Christ And The Poor Of The World

in #steemchurch6 years ago (edited)

Humanitarian organizations, Christian or not, often speak of "fighting poverty and injustice." Someone objected once: but Jesus did not come to the world to fight against poverty! The implication is that if Jesus did not come for this, we should not dedicate ourselves to this task either.

Of course?

SteemChurch Venezuela with our Apostle @darlenys01 has understood this and at the hands of God and with its great leader @SirKnight start this wonderful project called BREAD OF HEAVEN which we give the most cordial welcome to Steemchurch.

Jesus and the poor

If we look at the Gospels for what they have to say about Jesus and the poor, what do we find?

Let's see some things.

  1. Jesus came into the world in conditions that brought him closer to the poor:

In a stable, because there was no place for him in the hotel.

In a low-income family that soon fled to Egypt under the threat of a tyrant. Jesus became a small immigrant. With the widow and the orphan, "the immigrant" is one of the figures of the poor person in the Bible.

The least that can be said is that Jesus approached the poor.

  1. Jesus lived his ministry in proximity with the excluded:

He frequented those who were not "ordinary" or simply marginalized: sinners, but also prostitutes, lepers, ordinary people, children, tax collectors, etc.

He performed many miracles in his favor

  1. Jesus' teaching was about the poor:

He said that he was sent to announce the good news to the poor (Luke 4:18).

His teaching touched on topics such as almsgiving or the love of neighbor in need.

Jesus and his disciples undoubtedly put this teaching into practice according to John 13:29 suggests that part of the money of the group of disciples of Jesus was dedicated to the poor.

  1. Jesus denounced the injustice of religious leaders who pray a lot to appear while devouring the houses of widows (Mark 12:40).

His miracles are signs of the coming Kingdom, more than a kind of social action

The fight of Jesus

Why did Jesus come into the world? He himself gives us the answer: "This is how the Son of Man came, not to be served, but to serve and give his life as a ransom for many." (Matthew 20.28)

On the cross, Jesus led the greatest of all the fights and conquered: the devil was expelled, the veil of the temple was torn so that all sinners who appealed to the Lord - like the thief crucified at his side, have free access to God . He has won the victory over death and the future advent of a new heaven and a new earth where justice will live.

Without the victory of Jesus, all our struggles become useless ... but with their victory, they can find meaning.

In some cases, loving means fighting.

Jesus summarizes what God expects of us in our relationships with those he puts in our way: "You shall love your neighbor as yourself". "

This command must be applied in several ways:

  • With her husband
  • with their parents
  • children
  • with the brothers and sisters of the Church
  • and his colleagues

How does it apply to the poor?

  • Sometimes, for alms
  • sometimes, ensuring that the weakest are treated fairly

Those who dedicate themselves to this work among the poor are very aware that poverty is a reality:

  • Poor
  • Destroyer
  • Hostile

And then his action takes the form of a fight.

And every time that poverty recedes, even a little, it is a victory.

In some cases, loving means fighting ... and Jesus came into the world to teach us to love.

The one who gives to the poor lends to the LORD, And the good he has done, he will repay it. Proverbs 19:17


Jesus Christ said: I was hungry and you gave me food! When? because you did it to my little ones, you did it to me!

Good message dear Lorennys!

This is amazing.
Feeding the poor and living for others is what Christ want us to do everyday and we have also learned that from our leader @sirknight

Thanks for sharing.

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