Marriage: A precious asset that we should treasure!

in #steemchurch6 years ago

Greetings and Blessings Brothers and Sisters of SteemChurch

There was a time when marriage did not have the same format it has today. Each nation, each people, each culture had a way to make marital unions. Marriage in the format that reigns in many countries of South America, is new in the history of humanity, has only two hundred years.

As we enter the 21st century, we find ourselves with a new reality. The concept of "lasting marriage" or "eternal", registered in the office, with "partial or total property regime" is disappearing and a new concept arises that admits only the "stable union between the spouses". Union that can be dissolved through divorce, even by Internet and in the minimum possible time.

Expressions like: "He married, it did not work, he separates and he marries again"; The children of different weddings are created by new couples, without the old idea of ​​"stepfather or stepmother". Being a single mother is an option already accepted by society as a normal thing, quiet ... And so it goes ...


There is a biblical pattern that goes beyond the borders of time. Can we fit into the current patterns of society, without hurting the "Plan of God" to the family? Say: No!
The role of each spouse is defined by the Word of God. We can not follow the current behavior trend.


The perpetuation of the species is a project of life.

"So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him, male and female he created them." And God blessed them and said to them, "Be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth and hold it, rule over the fish of the earth." sea, on the birds of the heavens and above all animals that crawl on the earth. (Genesis 1.27-28)

In the case of other living beings, nature itself provided that each species reproduce and many times that reproduction is done in a very random way. In the case of the human being, an alliance between male and female was necessary, so that procreation would take place in an orderly and responsible manner. Without the role of father and mother, to educate and prepare for life, the human being would be the wildest of animals.


The human being is a rational, sociable animal.
"It is not good for man to live alone." (Genesis 2.18)

Nothing in this world fills or replaces the presence of a husband or wife. Marriage is divine providence, for the problem of loneliness and the emptiness of man's soul. When you find your partner the man, or the woman is completed.
Every man was made to have a woman in his company and vice versa.

Today I pray for the marriages of all the Parishioners of SteemChurch who are sharing their whole lives with someone!

I also thank God for my marriage, @emiliocabrera and I, we have been married for 12 years and we have a beautiful girl! We have lived good and bad times but, with God we always go ahead and we have been happy.

Each day is an opportunity that God gives us to share as a family, do not wait for an anniversary day to look your partner in the eye and say how much they love each other!



Thank you dear Lorennys! Actually, marriage is a sacred institution that we should keep in the original state for which God created it, nowadays divorce seems to be fashionable, however, God wants people to fight to the end, following the biblical principles established by The.


Very true what you say Amiga, times have changed and marriage has suffered the consequences of the paradigms that society has imposed. Still many
Christian marriages have been dragged by the scourge of divorce, so we must reflect on this. God bless your marriage!

Yes, "A triple rope can not be broken in two soon." (ECCLESIASTS 4:12.), When a marriage involves God, it is a strong marriage. Excellent Reflection, I also pray for marriages!

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