STEEMCHURCH: Do not let them tell you, live it!

in #steemchurch6 years ago


Do not let them tell you and know Jesus. You can see or hear testimonies about the wonders Jesus does and ask why people are passionate when they get to know him.

Why do people cry with joy and praise him for all the favors they have received? It is because they know his miracles, manifestations and favors that he has made in their lives.

Turn your tears into joy, it brings you out of affliction and from trials strengthened salts. You are passionate about knowing her greatness, when you did not know how great her wonders were, you saw people "fanatical" and many of them dedicated their lives to serve you because they focus their whole body and be more people know and get salvation eternal

Someone once told me. The best business is to have Jesus in your life. I did not understand it, my mind was thinking about the world, and not about how truly important our Lord is.

Then I understood that it is true, when God is on your side, (Psalm 91: 7) "A thousand may fall to your left and ten thousand to your right, but it will not affect you". The Lord will always bring you out victorious.

In the word of God a list of several miracles that Jesus did and that are only examples of what he can do in your life, for those who believe in Him, are related. We are going to describe some

Convert water into wine (John 2: 1-12)
Jesus pacifies the storm and walks on the water (Matthew 14: 22-32)
The multiplication of the loaves (Matthew 14: 15-21)
The miraculous catch (John 21: 1-14)
For Him there is nothing impossible, these are some examples of what Jesus did and remain in writing in the word of God. So do not be surprised when they tell you about His miracles, how to heal a person from a terminal illness, how someone recovers their finances after losing everything, there are many testimonies that are endless.

That is where the surrender of our life to the Lord comes from, if you live the experience you already know that it is true. He surprises us every day, he spent a day, leaving my house last in a trancon one hour and the truth was annoying. Then in the news of the night I found out that I was avoiding being in a half-day jam because a monumental accident had occurred along one of the main roads where I was heading, and that I did not finally get caught by the afternoon.

I met a sister in the Faith, who was very distressed because her husband was being unfaithful and she did not have peace. Her thoughts all the time disturbed her and she could not be calm, at that moment of her life she did not know Jesus.

In the word of God, it tells us that the broken spirit can dry the bones (Proverbs 17:22), so we must take care of our hearts. Indeed this was the case with her, her defenses got out and she gave her a cough that left her red of being touched.

At one month they confirmed that he had type IV pneumonia, the doctor after having the exams sent him to intensive care because he had left half of the lung affected, and he was not oxygenating well.

One night the doctor tells his family they do not know if he can survive, fortunately it was not like that. Being in a coma, he inexplicably opened his eyes to see his daughter in the waiting room and then he began his evolution, he returned his desire to live because he had someone very important to fight for, his daughter who was only two and a half years old.

Several people sisters in the Faith joined in prayer, and he was able to recover without any side effects. Speaking with her today, she says that the experience of being sick was the best thing that could happen to her at that moment.

It sounds contradictory but that's the way it was, because it was the only way to have peace, the month that she was at the clinic helped her to rest, she says it is as if she had been in a deep sleep and freed herself from all the burdens she had.

He realized that God is the most important thing in his life and he had given him a second chance. She had her family, friends, classmates supporting her unconditionally.

He promised God to be faithful and changed his bitterness for joy. He changed his priorities and focused on what really matters. GOD!

You who are reading this message, live life as God called us to do it. You can be a witness, how God can use you to change and bring more people to Jesus.


A wonderful message sometimes we have to dare in other to experience God's power, his ability to change lives and work wonders, I'm living it, just like you said

Thanks for sharing @margarivera...
Of a truth the best thing that can happen to anybody is to accept Jesus into their lives, home, family....when Jesus is in the family there is peace, joy...etc

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