STEEMCHURCH: Jesus and his triumphal entry into Jerusalem

in #steemchurch6 years ago

During this week of Ramos we will follow the Master on his painful path to the cross, where he will pay the price of our evil and then celebrate the joy of his victorious resurrection.

Rejoice greatly, daughter of Sion; shout for joy, daughter of Jerusalem; behold, your king will come to you, righteous and saving, humble, and riding on an ass, on a colt, the son of an ass. "
Zechariah 9: 9

Jesus and his disciples were approaching the city of Jerusalem to celebrate the great Jewish feast of the Passover, which recalled that great liberation that the Jewish people experienced from the oppressive yoke of the Egyptian pharaoh, when led by Moses they escaped forever from their dominion.

Upon arriving at the Mount of Olives, the master sent two of his disciples to a nearby village with this order: There they will find a donkey and its young tied. Unleash it and bring it to me. He also warned them that if someone called their attention to it, they should respond: "The Lord needs you; and then he will send them. "


Matthew explains that such a thing happened to fulfill the prophecy of Zechariah who says: "Rejoice greatly, daughter of Zion; shout for joy, daughter of Jerusalem; behold, your king will come to you, righteous and saving, humble, and riding on an ass, on a colt, the son of an ass. "

The disciples did exactly as Jesus commanded them. They put their mantles on the animal's back and the Master sat on it. This was the entrance of Jesus into Jerusalem. A large crowd spread their cloaks on the road he passed and others cut branches from the trees and spread them on the road.

Everyone cheered him, saying: Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the high! Then the whole city was moved, saying: "Who is this? And the people said: This is Jesus the prophet, from Nazareth of Galilee. "

In this week that begins with Palm Sunday, we too, like Jesus and his disciples, will celebrate our liberation. But it will not be a freedom of foreign yoke or dictatorship that we will celebrate, but the liberation of unbelief and selfishness.

During this week of Ramos we will follow the Master on his painful path to the cross, where he will pay the price of our evil and then celebrate the joy of his victorious resurrection. It will be an intensely spiritual week.

Only a Master of the stature of Jesus of Nazareth could know where the donkey and the colt were to be found, which would serve to enter the Holy City. The Son of God who knows everything, who scrutinizes with a wise eye all visible and invisible things and, even more, knows our interiority, only He could warn that the disciples would be interrogated by the owner of those animals.

They had to respond "The Lord needs you; and then he will send them. "Jesus is more than just a rabbi or teacher. He is the Lord. When the Lord commands everyone, they are subject to His authority. Jesus did not steal the donkey and the colt but he took them for His mission. Then they would be returned to their owner. Being the highest authority in the universe, he is fair and honest. It does not act like many who take from others and never return the loan. He must be consistent with His own commandments.

Six centuries before Jesus, a prophet named Zechariah had prophesied that the people of Jerusalem and Mount Zion would rejoice and shout for joy because their king would come to them riding a colt, the son of an ass. This would be the visible sign that He was the true King of the Jews, the Messiah Savior. But there are, according to the Text, some characteristics that define this character: a) King, b) Fair, c) Salvador, d) Humble.


  1. Jesus Christ is our King, a spiritual ruler whose main mission is the complete liberation of the person. He is interested in freeing us from all guilt and that love rules our lives.

  2. Jesus Christ is a man and a just God, an example for every human being. He came to do justice, not in the human way but in the way of God, demonstrating in his own passion the eternal love of the Creator for all sinners.

  3. Jesus Christ is the Savior, "there is no other name under heaven, given to men, in whom we must be saved." The inhabitants of this planet need to be saved from the eternal condemnation of hatred and evil. Jesus makes that salvation possible to those who believe in Him.

  4. Jesus Christ is Humble. The proper condition of the one that is not in the light is pride. His arrogance does not allow him to accede to the faith or accept the affectionate gift of the merciful God. Jesus, on the other hand, is humble, accepts

This Sunday let's be like the disciples and the crowd. Let us throw our cloaks so that Jesus may ride upon them, that is, let us leave all pride, all burden, all pain and sin, at the feet of the Lord and recognize him as the One who can liberate us. Cut palm branches, symbol of human perfection, that is, offer our best gifts to Him, who by His death will give us life.

And let us also join the crowd, singing Hosanna to the Son of God! The Hebrew word hosanna means saves now. Over time, as a result of Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem, it came to be used as a salve, a greeting of acclamation and blessing. But "hosanna" is first and foremost our human request for salvation. Let us praise in our hearts Jesus, King and prophet of Nazareth of Galilee, Savior and Lord of the poor. the cross and dies for us. "Learn from me, for I am meek and humble, and you will find rest for your souls" says Jesus.

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The triumphal entry leaves us with great lessons like the one you have described in this publication, Brother Marcelo. I am impressed by the fact of the humility of my Christ when exhibited not with a real carrosa, but with a donkey colt.

thank you brother blessings

Mark 11
The triumphal entry into Jerusalem

11 When they were approaching Jerusalem, next to Bethphage and Bethany, facing the Mount of Olives, Jesus sent two of his disciples
The triumphal entry refers to Jesus arriving in Jerusalem on what we know as Palm Sunday, the Sunday before the crucifixion (John 12: 1, 12). The story of the triumphal entry is one of the few events in the life of Jesus that appears in the stories of the four gospels (Matthew 21: 1-17, Mark 11: 1-11, Luke 19: 29-40, John 12 : 12-19). Putting together the four stories, it is evident that the triumphal entry was an important event, not only for the people in Jesus' time, but for Christians throughout history. We celebrate Palm Sunday to remember that momentous occasion.

thanks for sharing this posts

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