The Kingdom Of God Is Serious

in #steemchurch6 years ago


Jesus begins his earthly ministry. For thirty years he was prepared in the school of the grace of God, formed in the prophetic discernment, and in the unbreakable ideal of his mission. Now proclaim: "The time has come, the sovereign government of the Lord is among you, change your hearts and feelings, believe and trust in the wonderful news that God loves, cares and saves.

There are concepts that are fundamental to the understanding of the message of Jesus Christ: the concept of the kingdom of God, that of repentance, that of faith and the meaning of the gospel. After all, that kingdom came, the gospel is here, and Jesus encourages repentance and absolute and exclusive trust in Him.

God's kingdom

There is much to be said about the kingdom of God, or "kingdom of heaven," as Matthew reverently and euphemistically prefers to call. The kingdom of God has no mystery: it means that God is king. Whether the human being is obedient or not, God is king. What the person does will influence his position in the kingdom, but it does not change the fact of the kingdom of God.

The issue was so dominant in Jesus' message that His first sermon had it as his theme (Mark 1.15), and His last reflections spoke of the kingdom (Acts 1.3). The kingdom of God is the government of God in the heart of the human person, in his will, in his intellect, in his total being, and thus: it is moral, not nationalistic; it is spiritual, not material; It is current, not ideal or abstract. It is a present reality, that is, God exercises His sovereignty now, but it is a future hope.

The government of God in life is something of such substance that Jesus presents it as a treasure without comparisons (Mt 13.44-46). That is why it is a gift, but it is a requirement; It is a concession and a gift, but it costs what one has to enter it (Matthew 6.33).


"Repent ..."

The other central concept is that of repentance, which is not as easy as we sometimes think. The Greek word used for it is metanóia, which literally means "change of mentality". And, in reality, you can not win the kingdom of God without broken heart, that is, the government of God is done in the repentant heart.

D. James Kennedy in his Transforming Truths, says that the doctrine of repentance is very strange because repentance by itself does not save anyone, but no one can be saved without repentance. On the other hand, the Bible gives considerable importance to this issue, both in the Old Testament as a "return" and in the New Testament as, as we have seen, as "change of mind".

But, why do not the people repent? Because he lost sight of the true meaning of sin, which today has become unimportant, and he has forgotten that his nature becomes degraded, depraved, and different from what God had in purpose for humanity. The people do not repent because they lost sight of the holiness of God; He does not raise his eyes to contemplate the glory and majesty of the Lord.

Repentance is a very rich word: it is the word that opens the heavens for us, and no one can pronounce truly repentant without the Holy Spirit giving support.

Repentance is the word that brings the sinner back to the house of God, because Jesus began his preaching ministry with her. It is the word that can not be said in hell, and the other way around, in heaven, nobody needs to use it.


"... Believe in the gospel"

Let's talk about faith, which was another of the concepts highlighted by Jesus. He did not say, "repent and believe in the gospel"? What does the Holy Word say about belief and faith? Let's go to Ephesians 2.8, 9: "For it is by the grace that you are saved, through faith - and this does not come from you, it is a gift from God - not from works, so that no one can boast." With repentance, you have decided to abandon past life and sins; You have already chosen the path, and that path is not easy, it is true.

Because the next step is faith. Notice: "Now, without faith it is impossible to please God, because it is necessary that whoever approaches God believes that he exists, and that he is the reward of those who seek him" (Hebrews 11.6). Hebrews 11 also says that "it was through her that the ancients obtained a good testimony" (v.2). Next, a list of heroes of the faith, such as Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Raabe, judges and prophets, the righteous of the Old Testament. In all cases, the author of the Letter to the Hebrews speaks of a deep feeling of trust, of faith. You know why? Because "without faith it is impossible to please God," and that is because Jesus called for repentance and that faith.

Faith initiates the Christian life. Initiate and sustain the walk of the believer. There is a past history in one of the countries of the old Iron Curtain. He says that two soldiers entered an evangelical congregation armed with machine guns. With angry voices, they interrupted the cult by saying that those who were willing to renounce the faith and Christ should pass to the right side of the sanctuary, and be released. A part of the congregation changed its place. The soldiers ordered them to leave. Most of the congregation remained in the small temple. The doors were closed, and the soldiers said: "We are also believers, we come to have communion with you, but first we wanted to get rid of the hypocrites."

Jesus was not confused when he spoke of faith: "The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: Repent and believe in the gospel" (Mk 1,14,15). To have faith is to believe; To believe is to have faith. Faith will lead you to divine grace, and grace will lead you to Christ, and then, "if someone is in Christ, new creature is, old things have passed away, everything has become new" (2 Corinthians 5:17).

In the Scriptures, repentance and faith never separate. There can be no true repentance without faith, nor genuine faith without repentance. Then, believing in the gospel is the same as taking the word of Jesus Christ, believing that God is exactly the One Jesus said he was; is to believe that God loves the world in such a way that he will make any sacrifice to attract Him.

Jesus requires conversion, and his three elements are repentance, faith and regeneration. We can not have peace with God or peace with others, not even peace within ourselves, as long as we do not do something about that terrible reality called sin. It is at that point that Jesus Christ makes the invitation because the kingdom of God came, eternity invaded time, in Jesus Christ, God and His love and His salvation invaded the world. What is your response to Jesus' invitation?

Hebrews 12.2 ("looking firmly to Jesus, author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was proposed to us endured the cross, despising the ignominy, and is seated at the right hand of God's throne") indicates Jesus Christ as He in Whom faith must be born, and who has to carry it for all eternity. It also says that Jesus endured the cross, and he did it with joy for us, for you. Complete the thought by saying that all authority was granted to him, and now he is on the throne of power.

Jesus endured the cross, that's why our eyes turn towards Calvary. But he is sitting on the throne, because our gaze turns to his glory. What is your reaction? Are you going to take the kingdom of God seriously?


In the world, whoever "commands" is considered "great"; but in the Kingdom of Heaven, the King is God and his best ministers are those who do what He commands.
(Matthew 18: 4) So, anyone who humbles himself like this child, that is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. The kingdom is something serious, we must take it in a subtle and delicate way, we can not play with what God has given us.

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