I want to live without fear, with peace and freedom!

in #steemchurch6 years ago (edited)

Hi brothers of steemchurch!
If you live in Venezuela, you may see thousands of faces confused by the fear caused by the high cost of living nowadays.

(I want to live without fear, with peace and freedom)

Is there a Christian here who needs the next verse?

"The spirit of slavery has not been received on foot again with fear, but you have received the spirit of adoption, for which we cry, Abba, Father." (Romans 8:15)

Fear will prevent you from becoming what God planned for your life. Fear will limit your potential, it will even ruin and devastate your life. God does not want you to live a life full of fears.

You may find that it is a coincidence, but the expression "do not fear" appears 365 in the Bible (some versions). It is one for each day of the year. I would say that God hates fear.

The Bible says: "There is no fear in love, but perfect love drives out fear ..." (1 John 4:18). God is love, and the more you fill your life with God, the less fear you will have.

When you are afraid, there are two things you must do to keep it away. First, remember that you are in the family of God. Romans 8:14 says: "Those who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God."

If someone or something generates fear, you must stop and remember that you are a child of God. You are not an orphan; you're not alone. He is your Father, and God is greater and more powerful than anything else.

Not only that, but you can call him anytime He listens to you. "... by the power of the Spirit we cry:" Father! My father! ... "(Romans 8: 14-16) He will send his Spirit to come and calm down.

What is your greatest fear? For most people, the greatest fear is not the fear of public speaking; It is the fear of not having control of things. The truth is that most of your life is beyond your control. But it is not out of God's control. Your father is in control. And you must remember who is a child and who can call at any time of the day.



A fundamental piece for those of us who are exercising faith in God every day, perfect love casts out fear. No more fear! no more cowardice, the Spirit of God moves with power giving courage to our hearts. Well post Sister!



Hi sister @lorennys, when we cultivate a trust with God, fear does not stop us because we know that His hand is in us.

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