You have to be careful with small things

in #steemchurch6 years ago


When it goes to cook the grain of Caraota, the good ones are separated from the bad grains with stones and the remains are thrown away and only those selected are cooked. In the same way, we can not separate what is good from the bad and stay with the bad, but with what is good.

Many times we do not run into large stones that we deviate from, but we stumble into small obstacles that are despised. It is necessary to watch out for small things so as not to give the enemy an opportunity.

Many people stop being blessed because of very small things that obfuscate their eyes from seeing the presence of God in their brother's life. For the Church to be spiritually mature, she needs to learn to relieve small things or defects of the brothers and keep the great blessings of God.

Have you stumbled into little things?

Some things are small, but dangerous in the life of a believer:

1- Little Foxes: "Catch us the foxes, those little foxes that destroy the vineyards, our vines in flower!" (Song of Songs 2:15)

The foxes are small bichitos and apparently docile by their beauty, but they are voracious in destroying a vineyard. When the grills are already flowery to give grapes, the foxes came and ate the flowers, the buds and did not bear more fruit.
The foxes represent 'pets' the sins of estimation. Practices seemingly harmless, but that can be destructive in the life of a Christian.
The enemy often hides sin "to deceive the elect if possible" (Mark 13:22).

Do you have any sin of estimation? Beware of sinful things in disguise!

2 Flies: "Which dead flies make the perfumer's ointment exhale foul odor, so it is wisdom and honor a little madness" (Ecclesiastes 10.1).

The text uses as an illustration a glass of odorous ointment like the one Mary spilled at the feet of Jesus (John 12.1-3), but if the perfumer, person who prepares the ointment, leaves exposed a fly that falls makes the oil smell bad in time to be nice.

This is the anointing of God in the lives of many believers. God renews and fills his life with the oil of the Holy Spirit, but then the enemy comes and sends a mosquito to torment and get his blessing.

Jesus spoke against the Pharisees, who were meticulous and demanding: "Blind guides, who glue the mosquito and swallow the camel" (Matthew 23:24). Perfectionism often only hinders.

Mosquitoes are insects that disturb in spite of their smallness and insignificance.

Exodus of the plagues was the swarm of flies entered the house to disturb the families (Exodus 8,22-24), but in the houses of the people of God did not enter into any fly.

Many times in families because of a mosquitinho, a very small thing, the person loses peace and explodes with who else should love. God did not send flies in the homes of his servants because he wants to see our families in peace.

Expel from your life the spirit of anger, restlessness and intolerance that has brought you to serve God and love your family. Learn to relieve small things in favor of peace.

Have you let 'mosquitos' disturb you? Do not lose your anointing because of small things!

3 Needles: "Because it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God" (Luke 18:25).

The needles are small and difficult to handle. If the person does not have good vision, they can not place the line on the needle. What represents the needle and the camel.

The camel that Jesus spoke to the disciples, who were fishermen, it is a very thick rope to tie the boat. Jesus compared that rope that can not enter a needle.

The needle can also be narrow doors that in Jerusalem and other walled cities. They were very thin steps on the walls of places where a camel was not wanted to enter to avoid dirt and bad smell. A camel could not enter those doors.

In any of these interpretations of the camel and the needle the sense is the same. It is difficult for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.

But the rich man is not the only one who has a lot of money. A person can be poor and be better than others and not feel a lack of anything, not of God. In the same way a person can have everything and feel needs of things, people and be sensitive to God. Many poor people are arrogant and proud as if they were rich. Pride prevents them from entering heaven, which has a narrow gate and a narrow road (Matthew 7:13).

When the person is big, proud, he becomes as thick as a camel and there is no church there that such a person falls down that he looks older than the door of the church.

Have you found yourself rich? Are you satisfied that you do not need anything or anyone?

Never think that you do not need anyone!

4 La Chispa: "So too the tongue, small organ, has great things to see how a spark puts coals in great forests!" (James 3.5).

A small spark of fire is capable of great destruction. Also a cursed word destroys lives. Language has the power to kill and give life.
How many families are destroyed because of words that could be left unsaid. If I had to swallow our words again, I think we get stuck with hard things we talked about.

Anger is the fuel that ignites the spark in the tongue. Beware when anger starts to warm you to speak words that displease God and offend your brother. The truth can be told, but the "truth in love" (Ephesians 4:15). Without love, truth can be just a weapon to hurt people.
You have been careful with the words you speak?
By your words you will be judged!

5- Straw: "Hypocrite First remove the beam from your own eye, and then you will see well to remove the straw from your brother's eye" (Matthew 7,5).

Imagine only one person who has a pole in front of the eye talking about a straw in another person's eye. It would be a lot of incoherence! But we are all incoherent as human beings and we need to watch to not do that.

The straw is small in front of a beam. When one person implies with the other, anything is too big to be tolerated. But with himself or with whom he wants to defend, the person is able to not see much greater things. Sometimes we do not support small things and we fall into much larger ones.

We can not see small buckets in the eye of another person if we have a pole in front of the face. Then we need to learn to look within ourselves and learn to correct our shortcomings without looking for mistakes in the other.

The world sees the white robes of the Christian and tries to stain his life somehow, but remember that he was washed and put off by the blood of Jesus.
Have you seen blind in the eyes of a brother?
Watch to not have a post in front of you!

Beware of the little things!

In the Bible we see many men of God who sinned in small things and lost their blessing:

-Adan and Eve sinned because of a fruit (Genesis 3,6).

-Caim killed Abel out of jealousy of an offer (Genesis 4,5).

-Esau lost their blessing for a bowl of lentils (Genesis 25:34).

-Sanson delivered his secret because of an xarada of "what is it through a woman (Judges 14:14).

-Judas lost their salvation by 30 pieces (Matthew 27,3).

-Jonas was angry because of a drying plant (Jonas 4,9).

  • Moses did not enter the promised land that touched the rock twice in anger (Numbers 20:11).

-Uzá tried to hold the Ark and they died because he was not allowed to do this (II Samuel 6,6).

-Saul lost the kingdom by which he tore the mantle of the prophet Samuel (I Samuel 15:27).

We must be careful before the burden of small things that the people Jesus said "throw away the first stone who is free from sin" (John 8,7).


Do not lose your blessing for anything, big or small.

And you? Do you have a small thing preventing you from receiving God's blessing and living your purpose in your life?


The word of God says that we should catch small foxes, of course, hunting big things is easy, because we see them quickly, but small things often do not appear, they hide. We must not allow small and bad actions to damage the vineyard of the Lord: The Church.


There are many situations that end up invading our lives and the church, situations that sometimes we do not give much importance for being small, example: gossip, jealousy etc.

Good message dear Lorennys

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