Steemchurch: Balance of virtues

in #steemchurch7 years ago

The virtues, which are and for what purpose.


It is necessary to understand the importance of these four moral virtues or cardinal, and therefore human, so that by reaching through them the virtues of faith, hope and charity, we facilitate a perfect spiritual union with God.

To live and be better, I believe that it is essential to strive to acquire and improve virtues. Virtue is a habitual and firm disposition to do well a series of related actions. Here are some:

1-Prudence is having criteria to ask for advice, to judge correctly and to decide. The prudent can see in the invisible.

2-Justice: It is to give each one what corresponds to him, to be a loyal, honest friend. Treat people the way you want them to treat you. What a poor idea of justice are those who think it refers to the equity of material goods.

3-La Fortaleza: The one who perseveres in what he must do, the one who does not bend when the problems come. Strong to fulfill the responsibilities but also to demand responsibilities, the boss who demands a good job, who must educate their children well. Highly recommended this short video by Tony Melendez, someone who remains firm despite its problems and limitations.

4-La Alegría: They say that the happiest people do not always have the best of everything, they only know how to get the best out of what they find in their way, and they are right. I am one of those who believe that the secret of happiness is not to do what you want but to want what you do, without caring about the rest. And is that many of us put more interest in making others believe that we are happy than in trying to be. The funny thing is that true happiness does not need a comfortable life but a heart in love. When one is asked what it is to be happy, he is mistaken in conjugating the verb, because he always mentions having, having health, having money, having comforts, and true happiness is more in giving than in having, happiness gives the tranquility of awareness. Hence the importance in forming it as it should be.

5-Temperance: Moderates the attraction of pleasures, dominates the will over instinct. What a bad path it is to do everything the body likes, give it everything it asks for, get used to it and that means that over time we no longer have the strength to say no, when they are dishonest things.

6-Perseverance does not consist in not falling but always getting up. Things have to be finished. The end is always better than the beginning.

7-The use of time: we live as millionaires of time, we do not know how to take care of it or take advantage of it, we must know how to manage it. I read that if time were only gold you could lose it maybe, but time is life and we do not know how much we have left.

8-Sobriety: Domain of created goods. No ostentation. People are based on what they have and not on what is. Sobriety is in how we use money.

"Whoever goes after justice and love will find life and honor" (Proverbs 21:21)

"There is nothing for the highest good like loving God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind, which preserves you from the corruption and impurity of love, which is proper to temperance; what makes him invincible to all the discomforts, which is what belongs to the strength; What makes him renounce all other vassalage, which is the proper of justice and, finally, what makes him always on guard to discern things and not be surreptitiously deceived by lies and fallacy, which is typical of prudence".

All these virtues are "love of God, that is, of the highest good, the supreme wisdom and the highest peace". Well that is not personal benefit, wisdom that is not knowing how to take advantage of others and peace that is not emptiness and indifference. We can not seek an agreement based on each one letting the other do what they want and both accept that everything is worth less to question the validity of everything. Reconciliation needs Truth, not the adequacy of the realities of each one. Tolerance can not lead us to live on one another's backs. Indifference will never make us happy, but sad and alone in a world that ignores us.


The Virtues lived out in the life a Christian is what makes him/her a Christ-like.
It is our responsibilities to live a life that is worthy of emulation.
There are some virtues that we need to revive which include; Honesty, Sexual Morality, Faith, Hope, Kindness, charity, compassion, Love etc. Above all is LOVE.We all have different opinions on things and different views, but we have to love each other regardless. This includes people from all walks of life, no matter what their skin colour is or what situation they are in. People desperately need to see the love of Christ shining through us.

And now these three remain; faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.
1 Corinthians 13:13

Thank you, if love moves the whole world it is a great virtue to give love, God is love and what we give is what we are going to receive

All these are virtues that Christians should have: Good testimony. Good wishes. Good manners. Good thoughts. Goodness. Chastity. Fellowship. Share. Compassion. Understanding. Trust in God. Consecration. Cordiality. Correction Credibility in the Bible. Believe in Jesus Christ Accomplishment. Feed the hungry. Give drink to the thirsty.

Christian virtues

-Jesus Christ master of them all

-The Christian love is a reflection of the Trinitarian

-Fidelity to the commandments is an expression of love for God and neighbor

-The fulfillment of the will of God has an excellent value before Him

-Jesus Christ demands the mortification of the passions

-To be fully of Christ you must have mortified the flesh

-The development of the Christian life requires direction and spiritual

-Jesus Christ is master of all Virtues.

Thank you, if we have great virtues that we must keep them in practice

as Christians these virtues are really essential in the Christian virtues of believers.
I really enjoyed this, it's amazing sermon

Viruses sets us apart....

Good virtue is part of a christian life so as christian we need to possess such virtue to live a christlike life

Thanks @marialara for sharing this post.

Virtues are what reflect our character and dispositions-- who we really are and basically what we believe in. As a fact of matter, as believers we ought to reflect, project or display character or behaviours consistent with God's word. Virtues can be endless if we want to go and go listing them (depending on who's listing), but as believers whatever virtues we are looking at (be patience, endurance, long-suffering,...) are founded on LOVE!

Thanks for your comment

You're welcome. The pleasure is mine.

Thanks @sniffnscurry for the upvote.

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