in #steemchurch6 years ago

With this we are taught that we have a intimate relationship with God, that we put in the gift, that has fruit in our life and that this relationship makes our to be a spiritual one and not a conforming one to the way of seeing the world. «Do not satisfy the desires of the flesh» The word "wishes" in Greek is epithumeo, which has to do with things sensory that the world is inviting you What do you have in your life? The wishes of the flesh are the things that one lives in earthly.

«The desire of the flesh is against the Spirit, and the Spirit hides the flesh »

The way of walking through the flesh is not the way to walk by the Spirit. For the Therefore, you can not add water to the fire. «And manifest are the works of the flesh» In case anyone wants to know if he's walking by the flesh or by the Spirit, now it shows us what are the results of the meat and what are the results of Spirit. So here you can see in what line, or at what level, you walk. As well you can see if you have more ashes or more fire

«About which I admonish you» That is, by pointing out the works of the flesh, the apostle Paul encourages us, exhorts us, to a more worthy effort. That's what it is refers. «As I told you before» They will arrive and they will be united with the Lord, they will be with Him face to face. Although nobody can steal our lives eternal, the rewards are for merit.

Is evident that the enmities, the lawsuits, the anger, jealousy, strife, slander and orgies do not accumulate inheritance. One day, the Lord will say: "Hey, you walked all your life in the desires of the flesh, you always did what what did you want! I tried to help you, I taught you and you did not listen You remember? One day I said you would take out the ashes and you were still increasing the ashes ».

«But the fruit of the Spirit» The fruit of the Spirit, the walk of the Spirit, to put logs to the fire of our heart, to the gift that God placed in our lives, it is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance, and against these things there is no law. Thus, the fruit should be our goal. If this is our goal, the fire will remain and the God's light will always illuminate our walk



Walking in the Spirit is the only avenue to living out the Godlife in us. We must detest the lustful desires of the flesh and enjoy intimacy with God through the Spirit communication. Great musing Apostle @Marcelo182

thank you. keep the fire of God burning in us.

The holy spirit not only possesses all knowledge, it is also present everywhere.

It is necessary that we listen and walk by the directives of the Holy Spirit. Little wonder the bible records that the foolishness of the wayward shall destroy him. Also to remember is the fact that there is a way that seeming right unto a man but the end therefore leads to death.

So beloved of God, we ought to walk by spirit so as to avoid leading ourselves to destruction.

Greetings DM

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