 2


We are very afraid of the truth, and we prefer to make idols with lies. The one who gets angry is afraid. We flee from anger because they provoke our fears and, at the same time, they make us violent. We are frightened of aggressiveness because it awakens our own aggressiveness. We defend ourselves not because of justice, but because of fears. Good religion teaches you to free yourself from ghosts, and bad religion relies on medals.

Say to fear: "I understand why you are here, but I trust in God." And if you find in the heart that you can do it, thank previously for the consequences. That will be a great help. Thank God for everything that will happen. We have to do what Jesus did: face fear and talk to him as if he were a person. Kindly, without violence, because fear is inside us, disguised as prevention.


Imagine that Jesus Christ is here in front of you and addresses these words to you: "Do not be afraid, I am myself." Do not say anything, do not answer. Let the words reverberate in your heart, let them mobilize your whole being. And when you can not contain yourself anymore, react, and give your answer. Free yourself!

The Bible describes those 400 men as afflicted, bitter and indebted. Affliction, in the original, refers to oppression. Oppression has spiritual and emotional implications. An oppressed person can not experience freedom in any area of ​​his life. To push is to bring down, is to be on top of someone and put pressure down, taking you to a lower level. To oppress yourself is to force yourself to be at a lower level than you should be. You may be trying to climb, but there are things that seek to oppress you, push you down. This is experienced by many when they begin to thrive. Prosperity brings enemies to your life, in your family, in your city; enemies that want to take you down because you are a threat to them. When God brings increase to your life, enemies who are afraid and do not want you to rise up, and try to oppress you emotionally, mentally, expelling guilt, condemnation, preparing tricks against you, to take you to a level below. You have to be free of this.

Whoever feels this way does not experience any motivation. He is unable to trace any project, because he thinks that everything will go wrong. The most frequent words in their conversations are "failure", "error", "frustration". These people renounce the right to live for fear of failing. They refuse the opportunity to test their abilities, as well as the wonders of God's creation.
To get rid of the fear of life it is necessary that we know its Author.

This will help us to remember that, in case of any doubt about existence, he is the one who is in the best disposition to give an answer. Prayer is that key that opens the doors of God's office at all times.

Committing yourself to God to manage the life he has given you requires that you trust him, and also that you have confidence in yourself. If you do, you can march into the future without unfounded fears. The wonderful divine promises will confirm and fill you with a new joy of living. The Lord says to you: "Seek good and not evil, and you will live; and so the Lord God Almighty will be with you, as you say "(Amos 5:14).

A classic example is found in Exodus 1, where we are told about the people of Israel, that they bore fruit and multiplied, and were greatly increased and strengthened, and the earth was filled with them. The Word continues to mention a number of things that the king ordered to oppress the people; Give them more hard work, demand higher taxes, kill sons. But, the Bible says, the more they oppressed them, the more they multiplied and grew, so that the Egyptians feared the children of Israel. What made the people of Israel oppressed? The success they were having. You do not oppress someone who is not succeeding. Israel was the people of God, it had multiplied greatly, it was strong, hardworking people; his success became a threat.

The person that God prospers, blesses and multiplies, but does not learn to enjoy the presence of God and does not understand that the reason why God brought him out of oppression was to take him into his presence, he lost the goal, he lost what God wanted me to achieve.

Negative emotions exist only if you allow them existence. Only if you are not careful to stop them at the precise moment they begin to form. Only if you insist on believing that they are inevitable and do not make the effort to discover and understand their condition as mere psychological aggregate, dispensable. In that case you are a victim of negative emotions. When he lets himself be carried by them and does not cut them short. First of all by paying a lot of attention and will, and then with time and practice, with the simple and profound understanding that they are useless, but to harm our existence. To prevent us from being simple and happy people ...

God has given you life as a gift, not as a burden. You need to use your capabilities. All human beings, without exception, we have them!
Find and find yours, they will be the engine that drives you to meet your goals.

When you have identified them, ask the great Master to help you polish them and put them at the service of others.

Remember that joy in service is what gives meaning to our life. It fills us with good intentions and allows us to achieve excellence.



Isaiah 41:10
Do not be afraid, for I am with you;
fear not, for I am your God.
I give you strength, I help you,
I hold you with my victorious hand.

In the word of God we find the word do not fear some 365 times, our God is so good that he was careful to give us one for each day.

Fear is the opposite of faith, if we are with God no one can be against us

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