in #steemchurch6 years ago

The Beatitudes are the promises of God and synthesis of the teachings of Jesus. I have they are both Christians and those who are not, and they announce that God is at the side of the
They are the values ​​and behaviors necessary to grow the Kingdom of God here
on earth and a way to find authentic happiness.

"Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." Happy are those who They are sad, because God will comfort them.

Blessed are the humble, because they will inherit the earth.

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for justice, for God will satisfy them.

Blessed are the merciful, because God will have mercy on them.

Blessed are those who have a heart clean, because they will see God.

Blessed are those who build peace, because they will be called sons of God.

Blessed are those who are persecuted for doing God's will, because theirs is the kingdom of Heavens.

Blessed are you when they insult you and persecute you and say all kinds of slander against you for my sake Rejoice and rejoice, for your reward in heaven will be great, for so they persecuted the prophets before you "(Mt 5: 3-11).

We Christians still have something more than Moses and the prophets. Someone
He has returned from those eternal spheres where men do not return. The son of God
He made man to share his divine filiation. All his preaching was oriented
towards this new and eternal life granted to those who believed in Him. To the skeptics who
they intimated to him that he supplied the evidence of what he affirmed, he replied that
I would give more than just one. He himself would go through death and come back alive with this
Life of which would make regenerated men participate.

The events occurred just as He had announced them. Our faith,
observe it, it does not rest on some theories, but on some historical facts. And the fact
capital is the resurrection of Jesus. His apostles began by setting aside the reality of
such a prodigy They vacillated and doubted. Finally, before the repeated appearances of
Salvador, themselves and others - once more than five hundred were gathered
brothers-, surrendered to the evidence. And since then they proclaimed until his death
what they had witnessed. "We have seen it with our eyes,
touched with our hands; we have lived and eaten with Him, after his
resurrection from the dead. "In vain was it used threats to shut them up,
they replied: "we can not stop saying what we have seen and heard". But so much
Paul, like the other apostles, deduced the consequences of Jesus' triumph over
death. His resurrection is the supreme proof of his divinity and, therefore, of the
truth of his doctrine; and also implies the certainty of our own resurrection.
Just as the firstfruits are the testimony of the future harvest, the victory of Christians
has been contained in the victory of Jesus.


Thank God for the blessedness of the beatitudes and thank God for building our hopes with the reality of #beatitudes.

Glorified be the name of our Lord, there is power in the resurrection, and we are waiting, because it is coming soon.

If you wish, you can participate in a contest of my first anniversary in stemit, the contest is in my blog. You can win.

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